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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. Guo, Deping / Liu, Yulin / Tang, Jincai / Zhang, Zeng / Yao, Chaofan / Li, Yang / Wu, Wang (2025): A Novel Simplified Analysis Model to Predict Behaviors of Single Piles Subjected to Reverse Faulting. Dans: Buildings, v. 15, n. 3 (21 janvier 2025).


  2. Jia, Hongyu / Chen, Sijie / Wu, Rui / Guo, Deping / Xu, Zhi / Zheng, Shixiong (2023): Response analyses of a hybrid cable-supported and sea-crossing bridge subjected to pulse-like ground motions and hydrodynamic force. Dans: Structures, v. 58 (décembre 2023).


  3. Jia, Hongyu / Chen, Sijie / Guo, Deping / Zheng, Shixiong / Zhao, Canhui (2024): Track-bridge deformation relation and interaction of long-span railway suspension bridges subject to strike-slip faulting. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 300 (février 2024).


  4. Meng, Wei / He, Chuan / Zhou, Zihan / Yan, Qixiang / Yang, Wenbo / Guo, Deping / Chen, Ziquan (2023): Influence of constant total hydraulic head on pore pressure and water inflow of grouted tunnel calculated by complex variable method. Dans: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 136 (juin 2023).


  5. Bai, Hao / Guo, Deping / Wang, Wubin / Tan, Xiao / Yan, Meng / Chen, Genda / Bao, Yi (2022): Experimental investigation on flexural behavior of steel-concrete composite floor slabs with distributed fiber optic sensors. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 54 (août 2022).


  6. Li, Lin / Guo, Xiaodan / Zou, Zuyin / Zhu, Zhanyuan / Guo, Zihong / Xiao, Weimin / Guo, Deping (2021): Study on Dynamic Response Characteristics and Damage Mechanism of Tunnel Lining at Entrance of Shallow Bias Tunnel. Dans: Shock and Vibration, v. 2021 (janvier 2021).


  7. Yao, Chaofan / He, Chuan / Takemura, Jiro / Feng, Kun / Guo, Deping / Huang, Xing (2021): Active length of a continuous pipe or tunnel subjected to reverse faulting. Dans: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 148 (septembre 2021).


  8. Zhang, Jinxiang / Zhang, Mingjin / Li, Yongle / Jiang, Fanying / Wu, Lianhuo / Guo, Deping (2021): Comparison of wind characteristics in different directions of deep-cut gorges based on field measurements. Dans: Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, v. 212 (mai 2021).


  9. Li, Zheng / Guo, Deping / Berto, Filippo (2020): A coupled elastoplastic damage model for brittle rocks: elastoplastic damage model for brittle rocks. Dans: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 14, n. 53 (juin 2020).


  10. Yao, Chaofan / Yan, Qixiang / Sun, Minghui / Dong, Weijie / Guo, Deping (2020): Rigid diaphragm wall with a relief shelf to mitigate the deformations of soil and shallow foundations subjected to normal faulting. Dans: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 137 (octobre 2020).


  11. Guo, Deping / He, Chuan / Xu, Chong / Hamada, Masanori (2015): Analysis of the relations between slope failure distribution and seismic ground motion during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Dans: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 72 (mai 2015).


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