Selvaraj, Jagan / Chastel, Timothee / Hallett, Stephen R. (2025): A localised continuum damage mechanics model for fibre failure in explicit integration. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 355 (février 2025).
Broberg, Peter H. / Lindgaard, Esben / Thompson, Adam J. / Belnoue, Jonathan P.-H. / Hallett, Stephen R. / Bak, Brian L. V. (2024): Parametric study on the effect of material properties, tool geometry, and tolerances on preform quality in wind turbine blade manufacturing. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 344 (septembre 2024).
Gruebler, Kilian / Thomson, Daniel / Petrinić, Nik / Wisnom, Michael R. / Hallett, Stephen R. (2023): Fibre reinforcement and stacking sequence influence on the through-thickness compression behaviour of polymer composites. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 319 (septembre 2023).
Tretiak, Iryna / Kawashita, Luiz F. / Hallett, Stephen R. (2022): Predicting short beam shear strength reduction in carbon/epoxy laminates containing voids. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 290 (juin 2022).
Woigk, Wilhelm / Zhang, Bing / Jones, Mike I. / Kuhtz, Moritz / Hornig, Andreas / Gude, Maik / Hallett, Stephen R. (2021): Effect of saw-tooth ply drops on the mechanical performance of tapered composite laminates. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 272 (septembre 2021).
Kristnama, Ashwin R. / Xu, Xiaodong / Wisnom, Michael R. / Hallett, Stephen R. (2021): Numerical analysis of high velocity, oblique impacts and residual tensile strength of carbon/epoxy laminates. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 259 (mars 2021).
Mukhopadhyay, Supratik / Hallett, Stephen R. (2020): An augmented cohesive element for coarse meshes in delamination analysis of composites. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 254 (décembre 2020).
El Said, Bassam / Hallett, Stephen R. (2020): Parametric failure manifolds for laminated composites. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 253 (décembre 2020).
Reiner, Johannes / Xu, Xiaodong / Zobeiry, Navid / Vaziri, Reza / Hallett, Stephen R. / Wisnom, Michael R. (2021): Virtual Characterization of Nonlocal Continuum Damage Model Parameters using a High Fidelity Finite Element Model. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 256 (janvier 2021).
Thomas, Matthew A. / Hallett, Stephen R. / Weaver, Paul M. (2020): Design considerations for variable stiffness, doubly curved composite plates. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 244 (juillet 2020).
Akterskaia, Margarita / Jansen, Eelco / Hallett, Stephen R. / Weaver, Paul / Rolfes, Raimund (2018): Analysis of skin-stringer debonding in composite panels through a two-way global-local method. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 202 (octobre 2018).
Woigk, Wilhelm / Hallett, Stephen R. / Jones, Mike I. / Kuhtz, Moritz / Hornig, Andreas / Gude, Maik (2018): Experimental investigation of the effect of defects in Automated Fibre Placement produced composite laminates. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 201 (octobre 2018).
Gong, Yu / Zhang, Bing / Mukhopadhyay, Supratik / Hallett, Stephen R. (2018): Experimental study on delamination migration in multidirectional laminates under mode II static and fatigue loading, with comparison to mode I. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 201 (octobre 2018).
El Said, Bassam / Hallett, Stephen R. (2018): Multiscale surrogate modelling of the elastic response of thick composite structures with embedded defects and features. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 200 (septembre 2018).
Gong, Yu / Zhang, Bing / Hallett, Stephen R. (2018): Delamination migration in multidirectional composite laminates under mode I quasi-static and fatigue loading. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 189 (avril 2018).
Xu, Xiaodong / Takeda, Shin-ichi / Aoki, Yuichiro / Hallett, Stephen R. / Wisnom, Michael R. (2017): Predicting notched tensile strength of full-scale composite structures from small coupons using fracture mechanics. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 180 (novembre 2017).
Shi, Yu / Hallett, Stephen R. / Zhu, Meiling (2017): Energy harvesting behaviour for aircraft composites structures using macro-fibre composite: Part I – Integration and experiment. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 160 (janvier 2017).
Gan, Khong Wui / Wisnom, Michael R. / Hallett, Stephen R. (2013): An approximate model of cylindrical and spherical contact on composite laminates of finite thickness. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 103 (septembre 2013).
Dang, Thi D. / Hallett, Stephen R. (2013): A numerical study on impact and compression after impact behaviour of variable angle tow laminates. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 96 (février 2013).
May, Michael / Hallett, Stephen R. (2011): An advanced model for initiation and propagation of damage under fatigue loading – part I: Model formulation. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 93, n. 9 (août 2011).
May, Michael / Pullin, Rhys / Eaton, Mark / Featherston, Carol / Hallett, Stephen R. (2011): An advanced model for initiation and propagation of damage under fatigue loading – part II: Matrix cracking validation cases. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 93, n. 9 (août 2011).