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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


Mario De Stefano ORCID

La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. Cardinali, Vieri / Di Rienzo, Elisabetta / Tanganelli, Marco / De Stefano, Mario: Compound-based approach for large scale seismic vulnerability assessment: application to the Garfagnana area in Tuscany. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering.


  2. Alecci, Valerio / Fagone, Mario / Galassi, Stefano / Rotunno, Tommaso / Stipo, Gianfranco / De Stefano, Mario (2024): Experimental shear behaviour of masonry walls reinforced with FRCM. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 315 (septembre 2024).


  3. Salvatori, Luca / Marra, Antonino Maria / De Stefano, Mario / Spinelli, Paolo (2024): Downburst wind loading on bridge decks through an analytical model. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 319 (novembre 2024).


  4. Cardinali, Vieri / Ciuffreda, Anna Livia / Coli, Massimo / De Stefano, Mario / Meli, Francesca / Tanganelli, Marco / Trovatelli, Francesco (2023): An Oriented H-BIM Approach for the Seismic Assessment of Cultural Heritage Buildings: Palazzo Vecchio in Florence. Dans: Buildings, v. 13, n. 4 (24 mars 2023).


  5. Cristofaro, Maria Teresa / De Stefano, Mario (2023): Seismic assessment of historical buildings through multilevel approach: the complex of the 'Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze'. Dans: International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation, v. 8, n. 1 ( 2023).


  6. De Stefano, Mario / Cristofaro, Maria Teresa (2023): Seismic assessment of historical buildings through multilevel approach: the complex of the 'Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze'. Dans: International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation, v. 8, n. 1 ( 2023).


  7. Cristofaro, Maria Teresa / D’Ambrisi, Angelo / Focacci, Francesco / Tanganelli, Marco / De Stefano, Mario (2022): Beam tests for the determination of the interfacial properties of FRCM composites. Dans: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 17 (décembre 2022).


  8. De Stefano, Mario / Cristofaro, Maria Teresa (2020): The Complex of the Galleria dell’Accademia of Florence: keeping in safety. Dans: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 29 ( 2020).


  9. Alecci, Valerio / De Stefano, Mario (2018): Building irregularity issues and architectural design in seismic areas. Dans: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 13, n. 47 (décembre 2018).


  10. Alecci, Valerio / Focacci, Francesco / Rovero, Luisa / Stipo, Gianfranco / De Stefano, Mario (2017): Intrados strengthening of brick masonry arches with different FRCM composites: Experimental and analytical investigations. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 176 (septembre 2017).


  11. Alecci, Valerio / Focacci, Francesco / Rovero, Luisa / Stipo, Gianfranco / De Stefano, Mario (2016): Extrados strengthening of brick masonry arches with PBO–FRCM composites: Experimental and analytical investigations. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 149 (août 2016).


  12. Focacci, Francesco / Foraboschi, Paolo / De Stefano, Mario (2015): Composite beam generally connected: Analytical model. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 133 (décembre 2015).


  13. Barducci, Sara / Alecci, Valerio / De Stefano, Mario / Misseri, Giulia / Rovero, Luisa / Stipo, Gianfranco (2020): Experimental and Analytical Investigations on Bond Behavior of Basalt-FRCM Systems. Dans: Journal of Composites for Construction, v. 24, n. 1 (février 2020).


  14. Focacci, Francesco / Carloni, Christian / De Stefano, Mario (2019): Approximate Evaluation of Maximum Force Transferable at FRP-Masonry Interface. Dans: Journal of Composites for Construction, v. 23, n. 6 (décembre 2019).


  15. Der Kiureghian, Armen / De Stefano, Mario (1991): Efficient Algorithm for Second‐Order Reliability Analysis. Dans: Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), v. 117, n. 12 (décembre 1991).


  16. De Stefano, Mario / Pintucchi, Barbara (2010): Predicting torsion-induced lateral displacements for pushover analysis: Influence of torsional system characteristics. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 39, n. 12 (10 octobre 2010).


  17. De Stefano, Mario / Faella, Giuseppe (1996): An evaluation of the inelastic response of systems under biaxial seismic excitations. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 18, n. 9 (septembre 1996).


  18. Alecci, Valerio / Stipo, Gianfranco / La Brusco, Alessandra / De Stefano, Mario / Rovero, Luisa (2019): Estimating elastic modulus of tuff and brick masonry: A comparison between on-site and laboratory tests. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 204 (avril 2019).


  19. Trombetti, Tomaso / Silvestri, Stefano / Gasparini, Giada / Pintucchi, Barbara / De Stefano, Mario (2008): Numerical Verification of the Effectiveness of the "Alpha" Method for the Estimation of the Maximum Rotational Elastic Response of Eccentric Systems. Dans: Journal of Earthquake Engineering, v. 12, n. 2 ( 2008).


  20. Alecci, Valerio / De Stefano, Mario / Luciano, Raimondo / Rovero, Luisa / Stipo, Gianfranco (2016): Experimental Investigation on Bond Behavior of Cement-Matrix–Based Composites for Strengthening of Masonry Structures. Dans: Journal of Composites for Construction, v. 20, n. 1 (février 2016).


  21. De Stefano, Mario / Rutenberg, Avigdor (1999): Seismic stability and the force reduction factor of code-designed one-storey asymmetric structures. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 28, n. 7 (juillet 1999).


  22. De Stefano, Mario / Faella, Giuseppe / Ramasco, Roberto (1998): Inelastic seismic response of one-way plan-asymmetric systems under bi-directional ground motions. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 27, n. 4 (avril 1998).


  23. De Stefano, Mario / Faella, Giuseppe / Ramasco, Roberto (1993): Inelastic response and design criteria of plan-wise asymmetric systems. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 22, n. 3 (mars 1993).


  24. Como, Marina / De Stefano, Mario / Ramasco, Roberto (2003): Effects of column axial force - bending moment interaction on inelastic seismic response of steel frames. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 32, n. 12 (octobre 2003).


  25. Margiacchi, Federico / Salvatori, Luca / Orlando, Maurizio / De Stefano, Mario / Spinelli, Paolo (2016): Seismic response of masonry-infilled steel frames via multi-scale finite-element analyses. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 14, n. 12 (septembre 2016).


  26. Orlando, Maurizio / Salvatori, Luca / Spinelli, Paolo / De Stefano, Mario (2016): Displacement capacity of masonry piers: parametric numerical analyses versus international building codes. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 14, n. 8 (mai 2016).


  27. De Stefano, Mario / Pintucchi, Barbara (2007): A review of research on seismic behaviour of irregular building structures since 2002. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 6, n. 2 (septembre 2007).


  28. De Stefano, Mario / Marino, Edoardo Michele / Rossi, Pier Paolo (2006): Effect of Overstrength on the Seismic Behaviour of Multi-Storey Regularly Asymmetric Buildings. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 4, n. 1 (février 2006).


  29. De Stefano, Mario / De Luca, Antonello / Astaneh‐Asl, Abolhassan (1994): Modeling of Cyclic Moment‐Rotation Response of Double‐Angle Connections. Dans: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 120, n. 1 (janvier 1994).


  30. Cristofaro, Maria T. / Nudo, Raffaele / Tanganelli, Marco / D'Ambrisi, Angelo / De Stefano, Mario / Pucinotti, Raffaele (2018): Issues concerning the assessment of concrete compressive strength in existing buildings: Application to a case study. Dans: Structural Concrete, v. 19, n. 3 (juin 2018).


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