Ryuji Inoue
- 道路事業における希少猛禽類に対する効果的な人工代替巣の設置手法と利用促進手法の検討:全国 173 事例の分析から (Study of effective techniques about the setup and utilization promotion of artificial nests for rare raptors in road projects: thorough the analysis of 173 cases in Japan). Dans: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 19, n. 1 ( 2016). (2016):
- 全国の道路事業における希少植物の保全対策としての移植の現状と工夫:移植困難植物(着生・混合栄養・菌従属栄養) に着目して (Conservation measures for rare plants in road projects around the nation: focus on difficult-to-transplant plants (epiphytic, mixotrophic, and mycoheterotrophic plants)). Dans: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 19, n. 1 ( 2016). (2016):