Sahyoun, Sahar / Ge, Hua / Lacasse, Michael A.: Freeze-Thaw Damage Assessment of Internally Insulated Historic Brick Masonry Walls under a Changing Climate. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering.
Xiao, Zhe / Wang, Lin / Ge, Hua / Lacasse, Michael A. / Defo, Maurice (2024): Assessing the Moisture Resilience of Wood Frame Wall Assemblies. Dans: Buildings, v. 14, n. 11 (22 octobre 2024).
Sahyoun, Sahar / Ge, Hua / Lacasse, Michael A. (2024): Selection of moisture reference year for freeze-thaw damage assessment of historic masonry walls under future climate: A simulation-based approach. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 253 (avril 2024).
Laouadi, Abdelaziz / Ji, Lili / Jandaghian, Zahra / Lacasse, Michael A. / Wang, Liangzhu (2023): The Development of Health-Based Overheating Limit Criteria for School Buildings. Dans: Buildings, v. 14, n. 1 (31 décembre 2023).
Xiao, Zhe / Maurice, Defo / Wang, Lin / Lacasse, Michael A. (2024): Reliability assessment of design reference year for evaluating the impact of climate change on moisture performance of wood frame walls. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 251 (mars 2024).
Xiao, Zhe / Ge, Hua / Lacasse, Michael A. / Wang, Liangzhu (Leon) / Zmeureanu, Radu (2023): Nature-Based Solutions for Carbon Neutral Climate Resilient Buildings and Communities: A Review of Technical Evidence, Design Guidelines, and Policies. Dans: Buildings, v. 13, n. 6 (23 mai 2023).
Xiao, Zhe / Lacasse, Michael A. / Dragomirescu, Elena / Defo, Maurice (2023): Projected changes of wind-driven rain and moisture load in wall assemblies across Canada. Dans: Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, v. 238 (juillet 2023).
Laouadi, Abdelaziz / Ji, Lili / Shu, Chang / Wang, Liangzhu (Leon) / Lacasse, Michael A. (2023): Overheating Risk Analysis in Long-Term Care Homes—Development of Overheating Limit Criteria. Dans: Buildings, v. 13, n. 2 (14 février 2023).
Aggarwal, Chetan / Ge, Hua / Defo, Maurice / Lacasse, Michael A. (2022): Hygrothermal performance assessment of wood frame walls under historical and future climates using partial least squares regression. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 223 (septembre 2022).
Hayes, Alexander Thomas / Jandaghian, Zahra / Lacasse, Michael A. / Gaur, Abhishek / Lu, Henry / Laouadi, Abdelaziz / Ge, Hua / Wang, Liangzhu (2022): Nature-Based Solutions (NBSs) to Mitigate Urban Heat Island (UHI) Effects in Canadian Cities. Dans: Buildings, v. 12, n. 7 (5 juillet 2022).
Ji, Lili / Laouadi, Abdelaziz / Wang, Liangzhu / Lacasse, Michael A. (2022): Development of a bioheat model for older people under hot and cold exposures. Dans: Building Simulation, v. 15, n. 10 (6 juillet 2022).
Silva, Ana / de Brito, Jorge / Thomsen, André / Straub, Ad / Prieto, Andres J. / Lacasse, Michael A. (2022): Causal Effects between Criteria That Establish the End of Service Life of Buildings and Components. Dans: Buildings, v. 12, n. 2 (18 janvier 2022).
Kubilay, Aytaç / Bourcet, John / Gravel, Jessica / Zhou, Xiaohai / Moore, Travis V. / Lacasse, Michael A. / Carmeliet, Jan / Derome, Dominique (2021): Combined Use of Wind-Driven Rain Load and Potential Evaporation to Evaluate Moisture Damage Risk: Case Study on the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa, Canada. Dans: Buildings, v. 11, n. 10 (22 septembre 2021).
Sahyoun, Sahar / Ge, Hua / Lacasse, Michael A. / Defo, Maurice (2021): Reliability of Existing Climate Indices in Assessing the Freeze-Thaw Damage Risk of Internally Insulated Masonry Walls. Dans: Buildings, v. 11, n. 10 (22 septembre 2021).
Aggarwal, Chetan / Ge, Hua / Defo, Maurice / Lacasse, Michael A. (2022): Reliability of Moisture Reference Year (MRY) selection methods for hygrothermal performance analysis of wood-frame walls under historical and future climates. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 207 (janvier 2022).
Ji, Lili / Laouadi, Abdelaziz / Shu, Chang / Wang, Liangzhu / Lacasse, Michael A. (2021): Evaluation and improvement of the thermoregulatory system for the two-node bioheat model. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 249 (octobre 2021).
Wang, Lin / Defo, Maurice / Xiao, Zhe / Ge, Hua / Lacasse, Michael A. (2021): Stochastic Simulation of Mould Growth Performance of Wood-Frame Building Envelopes under Climate Change: Risk Assessment and Error Estimation. Dans: Buildings, v. 11, n. 8 (27 juillet 2021).
Xiao, Zhe / Lacasse, Michael A. / Dragomirescu, Elena (2021): An analysis of historical wind-driven rain loads for selected Canadian cities. Dans: Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, v. 213 (juin 2021).
Bansal, Naman / Defo, Maurice / Lacasse, Michael A. (2021): Application of Support Vector Regression to the Prediction of the Long-Term Impacts of Climate Change on the Moisture Performance of Wood Frame and Massive Timber Walls. Dans: Buildings, v. 11, n. 5 (21 avril 2021).
Xiao, Zhe / Lacasse, Michael A. / Defo, Maurice / Dragomirescu, Elena (2021): Assessing the Moisture Load in a Vinyl-Clad Wall Assembly through Watertightness Tests. Dans: Buildings, v. 11, n. 3 (27 février 2021).
Defo, Maurice / Lacasse, Michael A. (2021): Effects of Climate Change on the Moisture Performance of Tallwood Building Envelope. Dans: Buildings, v. 11, n. 2 (20 janvier 2021).
Morelli, Martin / Lacasse, Michael A. (2018): A systematic methodology for design of retrofit actions with longevity. Dans: Journal of Building Physics, v. 42, n. 4 (juin 2018).
Lacasse, Michael A. / Gaur, Abhishek / Moore, Travis V. (2020): Durability and Climate Change—Implications for Service Life Prediction and the Maintainability of Buildings. Dans: Buildings, v. 10, n. 3 (25 février 2020).
van den Bossche, Nathan / Lacasse, Michael A. / Janssens, Arnold (2013): A uniform methodology to establish test parameters for watertightness testing part II: Pareto front analysis on co-occurring rain and wind. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 63 (mai 2013).
van den Bossche, Nathan / Lacasse, Michael A. / Janssens, Arnold (2013): A uniform methodology to establish test parameters for watertightness testing. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 63 (mai 2013).
Sahal, Nil / Lacasse, Michael A. (2008): Proposed method for calculating water penetration test parameters of wall assemblies as applied to Istanbul, Turkey. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 43, n. 7 (juillet 2008).
Sahal, Nil / Lacasse, Michael A. (2005): Water entry function of a hardboard siding-clad wood stud wall. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 40, n. 11 (novembre 2005).
Lacasse, Michael A. (1999): Materials and technology for sustainable construction. Dans: Building Research & Information, v. 27, n. 6 ( 1999).