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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. Maali, Mahyar / Yavuz, Emre / Çınar, Nurullah: Experimental and design study on beam-to-column clip angle screwed connection. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering.


  2. Yaman, Zeynep / Sumer, Yusuf / Ağcakoca, Elif / Maali, Mahyar / Aydın, Abdulkadir Cüneyt (2025): Behavioral Analysis of Steel I-Beams Under Repeated Dynamic Loads: Impact of Various Impactor Head Types. Dans: Developments in the Built Environment, v. 21 (mars 2025).


  3. Maali, Merve Sagiroglu / Tavlaşoğlu, Mustafa Ensar / Maali, Mahyar (2025): Experimental study on the cold-formed steel beam-to-column screw connections for seismic application. Dans: Structures, v. 72 (février 2025).


  4. Maali, Mahyar / Çınar, Nurullah (2024): Experimental and Numerical Tests on Beams with Web Openings Under Cyclic Loading. Dans: International Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 23, n. 1 (octobre 2024).


  5. Maali, Mahyar / Showkati, Hossein / Mahdi Fatemi, Seied (2012): Investigation of the buckling behavior of conical shells under weld-induced imperfections. Dans: Thin-Walled Structures, v. 57 (août 2012).


  6. Aydın Korucuk, Fatma Merve / Maali, Mahyar / Kılıç, Mahmut / Aydın, Abdulkadir Cüneyt (2019): Experimental analysis of the effect of dent variation on the buckling capacity of thin-walled cylindrical shells. Dans: Thin-Walled Structures, v. 143 (octobre 2019).


  7. Maali, Mahyar / Kılıç, Mahmut / Yaman, Zeynep / Ağcakoca, Elif / Aydın, Abdulkadir Cüneyt (2019): Buckling and post-buckling behavior of various dented cylindrical shells using CFRP strips subjected to uniform external pressure: Comparison of theoretical and experimental data. Dans: Thin-Walled Structures, v. 137 (avril 2019).


  8. Bayrak, Barış / Maali, Mahyar / Kılıç, Mahmut / Maali, Merve / Aydın, Abdulkadir Cüneyt (2024): Fire resistance of concrete‐filled steel tube beam‐column under elevated temperatures and cyclic loading. Dans: Structural Concrete, v. 25, n. 5 (octobre 2024).


  9. Kılıç, Mahmut / Maali, Merve Sagiroglu / Maali, Mahyar / Aydın, Abdulkadir Cüneyt (2023): Experimental and numerical investigation of semi-rigid behavior top and seat T-Section connections with different triangular designed stiffener thicknesses. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 289 (août 2023).


  10. Maali, Mahyar / Kılıç, Mahmut / Aydın, Abdulkadir Cüneyt (2022): The Confinement Effect on the Buckling Performance of Cylindrical Tanks. Dans: International Journal of Steel Structures, v. 23, n. 2 (novembre 2022).


  11. Aydın, Abdulkadir Cüneyt / Maali, Mahyar / Kılıç, Mahmut / Bayrak, Barış / Akarsu, Oğuzhan (2023): A numerical perspective for CFRP‐wrapped thin‐walled steel cylinders. Dans: Steel Construction, v. 16, n. 4 (octobre 2023).


  12. Sağıroğlu, Merve / Maali, Mahyar / Kar, Mert / Bilen, Mahmut Bugra (2023): Cold-Formed Steel Beam-to-Column Screw Connections Exposed to High Temperatures Reinforced with CFRP. Dans: Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, v. 47, n. 4 (mai 2023).


  13. Maali, Merve Sagiroglu / Maali, Mahyar / Yazici, Casim (2023): Experimental investigation of screwed beam-column connection using cold-formed steel back-to-back sections with gusset-plate. Dans: Structures, v. 47 (janvier 2023).


  14. Maali, Mahyar / Orhan, Suleyman Nazif / Sağıroğlu, Merve / Cirpici, Burak Kaan (2022): Analyzing of bolted joints for connecting rectangular hollow sections in reticulated shells. Dans: Architectural Engineering and Design Management, v. 19, n. 5 (novembre 2022).


  15. Aghazadeh Dizaji, Ali / Kılıç, Mahmut / Maali, Mahyar / Aydın, Abdulkadir Cüneyt (2023): Buckling behaviour of dented short cylindrical shells retrofitted with CFRP. Dans: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings, v. 176, n. 1 (janvier 2023).


  16. Aydın, Abdulkadir Cüneyt / Alcan, Haluk Görkem / Bayrak, Barış / Kılıç, Mahmut / Maali, Mahyar (2020): The mechanical behavior of thermally enhanced polypropylene concrete. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 262 (novembre 2020).


  17. Cirpici, Burak Kaan / Orhan, Suleyman Nazif / Kılıç, Mahmut / Maali, Mahyar / Sağıroğlu, Merve (2021): Experimental Behavior of Cold-Formed Stainless Steel Screwed Beam–Column Connections at Post-Fire Condition. Dans: Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, v. 45, n. 3 (juin 2021).


  18. Aydın, Abdulkadir Cüneyt / Ardalani, Aysan / Maali, Mahyar / Kılıç, Mahmut (2020): Numeric modelling of innovative semi‐rigid connections under cyclic loading. Dans: Steel Construction, v. 14, n. 1 (décembre 2020).


  19. Mahdi Fatemi, Seied / Showkati, Hossein / Maali, Mahyar (2013): Experiments on imperfect cylindrical shells under uniform external pressure. Dans: Thin-Walled Structures, v. 65 (avril 2013).


  20. Niloufari, Amin / Showkati, Hossein / Maali, Mahyar / Mahdi Fatemi, Seied (2014): Experimental investigation on the effect of geometric imperfections on the buckling and post-buckling behavior of steel tanks under hydrostatic pressure. Dans: Thin-Walled Structures, v. 74 (janvier 2014).


  21. Aydın, Abdulkadir Cüneyt / Maali, Mahyar / Kılıç, Mahmut / Sağıroğlu, Merve (2015): Experimental investigation of sinus beams with end-plate connections. Dans: Thin-Walled Structures, v. 97 (décembre 2015).


  22. Aydın, Abdulkadir Cüneyt / Yaman, Zeynep / Ağcakoca, Elif / Kılıç, Mahmut / Maali, Mahyar / Aghazadeh Dizaji, Ali (2020): CFRP Effect on the Buckling Behavior of Dented Cylindrical Shells. Dans: International Journal of Steel Structures, v. 20, n. 2 ( 2020).


  23. Maali, Mahyar (2020): Experimental and Numerical Prediction of Torsional Behavior of Steel Beam with Sinusoidal Web. Dans: Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, v. 44 (octobre 2020).


  24. Maali, Mahyar / Kılıç, Mahmut / Aydın, Abdulkadir Cüneyt (2019): Experimental behaviour of bolted connections with stiffeners. Dans: Steel Construction, v. 12, n. 2 (mai 2019).


  25. Aydın, Abdulkadir Cüneyt / Kılıç, Mahmut / Maali, Mahyar / Sağıroğlu, Merve (2015): Experimental assessment of the semi-rigid connections behavior with angles and stiffeners. Dans: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 114 (novembre 2015).


  26. Maali, Mahyar / Kılıç, Mahmut / Aydın, Abdulkadir Cüneyt (2016): Experimental model of the behaviour of bolted angles connections with stiffeners. Dans: International Journal of Steel Structures, v. 16, n. 3 ( 2016).


  27. Maali, Mahyar / Aydın, Abdulkadir Cüneyt / Showkati, Hossein / Sağıroğlu, Merve / Kılıç, Mahmut (2018): The effect of longitudinal imperfections on thin-walled conical shells. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 20 (novembre 2018).


  28. Sağıroğlu, Merve / Maali, Mahyar / Aydın, Abdulkadir Cüneyt (2018): Installation and Maintenance Principles of Seismic Isolators: Erzurum Health Campus. Dans: The Open Civil Engineering Journal, v. 12, n. 1 (septembre 2018).


  29. Sağıroğlu, Merve / Maali, Mahyar / Kılıç, Mahmut / Aydın, Abdulkadir Cüneyt (2018): Novel Approach for Bolted T-Stub Connections. Dans: International Journal of Steel Structures, v. 18, n. 3 ( 2018).


  30. Maali, Mahyar / Kılıç, Mahmut / Sağıroğlu, Merve / Aydın, Abdulkadir Cüneyt (2017): Experimental model for predicting the semi-rigid connections' behaviour with angles and stiffeners. Dans: Advances in Structural Engineering, v. 20, n. 6 (mai 2017).


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