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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. Kuoribo, Ewald / Shokry, Hassan / Mahmoud, Hatem (2024): Attaining material circularity in recycled construction waste to produce sustainable concrete blocks for residential building applications. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 96 (novembre 2024).


  2. Senyonyi, Brian / Mahmoud, Hatem / Hassan, Hamdy (2025): Atlas for sustainable Egyptian governorates buildings based on wind/solar potential: Power, efficiency, economic, environmental, and thermal comfort maps. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 330 (mars 2025).


  3. Waly, Nourhan M. / Hassan, Hamdy / Murata, Ryo / Sailor, David J. / Mahmoud, Hatem (2025): Experimental approach to reduce uncertainty in estimating the thermal performance of buildings’ envelopes in hot climates. Dans: Developments in the Built Environment, v. 21 (mars 2025).


  4. Salah, Alaa / Nada, Sameh / Mahmoud, Hatem (2024): Applicability of developing an affordable eco-friendly switchable insulation for sustainable building envelopes in a hot climate: Comprehensive review. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 323 (novembre 2024).


  5. Senyonyi, Brian / Mahmoud, Hatem / Sekiguchi, H. / Hassan, Hamdy (2024): New approach for zero energy industries via integrating energy management and renewable energy system: Enviro-economic investigation. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 319 (septembre 2024).


  6. Kuoribo, Ewald / Shokry, Hassan / Asawa, Takashi / Mahmoud, Hatem (2024): A scientometric review of recycled glass waste as an alternative raw material in concrete production. Dans: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, v. 28, n. 11 (mars 2024).


  7. Abdalazeem, Mohamed E. / Hassan, Hamdy / Asawa, Takashi / Mahmoud, Hatem (2023): Green roofs and thermal comfort: a comparative study of soil layers’ seasonal thermal performance integrated with ventilation in hot climate. Dans: Architectural Engineering and Design Management, v. 20, n. 2 (novembre 2023).


  8. Adly, Mariam A. / Mahmoud, Hatem / Galal, Omar M. (2023): The impact of densification and orientation manipulation on outdoor thermal comfort at social housing in arid regions: a sensitivity analysis. Dans: HBRC Journal, v. 19, n. 1 (27 janvier 2023).


  9. Waly, Nourhan M. / Hassan, Hamdy / Murata, Ryo / Sailor, David J. / Mahmoud, Hatem (2023): Correlating the urban microclimate and energy demands in hot climate Contexts: A hybrid review. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 295 (septembre 2023).


  10. Kuoribo, Ewald / Shokry, Hassan / Hassanein, Ahmed / Asawa, Takashi / Mahmoud, Hatem: Fabrication of energy-efficient cement panels from construction waste for sustainable building application. Dans: Architectural Engineering and Design Management.


  11. Abdalazeem, Mohamed E. / Hassan, Hamdy / Asawa, Takashi / Mahmoud, Hatem (2022): Review on integrated photovoltaic-green roof solutions on urban and energy-efficient buildings in hot climate. Dans: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 82 (juillet 2022).


  12. Mahrous, Rewaa / Giancola, Emanuela / Osman, Ahmed / Asawa, Takashi / Mahmoud, Hatem (2022): Review of key factors that affect the implementation of bio-receptive façades in a hot arid climate: Case study north Egypt. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 214 (avril 2022).


  13. Mahmoud, Hatem / Ghanem, Heba / Sodoudi, Sahar (2021): Urban geometry as an adaptation strategy to improve the outdoor thermal performance in hot arid regions: Aswan University as a case study. Dans: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 71 (août 2021).


  14. Galal, Omar M. / Mahmoud, Hatem / Sailor, David (2020): Impact of evolving building morphology on microclimate in a hot arid climate. Dans: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 54 (mars 2020).


  15. Galal, Omar M. / Sailor, David J. / Mahmoud, Hatem (2020): The impact of urban form on outdoor thermal comfort in hot arid environments during daylight hours, case study: New Aswan. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 184 (octobre 2020).


  16. Mahmoud, Hatem / Arima, Takafumi (2011): A Web-Based Public Participation System that Supports Decision Making. Dans: Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, v. 10, n. 1 (mai 2011).


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