Ahn, Jounghwan / Haberl, Jeff S.: Origins of whole-building energy simulations for high-performance commercial buildings: Contributions of the 1975 ASHRAE algorithms for heat balance-based hourly heating and cooling load calculations. Dans: Science and Technology for the Built Environment.
Ahn, Jounghwan / Haberl, Jeff S.: Origins of whole-building energy simulations for high-performance commercial buildings: Contributions of the 1968 and 1971 ASHRAE algorithms for weighting factor-based hourly heating and cooling load calculations. Dans: Science and Technology for the Built Environment.
Kota, Sandeep Joshua / Haberl, Jeff S. (2024): POLarizer-FENestration (POLFEN) a novel concept of a glazing technology to modulate daylighting and glare in buildings. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 261 (août 2024).
Kheiri, Farshad / Haberl, Jeff S. / Baltazar, Juan-Carlos (2023): Split-degree day method: A novel degree day method for improving building energy performance estimation. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 289 (juin 2023).
Ahn, Jounghwan / Haberl, Jeff S. (2023): Origins of whole-building energy simulations for high-performance commercial buildings: Contributions of NATEOUS, SHEP, TACS, CP-26, and RESPTK programs. Dans: Science and Technology for the Built Environment, v. 29, n. 4 (mars 2023).
Shin, Minjae / Haberl, Jeff S. (2022): A procedure for automating thermal zoning for building energy simulation. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 46 (avril 2022).
Kim, Kee Han / Haberl, Jeff S. (2015): Development of a home energy audit methodology for determining energy-efficient, cost-effective measures in existing single-family houses using an easy-to-use simulation. Dans: Building Simulation, v. 8, n. 5 (juin 2015).
Kim, Kee Han / Haberl, Jeff S. (2016): Development of a home energy audit methodology for determining energy and cost efficient measures using an easy-to-use simulation: Test results from single-family houses in Texas, USA. Dans: Building Simulation, v. 9, n. 6 (août 2016).
Jeong, WoonSeong / Kim, Jong Bum / Clayton, Mark J. / Haberl, Jeff S. / Yan, Wei (2015): A framework to integrate object-oriented physical modelling with building information modelling for building thermal simulation. Dans: Journal of Building Performance Simulation, v. 9, n. 1 (février 2015).
Oh, Sukjoon / Haberl, Jeff S. / Baltazar, Juan-Carlos (2020): Analysis of zone-by-zone indoor environmental conditions and electricity savings from the use of a smart thermostat: A residential case study. Dans: Science and Technology for the Built Environment, v. 26, n. 3 (février 2020).
Mao, Chunliu / Baltazar, Juan-Carlos / Haberl, Jeff S. (2019): Comparison of ASHRAE peak cooling load calculation methods. Dans: Science and Technology for the Built Environment, v. 25, n. 2 (février 2019).
Mao, Chunliu / Baltazar, Juan-Carlos / Haberl, Jeff S. (2018): Literature review of building peak cooling load methods in the United States. Dans: Science and Technology for the Built Environment, v. 24, n. 3 (janvier 2018).
Oh, Sukjoon / Haberl, Jeff S. (2015): Origins of analysis methods used to design high-performance commercial buildings: Solar energy analysis. Dans: Science and Technology for the Built Environment, v. 22, n. 1 (novembre 2015).
Oh, Sukjoon / Haberl, Jeff S. (2015): Origins of analysis methods used to design high-performance commercial buildings: Whole-building energy simulation. Dans: Science and Technology for the Built Environment, v. 22, n. 1 (novembre 2015).
Oh, Sukjoon / Haberl, Jeff S. (2015): Origins of analysis methods used to design high-performance commercial buildings: Daylighting simulation. Dans: Science and Technology for the Built Environment, v. 22, n. 1 (novembre 2015).
Andolsun, Simge / Culp, Charles H. / Haberl, Jeff S. / Witte, Michael J. (2012): EnergyPlus vs DOE-2.1e: The effect of ground coupling on cooling/heating energy requirements of slab-on-grade code houses in four climates of the US. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 52 (septembre 2012).
Song, Suwon / Haberl, Jeff S. (2013): Analysis of the impact of using synthetic data correlated with measured data on the calibrated as-built simulation of a commercial building. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 67 (décembre 2013).
Kota, Sandeep / Haberl, Jeff S. / Clayton, Mark J. / Yan, Wei (2014): Building Information Modeling (BIM)-based daylighting simulation and analysis. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 81 (octobre 2014).
Kim, Kee Han / Haberl, Jeff S. (2015): Development of methodology for calibrated simulation in single-family residential buildings using three-parameter change-point regression model. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 99 (juillet 2015).
Oh, Sukjoon / Haberl, Jeff S. / Baltazar, Juan-Carlos (2020): Analysis methods for characterizing energy saving opportunities from home automation devices using smart meter data. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 216 (juin 2020).
Shin, Minjae / Baltazar, Juan-Carlos / Haberl, Jeff S. / Frazier, Edwin / Lynn, Bobby (2019): Evaluation of the energy performance of a net zero energy building in a hot and humid climate. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 204 (décembre 2019).
Shin, Minjae / Haberl, Jeff S. (2019): Thermal zoning for building HVAC design and energy simulation: A literature review. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 203 (novembre 2019).
Kim, Jong Bum / Jeong, WoonSeong / Clayton, Mark J. / Haberl, Jeff S. / Yan, Wei (2015): Developing a physical BIM library for building thermal energy simulation. Dans: Automation in Construction, v. 50 (février 2015).