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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. Nguyen, Thi Bach Duong / Huh, Jungwon / Vu, Thanh Thai / Tran, Minh Long / Mac, Van Ha (2024): Development of Indicator for Piled Pier Health Evaluation in Vietnam Using Impact Vibration Test Approach. Dans: Buildings, v. 14, n. 8 (23 juillet 2024).


  2. Mac, Van Ha / Huh, Jungwon / Doan, Nhu Son / Ta, Quang Tai / Haldar, Achintya (2023): Detection of deteriorations in both bottom and top of concrete bridge decks during blind time windows from thermographic inspections of shaded side. Dans: NDT & E International, v. 138 (septembre 2023).


  3. Nguyen, Van Bac / Huh, Jungwon / Meisuh, Bismark Kofi (2023): Evaluation of the effect of the vertical component of an earthquake on the seismic response of container cranes using the shake table test. Dans: Structures, v. 58 (décembre 2023).


  4. Meisuh, Bismark Kofi / Ahn, Jin-Hee / Huh, Jungwon / Kim, In-Tae / Lee, Dong-Seok (2023): Comparative Analysis of the Dynamic Behaviors of Steel Pedestrian Bridges with Circular Tubular Girders. Dans: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 28, n. 1 (1 décembre 2023).


  5. Huh, Jungwon (2024): Detection of Sub-surface Delamination and Moisture Penetration in Unlined Rock Tunnels Using Passive Thermography and Tapping. Dans: Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 18, n. 1 (1 janvier 2024).


  6. Dang, Phu Van / Huh, Jungwon / Ahn, Jin-Hee / Haldar, Achintya / Kwak, Kiseok (2023): Seismic Fragility Assessment for a Newly Developed Buried Arch Bridge. Dans: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 27, n. 11 (22 septembre 2023).


  7. Ta, Quang Tai / Mac, Van Ha / Huh, Jungwon / Yim, Hong Jae / Tran, Quang Huy (2023): Nondestructive detection of delamination in painted concrete structures through square pulse thermography. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 70 (juillet 2023).


  8. Tran, Quang Huy / Dang, Quoc My / Pham, Xuan Tung / Truong, Thanh Chung / Nguyen, Thang Xiem / Huh, Jungwon (2022): Passive infrared thermography technique for concrete structures health investigation: case studies. Dans: Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 24, n. 5 (décembre 2022).


  9. Nguyen, Van-Toan / Ahn, Jin-Hee / Haldar, Achintya / Huh, Jungwon (2022): Fragility-based seismic performance assessment of modular underground arch bridges. Dans: Structures, v. 39 (mai 2022).


  10. Van Nguyen, Toan / Seo, Junwon / Ahn, Jin-Hee / Haldar, Achintya / Huh, Jungwon (2021): Finite element analysis-aided seismic behavior examination of modular underground arch bridge. Dans: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 118 (décembre 2021).


  11. Mac, Van Ha / Huh, Jungwon / Doan, Nhu Son / Lee, Bang Yeon / Haldar, Achintya (2021): A comprehensive study on identification of both deck and soffit defects in concrete bridge decks through thermographic investigation of shaded side under natural conditions. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 303 (octobre 2021).


  12. Jeon, Seok Hyeon / Cho, Kwang-Il / Lee, Won-Hong / Huh, Jungwon / Ahn, Jin-Hee (2021): Lifting Test and Analysis of a Segmented Arch System with Outrigger Ribs and Flexural Loading Tests of Precast Panels. Dans: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 25, n. 11 (août 2021).


  13. Jeon, Seok Hyeon / Yim, Hong Jae / Huh, Jungwon / Cho, Kwang-Il / Ahn, Jin-Hee (2021): Full-scale field testing of a precast concrete buried arch bridge with steel outriggers: Field loading test. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 242 (septembre 2021).


  14. Nguyễn, Huy Hoàng / Choi, Jeong-Il / Park, Se-Eon / Cha, Sang Lyul / Huh, Jungwon / Lee, Bang Yeon (2020): Autogenous healing of high strength engineered cementitious composites (ECC) using calcium-containing binders. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 265 (décembre 2020).


  15. Jeon, Seok Hyeon / Lee, Hak Joon / Moon, Jonghoon / Huh, Jungwon / Ahn, Jin-Hee (2020): Structural Performance of a Segmental Precast Arch System with Outrigger by Sectional Geometry of Structural Member. Dans: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 24, n. 11 (septembre 2020).


  16. Nguyễn, Huy Hoàng / Choi, Jeong-Il / Song, Keum-Il / Song, Jin-Kyu / Huh, Jungwon / Lee, Bang Yeon (2018): Self-healing properties of cement-based and alkali-activated slag-based fiber-reinforced composites. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 165 (mars 2018).


  17. Ahn, Jin Hee / Nam, Dong Kyun / Lee, Won Hong / Huh, Jungwon / Kim, In Tae (2016): 원형 강관의 국부 부식손상 수준 및 손상형태에 따른 압축강도 성능평가 (Evaluation of Compressive Strengths of Tubular Steel Members According to Corrosion Damage and Shape). Dans: Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction (한국강구조학회 논문집), v. 28, n. 4 (août 2016).


  18. Ahn, Jin-Hee / You, Jun Min / Huh, Jungwon / Kim, In-Tae / Jeong, Young-Soo (2017): Residual clamping force of bolt connections caused by sectional damage of nuts. Dans: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 136 (septembre 2017).


  19. Kim, In-Tae / Dao, Duy Kien / Jeong, Young-Soo / Huh, Jungwon / Ahn, Jin-Hee (2017): Effect of corrosion on the tension behavior of painted structural steel members. Dans: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 133 (juin 2017).


  20. Park, Jae Hyun / Huh, Jungwon / Kim, Kyung Jun / Chung, Moonkyung / Lee, Ju Hyung / Kim, Dongwook / Kwak, Kiseok (2012): Resistance factors calibration and its application using static load test data for driven steel pipe piles. Dans: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 17, n. 5 (décembre 2012).


  21. Lee, Jong-Han / Huh, Jungwon / Lee, Jong-Jae (2015): A comparative study on wind loads between design standards for the design of pipe-rack structures. Dans: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 20, n. 1 (février 2015).


  22. Huh, Jungwon / Haldar, Achintya / Seo, Sang-Geun (1999): SFEM-based reliability analysis of frames with uncertain support and connection conditions. Dans: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 3, n. 1 (mars 1999).


  23. Huh, Jungwon (2000): Reliability analysis of nonlinear structural systems using response surface method. Dans: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 4, n. 3 (septembre 2000).


  24. Huh, Jungwon (2000): SFEM-based seismic risk analysis of nonlinear structures using sequential RSM. Dans: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 4, n. 4 (décembre 2000).


  25. Huh, Jungwon / Haldar, Achintya / Cho, Hyo-Nam (2001): Seismic risk analysis of frames with uncertain support and PR connection conditions. Dans: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 5, n. 4 (décembre 2001).


  26. Haldar, Achintya / Farag, Reda / Huh, Jungwon (2012): A Novel Concept for the Reliability Evaluation of Large Systems. Dans: Advances in Structural Engineering, v. 15, n. 11 (novembre 2012).


  27. Huh, Jungwon / Haldar, Achintya (2001): Stochastic Finite-Element-Based Seismic Risk of Nonlinear Structures. Dans: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 127, n. 3 (mars 2001).


  28. Tran, Quang Huy / Huh, Jungwon / Nguyen, Van Bac / Haldar, Achintya / Kang, Choonghyun / Hwang, Kyeong Min (2018): Comparative Study of Nonlinear Static and Time-History Analyses of Typical Korean STS Container Cranes. Dans: Advances in Civil Engineering, v. 2018 ( 2018).


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