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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. Arnold, Will / Cook, Mike / Cox, Duncan / Gibbons, Orlando / Orr, John (2024): SCORS at four: what can we learn from the Structural Awards?. Dans: The Structural Engineer, v. 102, n. 11 (11 novembre 2024).


  2. Orr, John / Gibbons, Orlando / Arnold, Will (2020): A brief guide to calculating embodied carbon. Dans: The Structural Engineer, v. 98, n. 7 (juillet 2020).


  3. Poole, Ian / Gabbianelli, Marika / Arnold, Will / Orr, John (2021): Seeing the bigger picture – industry emissions, your project and the performance gap. Dans: The Structural Engineer, v. 99, n. 10 (octobre 2021).


  4. Costa, Eduardo / Oval, Robin / Shepherd, Paul / Orr, John (2023): Computational design exploration of a segmented concrete shell building floor system. Dans: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings, v. 176, n. 12 (décembre 2023).


  5. Oval, Robin / Nuh, Mishael / Costa, Eduardo / Madyan, Omar Abo / Orr, John / Shepherd, Paul (2023): A prototype low-carbon segmented concrete shell building floor system. Dans: Structures, v. 49 (mars 2023).


  6. Hobbs, Mark / Dodwell, Tim / Hattori, Gabriel / Orr, John (2022): An examination of the size effect in quasi-brittle materials using a bond-based peridynamic model. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 262 (juillet 2022).


  7. Jayasinghe, Amila / Orr, John / Ibell, Tim / Boshoff, William P. (2022): Minimising embodied carbon in reinforced concrete flat slabs through parametric design. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 50 (juin 2022).


  8. Hobbs, Mark / Hattori, Gabriel / Orr, John (2022): Predicting shear failure in reinforced concrete members using a three-dimensional peridynamic framework. Dans: Computers & Structures, v. 258 (janvier 2022).


  9. Kanavaris, Fragkoulis / Gibbons, Orlando / Walport, Emily / Shearer, Ed / Abbas, Ali / Orr, John / Marsh, Bryan (2022): Reducing embodied carbon dioxide of structural concrete with lightweight aggregate. Dans: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, v. 175, n. 2 (avril 2022).


  10. Marsh, Ellen / Orr, John / Ibell, Tim (2021): Quantification of uncertainty in product stage embodied carbon calculations for buildings. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 251 (novembre 2021).


  11. Jayasinghe, Amila / Orr, John / Ibell, Tim / Boshoff, William P. (2021): Minimising embodied carbon in reinforced concrete beams. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 242 (septembre 2021).


  12. Wu, Chao / Yu, Yang-zhe / Tam, Lik-ho / Orr, John / He, Li (2021): Effect of glass fiber sheet in adhesive on the bond and galvanic corrosion behaviours of CFRP-Steel bonded system. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 259 (mars 2021).


  13. Orr, John / Brás, Ana / Ibell, Tim (2017): Effectiveness of design codes for life cycle energy optimisation. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 140 (avril 2017).


  14. Spadea, Saverio / Orr, John / Ivanova, Kristin (2017): Bend-strength of novel filament wound shear reinforcement. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 176 (septembre 2017).


  15. Drewniok, Michał P. / Campbell, Jamie / Orr, John (2020): The Lightest Beam Method – A methodology to find ultimate steel savings and reduce embodied carbon in steel framed buildings. Dans: Structures, v. 27 (octobre 2020).


  16. Huang, Qunyi / Orr, John / Huang, Yanxia / Xiong, Feng / Jia, Hongyu (2020): Seismic performance of a load-bearing prefabricated composite wall panel structure for residential construction. Dans: Advances in Structural Engineering, v. 23, n. 13 (juin 2020).


  17. Hawkins, Will / Orr, John / Ibell, Tim / Shepherd, Paul (2020): A design methodology to reduce the embodied carbon of concrete buildings using thin-shell floors. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 207 (mars 2020).


  18. Richards, Oliver / Rickard, Ieuan / Orr, John / Bisby, Luke (2018): Response of concrete cast in permeable moulds to severe heating. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 160 (janvier 2018).


  19. Fosas, Daniel / Moran, Francis / Natarajan, Sukumar / Orr, John / Coley, David (2019): The importance of thermal modelling and prototyping in shelter design. Dans: Building Research & Information, v. 48, n. 4 (septembre 2019).


  20. Williamson, David / Orr, John / Fulford, David (2018): Biogas Dome Construction Using Pneumatics. Dans: Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, v. 22, n. 2 ( 2018).


  21. Ibell, Tim / Orr, John / Kostova, Kaloyana / Darby, Antony / Evernden, Mark (2013): Extraordinary possibilities for future concrete structures. Dans: The IES Journal Part A: Civil & Structural Engineering, v. 6, n. 4 (novembre 2013).


  22. Orr, John / Darby, Antony / Ibell, Timothy / Evernden, Mark / Otlet, Mike (2012): Design of innovative fabric formed beams in shear. Présenté pendant: 18th IABSE Congress: Innovative Infrastructures – Towards Human Urbanism, Seoul, Korea, 19-21 September 2012.


  23. Tayfur, Yadgar / Darby, Antony / Ibell, Tim / Orr, John / Evernden, Mark (2019): Serviceability of non-prismatic concrete beams: Combined-interaction method. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 191 (juillet 2019).


  24. Orr, John / Pronk, Arno / Ibell, Tim (2019): Advanced Manufacturing and Materials for Innovative Structural Design. Dans: Structures, v. 18 (avril 2019).


  25. Hawkins, Will / Orr, John / Shepherd, Paul / Ibell, Tim (2019): Design, Construction and Testing of a Low Carbon Thin-Shell Concrete Flooring System. Dans: Structures, v. 18 (avril 2019).


  26. Raicic, Vesna / Ibell, Tim / Darby, Antony / Evernden, Mark / Orr, John (2017): Prolonging the Life of our Concrete Structures: Deep Embedment Shear Strengthening of Continuous RC T-beams. Présenté pendant: IABSE Conference: Creativity and Collaboration – Instilling Imagination and Innovation in Structural Design, Bath, United Kingdom, 19-20 April 2017.


  27. Hawkins, Will / Orr, John / Ibell, Tim / Shepherd, Paul (2017): Developing an innovative lightweight concrete flooring system for sustainable buildings. Présenté pendant: IABSE Conference: Creativity and Collaboration – Instilling Imagination and Innovation in Structural Design, Bath, United Kingdom, 19-20 April 2017.


  28. Orr, John / Darby, Antony / Ibell, Timothy / Evernden, Mark (2013): Durability enhancements using fabric formwork. Dans: Magazine of Concrete Research, v. 65, n. 20 (octobre 2013).


  29. Hawkins, Will / Orr, John / Ibell, Tim / Shepherd, Paul (2018): An Analytical Failure Envelope for the Design of Textile Reinforced Concrete Shells. Dans: Structures, v. 15 (août 2018).


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