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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. Shen, Pengyuan / Wang, Meilin / Ma, Hang / Ma, Nan: On the two-way interactions of urban thermal environment and air pollution: A review of synergies for identifying climate-resilient mitigation strategies. Dans: Building Simulation.


  2. Zhang, Qi / Li, Linxue / Zhou, Jin / Braham, William W. / Ma, Nan (2024): A spatial analysis of ozone and PM2.5 distribution for assessing design factors of healthy buildings. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 89 (juillet 2024).


  3. Ma, Nan / Zhang, Qi / Murai, Fabricio / Braham, William W. / Samuelson, Holly W. (2023): Learning building occupants’ indoor environmental quality complaints and dissatisfaction from text-mining Booking.com reviews in the United States. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 237 (juin 2023).


  4. Kang, Ye / Ma, Nan / Bunster, Victor / W-C Chang, Victor / Zhou, Jin (2022): Optimizing the Passive House Planning Package simulation tool: A bottom-up dynamic approach to reduce building performance gap. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 276 (décembre 2022).


  5. Cao, Shunze / Lu, Yang / Ma, Nan / Tao, Yang / Zhang, Yuwu (2022): Reinforcement mechanisms of recycled glass beads reinforced thermoplastic foams under dynamic compressions. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 344 (août 2022).


  6. Ma, Nan / Chen, Liang / Hu, Jian / Perdikaris, Paris / Braham, William W. (2021): Adaptive behavior and different thermal experiences of real people: A Bayesian neural network approach to thermal preference prediction and classification. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 198 (juillet 2021).


  7. Noguchi, Masa / Ma, Nan / Woo, Catherine / Chau, Hing-wah / Zhou, Jin (2018): The Usability Study of a Proposed Environmental Experience Design Framework for Active Ageing. Dans: Buildings, v. 8, n. 12 (décembre 2018).


  8. Chau, Hing-wah / Newton, Clare / Woo, Catherine / Ma, Nan / Wang, Jiayi / Aye, Lu (2018): Design Lessons from Three Australian Dementia Support Facilities. Dans: Buildings, v. 8, n. 5 (mai 2018).


  9. Bao, Yuequan / Feng, Dongyang / Ma, Nan / Zhu, Hehua / Rabczuk, Timon (2018): Experimental and numerical study on structural performance of reinforced concrete box sewer with localized extreme defect. Dans: Underground Space, v. 3, n. 2 (juin 2018).


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