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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. Duan, Qingfeng / Hu, Haixiao / Cao, Dongfeng / Cai, Wei / Xia, Junkang / Li, Shuxin (2024): Modified mode I fracture toughness calculation method for composite laminate with large scale fiber bridging. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 349-350 (décembre 2024).


  2. Zheng, Kaidong / Cao, Dongfeng / Hu, Haixiao / Chen, Hongda / Cai, Wei / Li, Shuxin (2024): Comprehensive investigation on modelling of low-velocity impact damage response of composite laminates − Experimental correlation and assessment. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 345 (octobre 2024).


  3. Duan, Qingfeng / Hu, Haixiao / Cao, Dongfeng / Cai, Wei / Li, Shuxin (2024): A new mechanism based cohesive zone model for Mode I delamination coupled with fiber bridging of composite laminates. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 332 (mars 2024).


  4. Cao, Dongfeng / Hu, Haixiao / Wang, Yao / Li, Shuxin (2021): Experimental and numerical studies on influence of impact damage and simple bolt repair on compressive failure of composite laminates. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 275 (novembre 2021).


  5. Hu, Haixiao / Cao, Dongfeng / Cao, Zihe / Li, Shuxin (2021): Experimental and numerical investigations of wrinkle effect on failure behavior of curved composite laminates. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 261 (avril 2021).


  6. Cheng, Mingyang / Zhong, Yucheng / Kureemun, Umeyr / Cao, Dongfeng / Hu, Haixiao / Lee, Heow Pueh / Li, Shuxin (2020): Environmental durability of carbon/flax fiber hybrid composites. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 234 (février 2020).


  7. Zhang, Guiming / Wang, Jihui / Ni, Aiqing / Hu, Haixiao / Ding, Anxin / Li, Shuxin (2019): Process-induced deformation of L-shaped variable-stiffness composite structures during cure. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 230 (décembre 2019).


  8. Cao, Dongfeng / Hu, Haixiao / Duan, Qingfeng / Song, Peihao / Li, Shuxin (2019): Experimental and three-dimensional numerical investigation of matrix cracking and delamination interaction with edge effect of curved composite laminates. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 225 (octobre 2019).


  9. Hu, Haixiao / Cao, Dongfeng / Pavier, Martyn / Zhong, Yucheng / Zu, Lei / Liu, Lisheng / Li, Shuxin (2018): Investigation of non-uniform gelation effects on residual stresses of thick laminates based on tailed FBG sensor. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 202 (octobre 2018).


  10. Cao, Dongfeng / Duan, Qingfeng / Li, Shuxin / Zhong, Yucheng / Hu, Haixiao (2018): 'Effects of thermal residual stresses and thermal-induced geometrically necessary dislocations on size-dependent strengthening of particle-reinforced MMCs. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 200 (septembre 2018).


  11. Cao, Dongfeng / Duan, Qingfeng / Hu, Haixiao / Zhong, Yucheng / Li, Shuxin (2018): Computational investigation of both intra-laminar matrix cracking and inter-laminar delamination of curved composite components with cohesive elements. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 192 (mai 2018).


  12. Hu, Haixiao / Li, Shuxin / Wang, Jihui / Zu, Lei / Cao, Dongfeng / Zhong, Yucheng (2017): Monitoring the gelation and effective chemical shrinkage of composite curing process with a novel FBG approach. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 176 (septembre 2017).


  13. Zhao, Gang / Hu, Haixiao / Li, Shuxin / Liu, Lisheng / Li, Kun (2017): Localization of impact on composite plates based on integrated wavelet transform and hybrid minimization algorithm. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 176 (septembre 2017).


  14. Hu, Haixiao / Li, Shuxin / Wang, Jihui / Wang, Yanming / Zu, Lei (2016): FBG-based real-time evaluation of transverse cracking in cross-ply laminates. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 138 (mars 2016).


  15. Hu, Haixiao / Li, Shuxin / Wang, Jihui / Zu, Lei (2015): Structural design and experimental investigation on filament wound toroidal pressure vessels. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 121 (mars 2015).


  16. Zhong, Yucheng / Cheng, Mingyang / Zhang, Xin / Hu, Haixiao / Cao, Dongfeng / Li, Shuxin (2019): Hygrothermal durability of glass and carbon fiber reinforced composites – A comparative study. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 211 (mars 2019).


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