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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. Feng, Yue: Performance-based seismic design optimization of reinforced concrete structures with multiple ground motions via surrogate model. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering.


  2. Feng, Yue / Liu, Jun / Ye, Wenbin / Qin, Lei / Zang, Quansheng / Wang, Haibo / Gan, Lei (2024): Three-dimensional static and dynamic analyses of truncated conical shells by a modified scaled boundary finite element method. Dans: Structures, v. 69 (novembre 2024).


  3. Deng, Man-yu / Yuan, Xing-Fei / Feng, Yue (2024): The degradation of equivalent elastic modulus of steel wire ropes under long-term loading. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 450 (novembre 2024).


  4. Feng, Yue (2024): Seismic Design of Structures by Sequential Quadratic Programming with Trust Region Strategy and Endurance Time Method. Dans: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 28, n. 11 (3 octobre 2024).


  5. Feng, Yue (2024): Optimization of structures subjected to earthquake excitation using two-point adaptive approximation with trust region strategy. Dans: Structures, v. 65 (juillet 2024).


  6. Zhang, Dongxu / Feng, Yue / Zhang, Mei / Kang, Jian (2023): Sound field of a traditional Chinese Palace courtyard theatre. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 230 (février 2023).


  7. Yuan, Hao / Zhang, Qian / Hu, Xiangming / Wu, Mingyue / Zhao, Yanyun / Feng, Yue / Shen, Dingchen (2022): Application of zeolite as a bacterial carrier in the self-healing of cement mortar cracks. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 331 (mai 2022).


  8. Feng, Yue / Yuan, Xingfei / Samy, Akram (2022): Analysis of new wave-curved tensegrity dome. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 250 (janvier 2022).


  9. Feng, Zhi-jiao / Feng, Xiao-wei / Feng, Yue (2016): Study on Linear Expansion Performance of AR-SMA-13 Rubber Asphalt Mixture in Marshall Test. Dans: Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development (English Edition), v. 10, n. 4 (décembre 2016).


  10. Feng, Yue / Wang, Chunguang / Briseghella, Bruno / Fenu, Luigi / Zordan, Tobia (2021): Structural Optimization of a Steel Arch Bridge with Genetic Algorithm. Dans: Structural Engineering International, v. 31, n. 3 (juillet 2021).


  11. Briseghella, Bruno / Fenu, Luigi / Feng, Yue / Lan, Cheng / Mazzarolo, Enrico / Zordan, Tobia (2016): Optimization Indexes to Identify the Optimal Design Solution of Shell-Supported Bridges. Dans: Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), v. 21, n. 3 (mars 2016).


  12. Briseghella, Bruno / Fenu, Luigi / Feng, Yue / Mazzarolo, Enrico / Zordan, Tobia (2013): Topology Optimization of Bridges Supported by a Concrete Shell. Dans: Structural Engineering International, v. 23, n. 3 (août 2013).


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