Zhang, Jiabin / Li, Wenwei / Yuan, Qiang / Wang, Jianyun / Gao, Yun (2025): Insights on the representative elementary volume of plain cement paste from a micromechanical perspective. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 100 ( 2025).
Rong, Zhidan / OuYang, Hanliang / Gao, Yun / Chen, Hao (2025): The Pore Structure Characteristics of Mortar and Its Application in the Study of Chloride Ion Transport Performance. Dans: Buildings, v. 15, n. 3 (21 janvier 2025).
Yang, Yan / Wu, Kai / Fang, Jingrui / Ren, Changzai / Wang, Wuxiang / Gao, Yun / Yang, Zhenghong (2024): Investigation on the carbonation and heavy metals stabilization of MSWI fly ash by incorporating γ-C2S and Portland cement. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 445 (septembre 2024).
Yang, Yan / Lai, Yong / Wu, Kai / Wang, Wuxiang / Fang, Jingrui / Gao, Yun / Yang, Zhenghong (2024): Effect of Cr2O3 on the clinkerization and carbonation properties of γ-C2S. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 90 (août 2024).
Liang, Shiyang / Hou, Wenqi / Gao, Yun / Guo, Wei (2024): Local multiscale method for beam-column joint and its application in large-span column-free underground spatial structures. Dans: Structures, v. 61 (mars 2024).
Zhang, Jiabin / Wang, Jianyun / Li, Wenwei / Yuan, Qiang / Gao, Yun (2024): A micromechanical investigation of cement paste through a combination of the X-ray computed tomography and the phase field method. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 84 (mai 2024).
Chen, Zhi-Wei / Gao, Yun / Zhang, Jian / Liu, Qing-feng / Wang, Hai-Long / Zheng, Jian-Jun (2023): Numerical modeling of microstructure development and chloride diffusion coefficient of cement paste with ellipsoidal particles. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 408 (décembre 2023).
Liu, Xin / Feng, Pan / Li, Wei / Geng, Guoqing / Huang, Jiale / Gao, Yun / Mu, Song / Hong, Jinxiang (2021): Effects of pH on the nano/micro structure of calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) under sulfate attack. Dans: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 140 (février 2021).
Gao, Yun / De Schutter, Geert / Ye, Guang (2013): Micro- and meso-scale pore structure in mortar in relation to aggregate content. Dans: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 52 (octobre 2013).
Wu, Kai / Han, Hao / Xu, Linglin / Gao, Yun / Yang, Zhenghong / Jiang, Zhengwu / De Schutter, Geert (2021): The improvement of freezing–thawing resistance of concrete by cellulose/polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 291 (juillet 2021).
Sun, Zhilin / Gao, Yun / Sun, Lixia / Zheng, Haolei / Xiang, Wengang / Gao, Yimeng (2022): A new criterion for critical suspension of nonuniform sediment. Dans: Coastal Engineering Journal, v. 64, n. 3 (juillet 2022).
Gao, Yun / Liu, Lei / Pan, Ganghui / Fu, Shixiao / Chai, Shenglin / Shi, Chen (2022): Numerical prediction of vortex-induced vibrations of a long flexible riser with an axially varying tension based on a wake oscillator model. Dans: Marine Structures, v. 85 (septembre 2022).
Gao, Yun / Wu, Kai / Yuan, Qiang (2021): Limited fractal behavior in cement paste upon mercury intrusion porosimetry test: Analysis and models. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 276 (mars 2021).
Xie, Miaomiao / Gao, Yun / Cao, Yikun / Breuste, Jürgen / Fu, Meichen / Tong, De (2015): Dynamics and Temperature Regulation Function of Urban Green Connectivity. Dans: Journal of Urban Planning and Development, v. 141, n. 3 (septembre 2015).
Gao, Yun / Mae, Masayuki / Taniguchi, Keiichiro (2020): A new design exploring framework based on sensitivity analysis and Gaussian process regression in the early design stage. Dans: Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, v. 20, n. 3 (octobre 2020).
Gao, Yun / Feng, Pan / Jiang, Jinyang (2018): Analytical and numerical modeling of elastic moduli for cement based composites with solid mass fractal model. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 172 (mai 2018).
Yang, Zhiqiang / Sui, Shiyu / Wang, Liguo / Feng, Taotao / Gao, Yun / Mu, Song / Tang, Luping / Jiang, Jinyang (2020): Improving the chloride binding capacity of cement paste by adding nano-Al2O3: The cases of blended cement pastes. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 232 (janvier 2020).
Gao, Yun / Zhang, Zhuangzhuang / Zou, Li / Liu, Liming / Yang, Bin (2020): Effect of surface roughness and initial gap on the vortex-induced vibrations of a freely vibrating cylinder in the vicinity of a plane wall. Dans: Marine Structures, v. 69 (janvier 2020).
Gao, Yun / Orr, Kevin (2015): Architectural students’ year-out training experience in architectural offices in the UK. Dans: arq: Architectural Research Quarterly, v. 19, n. 2 (juin 2015).
Jiang, Zongyu / Cui, Jin / Gao, Yun / Zhao, Yong / Liu, Jie (2019): Experimental Investigation on the Wave Elevation around a Semisubmersible in Monochromatic and Irregular Waves. Dans: Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, v. 145, n. 1 (janvier 2019).
Gao, Yun / De Schutter, Geert / Ye, Guang / Huang, Haoliang / Tan, Zhijun / Wu, Kai (2013): Characterization of ITZ in ternary blended cementitious composites: Experiment and simulation. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 41 (avril 2013).
Gao, Yun / De Schutter, Geert / Ye, Guang / Yu, Zhuqing / Tan, Zhijun / Wu, Kai (2013): A microscopic study on ternary blended cement based composites. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 46 (septembre 2013).
Tan, Zhijun / De Schutter, Geert / Ye, Guang / Gao, Yun / Machiels, Lieven (2014): Influence of particle size on the early hydration of slag particle activated by Ca(OH)2 solution. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 52 (février 2014).
Gao, Yun / Jiang, Jinyang / De Schutter, Geert / Ye, Guang / Sun, Wei (2014): Fractal and multifractal analysis on pore structure in cement paste. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 69 (octobre 2014).
Gao, Yun / Wu, Kai / Jiang, Jinyang (2016): Examination and modeling of fractality for pore-solid structure in cement paste: Starting from the mercury intrusion porosimetry test. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 124 (octobre 2016).
Yang, Zhiqiang / Gao, Yun / Mu, Song / Chang, Honglei / Sun, Wei / Jiang, Jinyang (2019): Improving the chloride binding capacity of cement paste by adding nano-Al2O3. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 195 (janvier 2019).
Gao, Yun / Zong, Zhi / Zou, Li / Takagi, Shu / Jiang, Zongyu (2018): Numerical simulation of vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder with different surface roughnesses. Dans: Marine Structures, v. 57 (janvier 2018).
Gao, Yun / Fu, Shi-xiao / Cao, Jing / Chen, Yi-fan (2015): Experimental study on response performance of VIV of a flexible riser with helical strakes. Dans: China Ocean Engineering, v. 29, n. 5 (octobre 2015).
Gao, Yun / De Schutter, Geert / Ye, Guang / Jiang, Jinyang / Sun, Wei (2016): Assessment of Structural Feature and Ionic Diffusivity of ITZ in Blended Cementitious Composites. Dans: Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, v. 14, n. 7 ( 2016).
Gao, Yun / Jiang, Jinyang / Wu, Kai (2017): Modeling of Ionic Diffusivity for Cement Paste with Solid Mass Fractal Model and Lattice Boltzmann Method. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 29, n. 5 (mai 2017).