Tej B. S. Pradhan
- Experimental Study On A Band-shaped Horizontal Drain On The Seabed. Dans: 土木学会論文集 (Doboku Gakkai rombunshū), v. 1994, n. 486 (mars 1994). (1994):
- Experimental Study On The Consolidation Efficiency And The Equivalent Diameter Of Cross Shaped Drain. Dans: 土木学会論文集 (Doboku Gakkai rombunshū), v. 1996, n. 554 (décembre 1996). (1996):
- Experimental Study On The Consolidation Efficiency Of A Plastic Board Drain For Larger Depth Of Soft Clay. Dans: 土木学会論文集 (Doboku Gakkai rombunshū), v. 1997, n. 560 (mars 1997). (1997):
- Strength and Deformation, Characteristics of Sand in Torsional Simple Shear. Dans: Soils and Foundations, v. 28, n. 3 (septembre 1988). (1988):
- Simple Shear Testing on Sand in a Torsional Shear Apparatus. Dans: Soils and Foundations, v. 28, n. 2 (juin 1988). (1988):
- Liquefaction Strength of Sands Subjected to Sustained Pressure. Dans: Soils and Foundations, v. 28, n. 1 (mars 1988). (1988):
- Accuracy of Automated Volume Change Measurement by Means of a Differential Pressure Transducer. Dans: Soils and Foundations, v. 26, n. 4 (décembre 1986). (1986):
- Failure and Deformation of Sand in Torsional Shear. Dans: Soils and Foundations, v. 26, n. 4 (décembre 1986). (1986):
- An Automated Triaxial Testing System Using a Simple Triaxial Cell for Soils. Dans: Soils and Foundations, v. 29, n. 1 (mars 1989). (1989):
- On Stress-Dilatancy Equations of Sand Subjected to Cyclic Loading. Dans: Soils and Foundations, v. 29, n. 1 (mars 1989). (1989):
- Experimental Stress-Dilatancy Relations of Sand Subjected to Cyclic Loading. Dans: Soils and Foundations, v. 29, n. 1 (mars 1989). (1989):
- Soil Identification Using Piezocone Data by Fuzzy Method. Dans: Soils and Foundations, v. 38, n. 1 (mars 1998). (1998):
- Stress-Strain Behavior and Yielding Characteristics of Eastern Osaka Clay. Dans: Soils and Foundations, v. 35, n. 3 (septembre 1995). (1995):
- Cyclic Undrained Triaxial Strength of Clay by a Round Robin Test. Dans: Soils and Foundations, v. 39, n. 4 (août 1999). (1999):