Li, Lingxu / Muhamad Bunnori, N. / Tan, Chee Ghuan: Study on Failure Characteristics of Concrete under Simulated Acid Rain Based on Nondestructive Computed Tomography. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering.
Alani, Aktham H. / Megat Johari, Megat Azmi / Noaman, Ahmed Tareq / Muhamad Bunnori, N. / Majid, T. A. (2024): The Role of Silica Fume in Enhancing the Strength and Transport Properties of PET Fiber–Ultra High-Performance Concrete. Dans: Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, v. 13, n. 1 (29 janvier 2024).
Alani, Aktham H. / Megat Johari, Megat Azmi / Muhamad Bunnori, N. / Majid, T. A. (2023): Application of response surface methodology for optimizing the compressive strength of green ultra high strength concrete using silica fume. Dans: Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation, v. 9, n. 1 (3 novembre 2023).
Alani, Aktham H. / Megat Johari, Megat Azmi / Noaman, Ahmed Tareq / Muhamad Bunnori, N. / Majid, T. A. (2022): Effect of the incorporation of PET fiber and ternary blended binder on the flexural and tensile behaviour of ultra-high performance green concrete. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 331 (mai 2022).
Akhtar, Mohammad Nadeem / Ibrahim, Zainah / Muhamad Bunnori, N. / Jameel, Mohammed / Tarannum, Nazia / Akhtar, J. N. (2021): Performance of sustainable sand concrete at ambient and elevated temperature. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 280 (avril 2021).
Mohammed, Thaer Jasim / Abu Bakar, B. H. / Muhamad Bunnori, N. (2015): Strengthening of reinforced concrete beams subjected to torsion with UHPFC composites. Dans: Structural Engineering and Mechanics, v. 56, n. 1 (octobre 2015).
Aldahdooh, M. A. A. / Muhamad Bunnori, N. / Megat Johari, M. A. / Jamrah, A. / Alnuaimi, Ali (2016): Retrofitting of damaged reinforced concrete beams with a new green cementitious composites material. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 142 (mai 2016).
Ma, Shengqiang / Muhamad Bunnori, N. / Choong, Kok Keong (2022): Torsional Behavior of RC Box Beams Strengthened by CFRP under Combined Shear and Torsion. Dans: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings, v. 175, n. 12 (décembre 2022).
Alani, Aktham H. / Muhamad Bunnori, N. / Noaman, Ahmed Tareq / Majid, T. A. (2020): Mechanical characteristics of PET fibre-reinforced green ultra-high performance composite concrete. Dans: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, v. 26, n. 7 (juillet 2020).
Muhamad Bunnori, N. / Alani, Aktham H. / Noaman, Ahmed Tareq / Megat Johari, M. A. / Majid, T. A. (2020): Relationships between Compressive Strength and Transport Properties of Ultrahigh-Strength Green Concrete Utilizing Ternary-Blended Binder. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 32, n. 3 (mars 2020).
Mohammed, Thaer Jasim / Bakar, B. H. Abu / Muhamad Bunnori, N. / Ibraheem, Omer Farouk (2015): Finite element analysis of longitudinal reinforcement beams with UHPFC under torsion. Dans: Computers and Concrete, v. 16, n. 1 (juillet 2015).
Alani, Aktham H. / Megat Johari, Megat Azmi / Aldahdooh, M. A. A. / Muhamad Bunnori, N. (2019): Development of engineering and transport properties of green high strength concrete utilizing ternary blended binders. Dans: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, v. 25, n. 7 (avril 2019).
Ma, Shengqiang / Muhamad Bunnori, N. / Choong, Kok Keong / Zhao, Rui (2019): Models Reviewed for Predicting CFRP Shear Contribution of Strengthened Reinforced Concrete Box Beam. Dans: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 23, n. 8 (juin 2019).
Abo Sabah, S. H. / Hassan, M. H. / Muhamad Bunnori, N. / Megat Johari, M. A. (2019): Bond strength of the interface between normal concrete substrate and GUSMRC repair material overlay. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 216 (août 2019).
Alani, Aktham H. / Muhamad Bunnori, N. / Noaman, Ahmed Tareq / Majid, T. A. (2019): Durability performance of a novel ultra-high-performance PET green concrete (UHPPGC). Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 209 (juin 2019).
Johari, M. A. Megat / Zeyad, A. M. / Muhamad Bunnori, N. / Ariffin, K. S. (2012): Engineering and transport properties of high-strength green concrete containing high volume of ultrafine palm oil fuel ash. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 30 (mai 2012).
Aldahdooh, M. A. A. / Muhamad Bunnori, N. / Johari, M. A. Megat (2013): Damage evaluation of reinforced concrete beams with varying thickness using the acoustic emission technique. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 44 (juillet 2013).
Aldahdooh, M. A. A. / Muhamad Bunnori, N. (2013): Crack classification in reinforced concrete beams with varying thicknesses by mean of acoustic emission signal features. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 45 (août 2013).
Mohammed, Thaer Jasim / Bakar, B. H. Abu / Muhamad Bunnori, N. (2016): Torsional improvement of reinforced concrete beams using ultra high-performance fiber reinforced concrete (UHPFC) jackets – Experimental study. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 106 (mars 2016).
Aldahdooh, M. A. A. / Muhamad Bunnori, N. / Johari, M. A. Megat (2013): Development of green ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete containing ultrafine palm oil fuel ash. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 48 (novembre 2013).