Hoy, Menglim / Horpibulsuk, Suksun / Chinkulkijniwat, Avirut / Suddeepong, Apichat / Buritatum, Apinun / Yaowarat, Teerasak / Choenklang, Punvalai / Udomchai, Artit / Kantatham, Karn (2024): Innovations in recycled construction materials: paving the way towards sustainable road infrastructure. Dans: Frontiers in Built Environment, v. 10 (février 2024).
Udomchai, Artit / Buritatum, Apinun / Suddeepong, Apichat / Horpibulsuk, Suksun / Yaowarat, Teerasak / Akkharawongwhatthana, Kongsak / Hoy, Menglim / Phunpeng, Veena / Arulrajah, Arul / Chinkulkijniwat, Avirut (2024): Asphalt concrete improved by concentrated rubber latex and prevulcanized rubber latex – Performance and cost analysis. Dans: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 21 (décembre 2024).
Hoy, Menglim / Ro, Bundam / Horpibulsuk, Suksun / Suddeepong, Apichat / Buritatum, Apinun / Arulrajah, Arul / Yaowarat, Teerasak / Chinkulkijniwat, Avirut / Horpibulsuk, Jitwadee (2024): Flexural Fatigue Performance of Hemp Fiber–Reinforced Concrete Using Recycled Concrete Aggregates as a Sustainable Rigid Pavement. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 36, n. 11 (novembre 2024).
Buritatum, Apinun / Suddeepong, Apichat / Horpibulsuk, Suksun / Yaowarat, Teerasak / Hoy, Menglim / Arulrajah, Arul / Rashid, Ahmad Safuan A. / Laomuad, Apisit (2024): Mechanistic Performance and Distress Model of Bottom Ash Modified Porous Asphalt Concretes with Various Thailand Aggregates. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 36, n. 5 (mai 2024).
Akkharawongwhatthana, Kongsak / Buritatum, Apinun / Suddeepong, Apichat / Horpibulsuk, Suksun / Pongsri, Nantipat / Yaowarat, Teerasak / Hoy, Menglim / Arulrajah, Arul (2024): Mechanistic Performance of Hybrid Asphalt Concretes with Recycled Aggregates and Hemp Fiber for Low Traffic Roads. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 36, n. 4 (avril 2024).
Hoy, Menglim / Tran, Ngoc Quynh / Suddeepong, Apichat / Horpibulsuk, Suksun / Buritatum, Apinun / Yaowarat, Teerasak / Arulrajah, Arul (2023): Wetting-drying durability performance of cement-stabilized recycled materials and lateritic soil using natural rubber latex. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 403 (novembre 2023).
Hoy, Menglim / Suddeepong, Apichat / Horpibulsuk, Suksun / Akkharawongthattana, Kongsak / Arulrajah, Arul / Buritatum, Apinun / Horpibulsuk, Jitwadee / Rashid, Ahmad Safuan A. (2024): Improved Performance of Natural Rubber Latex–Modified Asphalt Concretes with Various Types of Aggregates. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 36, n. 1 (janvier 2024).
Hoy, Menglim / Samrandee, Vaiphot / Samrandee, Worachet / Suddeepong, Apichat / Phummiphan, Itthikorn / Horpibulsuk, Suksun / Buritatum, Apinun / Arulrajah, Arul / Yeanyong, Chakkrid (2023): Evaluation of asphalt pavement maintenance using recycled asphalt pavement with asphalt binders. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 406 (novembre 2023).
Hoy, Menglim / Nhieu, Duong Vinh / Horpibulsuk, Suksun / Suddeepong, Apichat / Chinkulkijniwat, Avirut / Buritatum, Apinun / Arulrajah, Arul (2023): Effect of wetting and drying cycles on mechanical strength of cement-natural rubber latex stabilized recycled concrete aggregate. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 394 (août 2023).
Suddeepong, Apichat / Buritatum, Apinun / Dasdawan, Sutep / Horpibulsuk, Suksun / Yaowarat, Teerasak / Hoy, Menglim / Arulrajah, Arul (2023): Mechanical Performance of Porous Asphalt Concrete Incorporating Bottom Ash as Fine Aggregate. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 35, n. 6 (juin 2023).
Suddeepong, Apichat / Buritatum, Apinun / Hoy, Menglim / Horpibulsuk, Suksun / Takaikaew, Thaworn / Horpibulsuk, Jitwadee / Arulrajah, Arul (2022): Natural Rubber Latex–Modified Concrete Pavements: Evaluation and Design Approach. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 34, n. 9 (septembre 2022).
Tran, Ngoc Quynh / Hoy, Menglim / Suddeepong, Apichat / Horpibulsuk, Suksun / Kantathum, Karn / Arulrajah, Arul (2022): Improved mechanical and microstructure of cement-stabilized lateritic soil using recycled materials replacement and natural rubber latex for pavement applications. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 347 (septembre 2022).
Yaowarat, Teerasak / Suddeepong, Apichat / Hoy, Menglim / Horpibulsuk, Suksun / Takaikaew, Thaworn / Vichitcholchai, Nopparat / Arulrajah, Arul / Chinkulkijniwat, Avirut (2021): Improvement of flexural strength of concrete pavements using natural rubber latex. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 282 (mai 2021).
Buritatum, Apinun / Suddeepong, Apichat / Horpibulsuk, Suksun / Udomchai, Artit / Arulrajah, Arul / Mohammadinia, Alireza / Horpibulsuk, Jitwadee / Hoy, Menglim (2022): Improvement of Tensile Properties of Cement-Stabilized Soil Using Natural Rubber Latex. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 34, n. 4 (avril 2022).
Srijaroen, Chayanon / Hoy, Menglim / Horpibulsuk, Suksun / Rachan, Runglawan / Arulrajah, Arul (2021): Soil–Cement Screw Pile: Alternative Pile for Low- and Medium-Rise Buildings in Soft Bangkok Clay. Dans: Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, v. 147, n. 2 (février 2021).
Sudla, Phuttipong / Horpibulsuk, Suksun / Chinkulkijniwat, Avirut / Arulrajah, Arul / Liu, Martin D. / Hoy, Menglim (2018): Marginal lateritic soil/crushed slag blends as an engineering fill material. Dans: Soils and Foundations, v. 58, n. 3 (juin 2018).
Soe Moe, K. W. / Bo, M. W. / Arulrajah, Arul / Horpibulsuk, Suksun / Hoy, Menglim (2021): Strength and Stiffness Parameters determined from Cone Pressuremeter Tests at Changi East, Singapore. Dans: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Ground Improvement, v. 174, n. 3 (août 2021).
Hasita, Saowarot / Hoy, Menglim / Suddeepong, Apichat / Horpibulsuk, Suksun / Yeanyong, Chakkrid / Arulrajah, Arul / Mohammadinia, Alireza (2021): Performance and Toxic Leaching Evaluation of Dense-Graded Asphalt Concrete Using Steel Slag as Aggregate. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 33, n. 1 (janvier 2021).
Buritatun, Apinun / Takaikaew, Thaworn / Horpibulsuk, Suksun / Udomchai, Artit / Hoy, Menglim / Vichitcholchai, Nopparat / Arulrajah, Arul (2020): Mechanical Strength Improvement of Cement-Stabilized Soil Using Natural Rubber Latex for Pavement Base Applications. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 32, n. 12 (décembre 2020).
Sudla, Phuttipong / Donrak, Jeerapan / Hoy, Menglim / Horpibulsuk, Suksun / Arulrajah, Arul / Rashid, Ahmad Safuan A. / Nazir, Ramli / Samingthong, Wisanukhorn (2020): Laboratory Investigation of Cement-Stabilized Marginal Lateritic Soil by Crushed Slag–Fly Ash Replacement for Pavement Applications. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 32, n. 2 (février 2020).
Hoy, Menglim / Horpibulsuk, Suksun / Arulrajah, Arul (2016): Strength development of Recycled Asphalt Pavement – Fly ash geopolymer as a road construction material. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 117 (août 2016).
Hoy, Menglim / Rachan, Runglawan / Horpibulsuk, Suksun / Arulrajah, Arul / Mirzababaei, Mehdi (2017): Effect of wetting–drying cycles on compressive strength and microstructure of recycled asphalt pavement – Fly ash geopolymer. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 144 (juillet 2017).
Hoy, Menglim / Horpibulsuk, Suksun / Arulrajah, Arul / Mohajerani, Abbas (2018): Strength and Microstructural Study of Recycled Asphalt Pavement: Slag Geopolymer as a Pavement Base Material. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 30, n. 8 (août 2018).
Takaikaew, Thaworn / Tepsriha, Promma / Horpibulsuk, Suksun / Hoy, Menglim / Kaloush, Kamil E. / Arulrajah, Arul (2018): Performance of Fiber-Reinforced Asphalt Concretes with Various Asphalt Binders in Thailand. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 30, n. 8 (août 2018).