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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


Gilberto Mosqueda ORCID

La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. Sepulveda, Claudio / Ozkula, Gulen / Mosqueda, Gilberto / Uang, Chia‐Ming / Chou, Chung‐Che / Wang, Kung‐Juin / El‐Tawil, Sherif / McCormick, Jason: Full‐Scale Beam‐To‐Column Subassemblage Testing for Seismic Evaluation of Deep Columns. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics.


  2. Sepulveda, Claudio / Mosqueda, Gilberto / Wang, Kung‐Juin / Huang, Po‐Chia / Huang, Cheng‐Wei / Uang, Chia‐Ming / Chou, Chung‐Che (2023): Hybrid simulation framework with mixed displacement and force control for fully compatible displacements. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 53, n. 2 (novembre 2023).


  3. Wang, Kung‐Juin / Chou, Chung‐Che / Huang, Cheng‐Wei / Shen, Hou‐Kuan / Sepulveda, Claudio / Mosqueda, Gilberto / Uang, Chia‐Ming (2023): Hybrid simulation of a steel dual system with buckling‐induced first‐story column shortening: A mixed control mode approach. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 52, n. 12 (juin 2023).


  4. Ramos, Maikol Del Carpio / Mosqueda, Gilberto / Hashemi, M. Javad (2016): Large-Scale Hybrid Simulation of a Steel Moment Frame Building Structure through Collapse. Dans: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 142, n. 1 (janvier 2016).


  5. Rathje, Ellen M. / Dawson, Clint / Padgett, Jamie E. / Pinelli, Jean-Paul / Stanzione, Dan / Adair, Ashley / Arduino, Pedro / Brandenberg, Scott J. / Cockerill, Tim / Dey, Charlie / Esteva, Maria / Haan, Fred L. / Hanlon, Matthew / Kareem, Ahsan / Lowes, Laura / Mock, Stephen / Mosqueda, Gilberto (2017): DesignSafe: New Cyberinfrastructure for Natural Hazards Engineering. Dans: Natural Hazards Review, v. 18, n. 3 (août 2017).


  6. Chou, Chung‐Che / Lai, Yun‐Chuan / Xiong, Hou‐Chun / Lin, Te‐Hung / Uang, Chia‐Ming / Mosqueda, Gilberto / Ozkula, Gulen / El‐Tawil, Sherif / McCormick, Jason P. (2022): Effect of boundary condition on the cyclic response of I‐shaped steel columns: Two‐story subassemblage versus isolated column tests. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 51, n. 14 (novembre 2022).


  7. Mayoral, Juan Manuel / Mosqueda, Gilberto (2021): Foundation enhancement for reducing tunnel-building seismic interaction on soft clay. Dans: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 115 (septembre 2021).


  8. Zhou, Ying / Chen, Peng / Mosqueda, Gilberto (2021): Numerical Studies of Three-Dimensional Isolated Structures with Vertical Quasi-Zero Stiffness Property. Dans: Journal of Earthquake Engineering, v. 26, n. 7 (mars 2021).


  9. van den Einde, Lelli / Conte, Joel P. / Restrepo, José I. / Bustamante, Ricardo / Halvorson, Marty / Hutchinson, Tara C. / Lai, Chin-Ta / Lotfizadeh, Koorosh / Enrique Luco, J. / Morrison, Machel L. / Mosqueda, Gilberto / Nemeth, Mike / Ozcelik, Ozgur / Restrepo, Sebastian / Rodriguez, Andres / Shing, P. Benson / Thoen, Brad / Tsampras, Georgios (2020): NHERI@UC San Diego 6-DOF Large High-Performance Outdoor Shake Table Facility. Dans: Frontiers in Built Environment, v. 6 (janvier 2020).


  10. Rathje, Ellen M. / Dawson, Clint / Padgett, Jamie E. / Pinelli, Jean-Paul / Stanzione, Dan / Arduino, Pedro / Brandenberg, Scott J. / Cockerill, Tim / Esteva, Maria / Haan, Fred L. / Kareem, Ahsan / Lowes, Laura / Mosqueda, Gilberto (2020): Enhancing Research in Natural Hazards Engineering Through the DesignSafe Cyberinfrastructure. Dans: Frontiers in Built Environment, v. 6 (janvier 2020).


  11. Hughes, Patrick J. / Mosqueda, Gilberto (2020): Evaluation of uniaxial contact models for moat wall pounding simulations. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 49, n. 12 (10 octobre 2020).


  12. Miranda, Eduardo / Mosqueda, Gilberto / Retamales, Rodrigo / Pekcan, Gokhan (2012): Performance of Nonstructural Components during the 27 February 2010 Chile Earthquake. Dans: Earthquake Spectra, v. 28 (juin 2012).


  13. Zhou, Ying / Chen, Peng / Mosqueda, Gilberto (2019): Analytical and Numerical Investigation of Quasi-Zero Stiffness Vertical Isolation System. Dans: Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), v. 145, n. 6 (juin 2019).


  14. Del Carpio R., Maikol / Mosqueda, Gilberto / Lignos, Dimitrios G. (2019): Experimental investigation of steel building gravity framing systems under strong earthquake shaking. Dans: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 116 (janvier 2019).


  15. Del Carpio R., Maikol / Hashemi, M. Javad / Mosqueda, Gilberto (2017): Evaluation of integration methods for hybrid simulation of complex structural systems through collapse. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, v. 16, n. 4 (octobre 2017).


  16. Hashemi, M. Javad / Mosqueda, Gilberto / Lignos, Dimitrios G. / Medina, Ricardo A. / Miranda, Eduardo (2016): Assessment of Numerical and Experimental Errors in Hybrid Simulation of Framed Structural Systems through Collapse. Dans: Journal of Earthquake Engineering, v. 20, n. 6 ( 2016).


  17. Villaverde, Roberto / Mosqueda, Gilberto (1999): Aseismic roof isolation system: analytic and shake table studies. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 28, n. 3 (mars 1999).


  18. Vemuru, Venkata S. M. / Nagarajaiah, Satish / Mosqueda, Gilberto (2016): Coupled horizontal-vertical stability of bearings under dynamic loading. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 45, n. 6 (mai 2016).


  19. Hashemi, M. Javad / Mosqueda, Gilberto (2014): Innovative substructuring technique for hybrid simulation of multistory buildings through collapse. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 43, n. 14 (novembre 2014).


  20. Hashemi, M. Javad / Masroor, Armin / Mosqueda, Gilberto (2014): Implementation of online model updating in hybrid simulation. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 43, n. 3 (février 2014).


  21. Masroor, Armin / Mosqueda, Gilberto (2012): Experimental simulation of base-isolated buildings pounding against moat wall and effects on superstructure response. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 41, n. 14 (novembre 2012).


  22. Wang, Tao / Mosqueda, Gilberto / Jacobsen, Andres / Cortes-Delgado, Maria (2012): Performance evaluation of a distributed hybrid test framework to reproduce the collapse behavior of a structure. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 41, n. 2 (février 2012).


  23. Slovenec, Derek / Sarebanha, Alireza / Pollino, Michael / Mosqueda, Gilberto / Qu, Bing (2017): Hybrid Testing of the Stiff Rocking Core Seismic Rehabilitation Technique. Dans: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 143, n. 9 (septembre 2017).


  24. Retamales, Rodrigo / Davies, Ryan / Mosqueda, Gilberto / Filiatrault, Andre (2013): Experimental Seismic Fragility of Cold-Formed Steel Framed Gypsum Partition Walls. Dans: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 139, n. 8 (août 2013).


  25. Mosqueda, Gilberto / Whittaker, Andrew S. / Fenves, Gregory L. (2004): Characterization and Modeling of Friction Pendulum Bearings Subjected to Multiple Components of Excitation. Dans: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 130, n. 3 (mars 2004).


  26. Stojadinović, Božidar / Mosqueda, Gilberto / Mahin, Stephen A. (2006): Event-Driven Control System for Geographically Distributed Hybrid Simulation. Dans: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 132, n. 1 (janvier 2006).


  27. Mosqueda, Gilberto / Stojadinović, Božidar / Hanley, Jason / Sivaselvan, Mettupalayam / Reinhorn, Andrei M. (2008): Hybrid Seismic Response Simulation on a Geographically Distributed Bridge Model. Dans: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 134, n. 4 (avril 2008).


  28. Ahmadizadeh, Mehdi / Mosqueda, Gilberto (2008): Hybrid Simulation with Improved Operator-Splitting Integration Using Experimental Tangent Stiffness Matrix Estimation. Dans: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 134, n. 12 (décembre 2008).


  29. Mosqueda, Gilberto / Stojadinović, Božidar / Mahin, Stephen A. (2007): Real-Time Error Monitoring for Hybrid Simulation. Part I: Methodology and Experimental Verification. Dans: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 133, n. 8 (août 2007).


  30. Mosqueda, Gilberto / Stojadinović, Božidar / Mahin, Stephen A. (2007): Real-Time Error Monitoring for Hybrid Simulation. Part II: Structural Response Modification due to Errors. Dans: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 133, n. 8 (août 2007).


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