Anwar, Mohamed M. / Ismail, Mohamed K. / Hodhod, Hossam A. / El-Dakhakhni, Wael / Ibrahim, Hatem H. A. (2024): Mechanics guided data-driven model for seismic shear strength of exterior beam-column joints. Dans: Structures, v. 69 (novembre 2024).
Haggag, May / Ismail, Mohamed K. / El-Dakhakhni, Wael (2024): An interpretable machine learning approach for predicting the capacity and failure mode of reinforced concrete columns. Dans: Advances in Structural Engineering, v. 28, n. 2 (novembre 2024).
Haggag, May / Elruby, A. Y. / Ismail, Mohamed K. / AbdelAleem, Basem H. / El-Dakhakhni, Wael (2024): Failure mode and capacity prediction for bolted T-stub connections using ensemble learning. Dans: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 212 (janvier 2024).
El-Azizy, Omar A. / Ezzeldin, Mohamed / El-Dakhakhni, Wael (2023): Comparative analyses of reinforced masonry and reinforced concrete shear walls with different end configurations: Seismic performance and economic assessment. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 296 (décembre 2023).
Ismail, Mohamed K. / Yosri, Ahmed / El-Dakhakhni, Wael (2024): Evolutionary computing-based models for predicting seismic shear strength of RC columns. Dans: Magazine of Concrete Research, v. 76, n. 3 (février 2024).
AbdelAleem, Basem H. / Ismail, Mohamed K. / Hassan, Assem A. A. / El-Dakhakhni, Wael (2023): Cyclic behavior of lightweight engineered cementitious composite beam-column joints. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 295 (novembre 2023).
El-Azizy, Omar A. / Ezzeldin, Mohamed / El-Dakhakhni, Wael (2023): Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls with Different End Configurations for Seismic Design. Dans: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 149, n. 6 (juin 2023).
Badr, Ahmed / Li, Zoe / El-Dakhakhni, Wael (2023): Dynamic Resilience Quantification of Hydropower Infrastructure in Multihazard Environments. Dans: Journal of Infrastructure Systems, v. 29, n. 2 (juin 2023).
Ismail, Mohamed K. / Hassan, Assem A. A. / AbdelAleem, Basem H. / El-Dakhakhni, Wael (2023): Flexural behavior and cracking of lightweight RC beams containing coarse and fine slag aggregates. Dans: Structures, v. 47 (janvier 2023).
Elgamel, Hana / Ismail, Mohamed K. / Ashour, Ahmed / El-Dakhakhni, Wael (2023): Backbone model for reinforced concrete block shear wall components and systems using controlled multigene genetic programming. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 274 (janvier 2023).
Moussa, Ahmed / El-Dakhakhni, Wael (2022): Managing Interdependence-Induced Systemic Risks in Infrastructure Projects. Dans: Journal of Management in Engineering (ASCE), v. 38, n. 5 (septembre 2022).
Goforth, Eric / Yosri, Ahmed / El-Dakhakhni, Wael / Wiebe, Lydell (2022): Infrastructure Asset Management System Optimized Configuration: A Genetic Algorithm–Complex Network Theoretic Metamanagement Approach. Dans: Journal of Infrastructure Systems, v. 28, n. 4 (décembre 2022).
Gondia, Ahmed / Ezzeldin, Mohamed / El-Dakhakhni, Wael (2022): Machine Learning–Based Decision Support Framework for Construction Injury Severity Prediction and Risk Mitigation. Dans: ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, v. 8, n. 3 (septembre 2022).
Salama, Mohamed / El-Dakhakhni, Wael / Tait, Michael J. / Tang, Chi (2022): Dynamic Network Flow Model for Power Grid Systemic Risk Assessment and Resilience Enhancement. Dans: Journal of Infrastructure Systems, v. 28, n. 2 (juin 2022).
Gondia, Ahmed / Ezzeldin, Mohamed / El-Dakhakhni, Wael (2022): Dynamic networks for resilience-driven management of infrastructure projects. Dans: Automation in Construction, v. 136 (avril 2022).
Salama, Mohamed / El-Dakhakhni, Wael / Tait, Michael (2022): Mixed strategy for power grid resilience enhancement under cyberattack. Dans: Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, v. 7, n. 5 (février 2022).
Badr, Ahmed / Yosri, Ahmed / Hassini, Sonia / El-Dakhakhni, Wael (2021): Coupled Continuous-Time Markov Chain–Bayesian Network Model for Dam Failure Risk Prediction. Dans: Journal of Infrastructure Systems, v. 27, n. 4 (décembre 2021).
El-Dakhakhni, Wael (2021): Data Analytics in Structural Engineering. Dans: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 147, n. 8 (août 2021).
Yosri, Ahmed / Elleathy, Yasser / Hassini, Sonia / El-Dakhakhni, Wael (2021): Genetic Algorithm-Markovian Model for Predictive Bridge Asset Management. Dans: Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), v. 26, n. 8 (août 2021).
Gondia, Ahmed / Ezzeldin, Mohamed / El-Dakhakhni, Wael (2020): Mechanics-Guided Genetic Programming Expression for Shear-Strength Prediction of Squat Reinforced Concrete Walls with Boundary Elements. Dans: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 146, n. 11 (novembre 2020).
Yassien, Yassien / Ezzeldin, Mohamed / Mohamed, Moataz / El-Dakhakhni, Wael (2020): Air Transportation Infrastructure Robustness Assessment for Proactive Systemic Risk Management. Dans: Journal of Management in Engineering (ASCE), v. 36, n. 4 (juillet 2020).
Ezzeldin, Mohamed / El-Dakhakhni, Wael (2020): Metaresearching Structural Engineering Using Text Mining: Trend Identifications and Knowledge Gap Discoveries. Dans: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 146, n. 5 (mai 2020).
El-Hashimy, Tarek / Ezzeldin, Mohamed / El-Dakhakhni, Wael / Tait, Michael (2020): Behavior of Seismically Detailed Reinforced Concrete Block Shear Walls with Boundary Elements under Out-of-Plane Loading. Dans: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 146, n. 3 (mars 2020).
Gondia, Ahmed / Siam, Ahmad / El-Dakhakhni, Wael / Nassar, Ayman H. (2020): Machine Learning Algorithms for Construction Projects Delay Risk Prediction. Dans: Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, v. 146, n. 1 (janvier 2020).
Siam, Ahmad / Ezzeldin, Mohamed / El-Dakhakhni, Wael (2019): Machine learning algorithms for structural performance classifications and predictions: Application to reinforced masonry shear walls. Dans: Structures, v. 22 (décembre 2019).
Ismail, Ahmed / Ezzeldin, Mohamed / El-Dakhakhni, Wael / Tait, Michael (2019): Blast load simulation using conical shock tube systems. Dans: International Journal of Protective Structures, v. 11, n. 2 (juin 2019).
Ezzeldin, Mohamed / El-Dakhakhni, Wael / Wiebe, Lydell (2017): Experimental Assessment of the System-Level Seismic Performance of an Asymmetrical Reinforced Concrete Block–Wall Building with Boundary Elements. Dans: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 143, n. 8 (août 2017).
Ashour, Ahmed / El-Dakhakhni, Wael (2016): Influence of Floor Diaphragm–Wall Coupling on the System-Level Seismic Performance of an Asymmetrical Reinforced Concrete Block Building. Dans: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 142, n. 10 (octobre 2016).
Ashour, Ahmed / El-Dakhakhni, Wael / Shedid, Marwan (2016): Experimental Evaluation of the System-Level Seismic Performance and Robustness of an Asymmetrical Reinforced Concrete Block Building. Dans: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 142, n. 10 (octobre 2016).
Siyam, Mustafa A. / Konstantinidis, Dimitrios / El-Dakhakhni, Wael (2016): Collapse Fragility Evaluation of Ductile Reinforced Concrete Block Wall Systems for Seismic Risk Assessment. Dans: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE), v. 30, n. 6 (décembre 2016).