Shaikh, Sadiya / Gupta, Ankit (2025): Laboratory-to-field correlation and validation of performance specifications for bituminous mixtures. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 464 (février 2025).
Kumar, Abhinav / Gupta, Ankit / Anupam, Kumar / Wagh, Vivek Pratap (2024): Finite element-based framework to study the response of bituminous concrete pavements under different conditions. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 417 (février 2024).
Katiyar, Varun / Gupta, Ankit (2024): Large-amplitude nonlinear vibrations characteristics of bi-directional functionally graded plate having microstructure defects in hygro-thermal environment. Dans: Structures, v. 70 (décembre 2024).
Shaikh, Sadiya / Gupta, Ankit (2024): Assessing cracking resistance and threshold limits of bituminous mixtures with IDEAL-CT and predictive modeling techniques. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 449 (octobre 2024).
Wagh, Vivek Pratap / Kumar, Saurabh / Gupta, Ankit (2024): Identifying the Suitability of Warm Mix Asphalt for Reducing the Production Temperatures of Crumb Rubber–Modified Asphalt Mixtures: Economic and Environmental Perspective. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 36, n. 9 (septembre 2024).
Chaudhary, Mohit / Saboo, Nikhil / Gupta, Ankit (2024): Development of the Criteria for Optimum Filler–Binder Ratio in an Asphalt Mix Based on Fatigue Performance. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 36, n. 9 (septembre 2024).
Wagh, Vivek Pratap / Sukhija, Mayank / Gupta, Ankit (2023): Investigation on bonding between aggregates and asphalt binder containing warm mix additives. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 409 (décembre 2023).
Mondal, Satyajit / Pandey, Ashutosh / Gupta, Ankit / Pani, Agnivesh (2023): Identifying the Critical Risk Factors for Road Crashes Based on Large-Scale Safety Audits in India. Dans: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 27, n. 11 (22 septembre 2023).
Kumar, Abhinav / Tang, Tianchi / Gupta, Ankit / Anupam, Kumar (2023): A state-of-the-art review of measurement and modelling of skid resistance: The perspective of developing nation. Dans: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 18 (juillet 2023).
Choudhary, Jayvant / Sukhija, Mayank / Gupta, Ankit (2022): A comparative analysis of engineering and economical suitability of bituminous mastics containing waste fillers. Dans: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 17 (décembre 2022).
Chaudhary, Mohit / Saboo, Nikhil / Gupta, Ankit / Miljković, Miomir (2022): Contribution of mineral filler to the fatigue damage behaviour of bituminous mastic. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 334 (juin 2022).
Steineder, Michael / Peyer, Martin Johannes / Hofko, Bernhard / Chaudhary, Mohit / Saboo, Nikhil / Gupta, Ankit (2022): Comparing different fatigue test methods at asphalt mastic level. Dans: Materials and Structures, v. 55, n. 5 (juin 2022).
Choudhary, Jayvant / Kumar, Brind / Gupta, Ankit (2021): Potential utilization of construction wastes in asphalt pavements as fillers using ranking framework. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 277 (mars 2021).
Kumar, Abhinav / Gupta, Ankit (2021): Review of Factors Controlling Skid Resistance at Tire-Pavement Interface. Dans: Advances in Civil Engineering, v. 2021 (janvier 2021).
Hasanov, Seymur / Gupta, Ankit / Alifui-Segbaya, Frank / Fidan, Ismail (2021): Hierarchical homogenization and experimental evaluation of functionally graded materials manufactured by the fused filament fabrication process. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 275 (novembre 2021).
Gupta, Ankit / Widdowson, Mark A. (2017): Modeling of Complex Reductive Biodegradation Kinetics of Recalcitrant Organic Contaminants. Dans: Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE), v. 143, n. 8 (août 2017).
Gupta, Ankit (2022): Analytical Investigations on Short-Paneled Concrete Pavements Using Finite Element Analysis. Dans: Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, v. 46, n. 2 (février 2022).
Mondal, Satyajit / Gupta, Ankit (2023): Microsimulation based framework to analyse urban signalized intersection under mixed traffic environment. Dans: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport, v. 176, n. 4 (juillet 2023).
Chaudhary, Mohit / Saboo, Nikhil / Gupta, Ankit / Hofko, Bernhard / Steineder, Michael (2020): Assessing the effect of fillers on LVE properties of asphalt mastics at intermediate temperatures. Dans: Materials and Structures, v. 53, n. 4 (26 juin 2020).
Choudhary, Jayvant / Kumar, Brind / Gupta, Ankit (2020): Analysis and Comparison of Asphalt Mixes Containing Waste Fillers Using a Novel Ranking Methodology. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 32, n. 5 (mai 2020).
Choudhary, Jayvant / Kumar, Brind / Gupta, Ankit (2020): Feasible utilization of waste limestone sludge as filler in bituminous concrete. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 239 (avril 2020).
Choudhary, Jayvant / Kumar, Brind / Gupta, Ankit (2020): Performance evaluation of bauxite residue modified asphalt concrete mixes. Dans: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, v. 26, n. 3 (février 2020).
Gupta, Ankit / Talha, Mohammad (2018): Influence of Porosity on the Flexural and Free Vibration Responses of Functionally Graded Plates in Thermal Environment. Dans: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, v. 18, n. 1 (janvier 2018).
Mondal, Satyajit / Gupta, Ankit (2019): Discharge Characteristics Analysis of Queued-up Vehicles at Signal-Controlled Intersections Under Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions. Dans: International Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 17, n. 5 (février 2019).
Mondal, Satyajit / Gupta, Ankit (2020): A Review of Methodological Approaches for Saturation Flow Estimation at Signalized Intersections. Dans: Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering / Revue canadienne de génie civil, v. 47, n. 3 (mars 2020).
Mondal, Satyajit / Arya, Vijai Kumar / Gupta, Ankit (2022): An optimized approach for saturation flow estimation of signalized intersections. Dans: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport, v. 175, n. 3 (juin 2022).
Saboo, Nikhil / Ranjeesh, R. / Gupta, Ankit / Suresh, Majji (2019): Development of hierarchical ranking strategy for the asphalt skeleton in semi-flexible pavement. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 201 (mars 2019).
Gupta, Ankit / Kumar, Praveen / Rastogi, Rajat (2013): Critical review of flexible pavement performance models. Dans: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 18, n. 1 (novembre 2013).
Agarwal, Pankaj / Gupta, Ankit / Angadi, Rachanna G. (2014): Effect of FRP wrapping on axial behavior of concrete and cyclic behavior of external RC beam column joints. Dans: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 18, n. 2 (janvier 2014).
Saboo, Nikhil / Kumar, Rajiv / Kumar, Praveen / Gupta, Ankit (2018): Ranking the Rheological Response of SBS- and EVA-Modified Bitumen Using MSCR and LAS Tests. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 30, n. 8 (août 2018).