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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. Saviano, Felice / Lignola, Gian Piero / Parisi, Fulvio (2024): Experimental compressive and shear behaviour of clay brick masonry with degraded joints. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 452 (novembre 2024).


  2. De Angelis, Alessandra / Losanno, Daniele / Parisi, Fulvio / Pecce, Maria Rosaria (2024): Identification of Modal Parameters of Scaled Bridge PC Beams by OMA Dynamic Tests. Dans: Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), v. 29, n. 8 (août 2024).


  3. Michelini, Elena / Ferretti, Daniele / Miccoli, Lorenzo / Parisi, Fulvio (2023): Autoclaved aerated concrete masonry for energy efficient buildings: State of the art and future developments. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 402 (octobre 2023).


  4. Losanno, Daniele / Galano, Simone / Parisi, Fulvio / Pecce, Maria Rosaria / Cosenza, Edoardo (2024): Experimental Investigation on Nonlinear Flexural Behavior of Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge Girders with Different Grouting Conditions and Prestress Levels. Dans: Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), v. 29, n. 3 (mars 2024).


  5. Losanno, Daniele / Galano, Simone / Parisi, Fulvio (2024): Influence of strand rupture on flexural behavior of reduced-scale prestressed concrete bridge girders with different prestressing levels. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 301 (février 2024).


  6. Galano, Simone / Losanno, Daniele / Miluccio, Giacomo / Parisi, Fulvio (2023): Multidimensional nonlinear numerical simulation of post‐tensioned concrete girders with different prestressing levels. Dans: Structural Concrete, v. 24, n. 6 (2 novembre 2023).


  7. Ding, Jia-Yi / Feng, De-Cheng / Brunesi, Emanuele / Parisi, Fulvio / Wu, Gang (2023): Efficient seismic fragility analysis method utilizing ground motion clustering and probabilistic machine learning. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 294 (novembre 2023).


  8. Pulatsu, Bora / Gönen, Semih / Parisi, Fulvio (2023): Effect of Precompression and Material Uncertainty on the In-Plane Behavior of URM Pier–Spandrel Systems. Dans: Buildings, v. 13, n. 1 (13 janvier 2023).


  9. Miluccio, Giacomo / Losanno, Daniele / Parisi, Fulvio / Cosenza, Edoardo (2023): Fragility analysis of existing prestressed concrete bridges under traffic loads according to new Italian guidelines. Dans: Structural Concrete, v. 24, n. 1 (février 2023).


  10. Saviano, Felice / Parisi, Fulvio / Lignola, Gian Piero (2022): Material aging effects on the in-plane lateral capacity of tuff stone masonry walls: a numerical investigation. Dans: Materials and Structures, v. 55, n. 7 (5 août 2022).


  11. Feng, De-Cheng / Zhang, Meng-Xia / Brunesi, Emanuele / Parisi, Fulvio / Yu, Jun / Zhou, Zhen (2022): Investigation of 3D effects on dynamic progressive collapse resistance of RC structures considering slabs and infill walls. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 54 (août 2022).


  12. Cassese, Paolino / Balestrieri, Claudio / Fenu, Luigi / Asprone, Domenico / Parisi, Fulvio (2021): In-plane shear behaviour of adobe masonry wallets strengthened with textile reinforced mortar. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 306 (novembre 2021).


  13. Ravichandran, Nagavinothini / Losanno, Daniele / Parisi, Fulvio (2021): Comparative assessment of finite element macro-modelling approaches for seismic analysis of non-engineered masonry constructions. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 19, n. 13 (6 septembre 2021).


  14. Feng, De-Cheng / Xiong, Cheng-Zhuo / Brunesi, Emanuele / Parisi, Fulvio / Wu, Gang (2020): Numerical Simulation and Parametric Analysis of Precast Concrete Beam-Slab Assembly Based on Layered Shell Elements. Dans: Buildings, v. 11, n. 1 (22 décembre 2020).


  15. Parisi, Fulvio / Asprone, Domenico / Fenu, Luigi / Prota, Andrea (2015): Experimental characterization of Italian composite adobe bricks reinforced with straw fibers. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 122 (avril 2015).


  16. Caporale, Andrea / Parisi, Fulvio / Asprone, Domenico / Luciano, Raimondo / Prota, Andrea (2015): Comparative micromechanical assessment of adobe and clay brick masonry assemblages based on experimental data sets. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 120 (février 2015).


  17. Caporale, Andrea / Parisi, Fulvio / Asprone, Domenico / Luciano, Raimondo / Prota, Andrea (2014): Micromechanical analysis of adobe masonry as two-component composite: Influence of bond and loading schemes. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 112 (juin 2014).


  18. Bozza, Anna / Asprone, Domenico / Parisi, Fulvio / Manfredi, Gaetano (2017): Alternative Resilience Indices for City Ecosystems Subjected to Natural Hazards. Dans: Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 32, n. 7 (juin 2017).


  19. Piro, Annachiara / de Silva, Filomena / Parisi, Fulvio / Scotto di Santolo, Anna / Silvestri, Francesco (2019): Effects of soil-foundation-structure interaction on fundamental frequency and radiation damping ratio of historical masonry building sub-structures. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 18, n. 4 (novembre 2019).


  20. Parisi, Fulvio / Balestrieri, Claudio / Varum, Humberto (2019): Nonlinear finite element model for traditional adobe masonry. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 223 (octobre 2019).


  21. Augenti, Nicola / Parisi, Fulvio (2011): Constitutive modelling of tuff masonry in direct shear. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 25, n. 4 (avril 2011).


  22. Parisi, Fulvio / Augenti, Nicola (2013): Assessment of unreinforced masonry cross sections under eccentric compression accounting for strain softening. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 41 (avril 2013).


  23. Parisi, Fulvio / Balestrieri, Claudio / Asprone, Domenico (2016): Nonlinear micromechanical model for tuff stone masonry: Experimental validation and performance limit states. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 105 (février 2016).


  24. Parisi, Fulvio / Augenti, Nicola / Prota, Andrea (2014): Implications of the spandrel type on the lateral behavior of unreinforced masonry walls. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 43, n. 12 (septembre 2014).


  25. Parisi, Fulvio / Balestrieri, Claudio / Asprone, Domenico (2016): Blast resistance of tuff stone masonry walls. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 113 (avril 2016).


  26. Parisi, Fulvio / Sabella, Giuseppe (2017): Flow-type landslide fragility of reinforced concrete framed buildings. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 131 (janvier 2017).


  27. Parisi, Fulvio / Augenti, Nicola (2012): Influence of seismic design criteria on blast resistance of RC framed buildings: A case study. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 44 (novembre 2012).


  28. Parisi, Fulvio / Sabella, Giuseppe / Augenti, Nicola (2016): Constitutive model selection for unreinforced masonry cross sections based on best-fit analytical moment–curvature diagrams. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 111 (mars 2016).


  29. De Biagi, Valerio / Parisi, Fulvio / Asprone, Domenico / Chiaia, Bernardino / Manfredi, Gaetano (2017): Collapse resistance assessment through the implementation of progressive damage in finite element codes. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 136 (avril 2017).


  30. Parisi, Fulvio (2015): Blast fragility and performance-based pressure–impulse diagrams of European reinforced concrete columns. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 103 (novembre 2015).


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