Gonzalez-Fernandez, Daniel / Rezgui, Djamel / De Risi, Raffaele / Macdonald, John H. G. / Matsumiya, Hisato / Titurus, Branislav (2025): Identification and analysis of experiment-driven model for galloping in multi-conductor transmission lines. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 326 (mars 2025).
Blasone, Valentina / Huseynli, Shahin / De Luca, Flavia / Karamitros, Dimitris / De Risi, Raffaele / Spacone, Enrico (2024): Incorporating soil‐structure interaction into simplified numerical models for fragility analysis of RC structures. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 54, n. 2 (novembre 2024).
Grossi, Eleonora / Zerbin, Matteo / Aprile, Alessandra / De Risi, Raffaele / De Luca, Flavia (2024): Conceptual study of an innovative friction damper for the seismic retrofit of precast RC structures with poor connections. Dans: Structures, v. 67 (septembre 2024).
Zhang, Yichen / De Risi, Raffaele / Alexander, Nicholas A. (2024): A new post-tensioned precast warehouse structure with the SKID device: A structural design case study. Dans: Structures, v. 61 (mars 2024).
Zhang, Yichen / De Risi, Raffaele / Alexander, Nicholas A. (2024): Direct Displacement-Based Design (DDBD) of PT-SKID Frames: The Linear Equivalent Model. Dans: Journal of Earthquake Engineering, v. 28, n. 9 (février 2024).
Gonzalez-Fernandez, Daniel / De Risi, Raffaele / Rezgui, Djamel / Macdonald, John H. G. / Margnelli, Alessandro / Titurus, Branislav (2023): Identification of varying modal parameters of a tall building from the full-scale wind-induced responses. Dans: Structures, v. 56 (octobre 2023).
Zhang, Ziliang / De Risi, Raffaele / Sextos, Anastasios (2023): Multi‐hazard fragility assessment of monopile offshore wind turbines under earthquake, wind and wave loads. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 52, n. 9 (9 juin 2023).
Goda, Katsuichiro / De Risi, Raffaele (2022): Future perspectives of earthquake-tsunami catastrophe modelling: From single-hazards to cascading and compounding multi-hazards. Dans: Frontiers in Built Environment, v. 8 (février 2022).
Zhang, Yichen / De Risi, Raffaele / Alexander, Nicholas A. (2022): A novel seismic energy dissipating device, Sliding Keys on Inclined Deflecting-cantilevers (SKID): Theoretical and experimental evidence. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 273 (décembre 2022).
Cross, Theodore / De Luca, Flavia / De Risi, Raffaele / Camata, Guido / Petracca, Massimo (2023): Micro-modelling of stone masonry template buildings as a strategy for seismic risk assessment in developing countries. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 274 (janvier 2023).
Ahmadi, Ehsan / Salami, Mohammad R. / De Risi, Raffaele / Kashani, Mohammad M. / Alexander, Nicholas A. (2022): Multi-pulse decomposition for nonlinear seismic analysis of structural systems. Dans: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 163 (décembre 2022).
Monteiro, Ricardo / De Luca, Flavia / Galasso, Carmine / De Risi, Raffaele (2022): Natural-hazard risk assessment in developing countries. Dans: Frontiers in Built Environment, v. 8 (février 2022).
Luo, Sha / De Luca, Flavia / De Risi, Raffaele / Le Pen, Louis / Watson, Geoff / Milne, David / Chapman, David / Sextos, Anastasios / Cassidy, Nigel / Jefferson, Ian / Metje, Nicole / Smethurst, Joel / Richards, David / Mylonakis, George / Taylor, Colin / Powrie, William / Rogers, Christopher D. F. (2022): Challenges and perspectives for integral bridges in the UK: from design practice to fieldwork through small-scale laboratory experiments. Dans: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Smart Infrastructure and Construction, v. 175, n. 1 (mars 2022).
Cross, Theodore / De Luca, Flavia / Woods, Gregory E. D. / Giordano, Nicola / Pokhrel, Rama Mohan / De Risi, Raffaele (2021): FAST-NEPAL: Regionally Calibrated Spectral Method for Reinforced Concrete With Masonry Infills. Dans: Frontiers in Built Environment, v. 7 (janvier 2021).
Pokhrel, Rama M. / Gilder, Charlotte E. L. / Vardanega, Paul J. / De Luca, Flavia / De Risi, Raffaele / Werner, Maximilian J. / Sextos, Anastasios (2021): Liquefaction potential for the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal: a sensitivity study. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 20, n. 1 (novembre 2021).
De Risi, Raffaele (2022): A computational framework for finite element modeling of traveling loads on bridges in dynamic regime. Dans: Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 37, n. 4 (mars 2022).
Zhang, Yichen / De Risi, Raffaele / Alexander, Nicholas Andrew (2021): A frictional sliding on a sprung slope (FSSS) device that axiomatically confers energy dissipation with re-centring to post-tensioned (PT) frames: A conceptual study. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 244 (octobre 2021).
Di Sarno, Luigi / Pugliese, Francesco / De Risi, Raffaele (2021): Non-linear finite element optimization for inelastic buckling modelling of smooth rebars. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 240 (août 2021).
Wang, Shaoqing / Yu, Ruifang / De Risi, Raffaele / Li, Xiaojun (2021): A new energy‐compatible nonstationary stochastic ground‐motion simulation method. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 50, n. 7 (juin 2021).
Ali, Ahmer / De Risi, Raffaele / Sextos, Anastasios (2020): Finite element modeling optimization of wind turbine blades from an earthquake engineering perspective. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 222 (novembre 2020).
Zhang, Lizhong / Goda, Katsuichiro / De Luca, Flavia / De Risi, Raffaele (2020): Mainshock‐aftershock state‐dependent fragility curves: A case of wood‐frame houses in British Columbia, Canada. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 49, n. 9 (25 juillet 2020).
De Risi, Raffaele / Goda, Katsuichiro (2017): Probabilistic Earthquake–Tsunami Multi-Hazard Analysis: Application to the Tohoku Region, Japan. Dans: Frontiers in Built Environment, v. 2 (janvier 2017).
Goda, Katsuichiro / Wenzel, Friedemann / De Risi, Raffaele (2016): Empirical assessment of non-linear seismic demand of mainshock–aftershock ground-motion sequences for Japanese earthquakes. Dans: Frontiers in Built Environment, v. 1 (janvier 2016).
De Risi, Raffaele / Goda, Katsuichiro / Tesfamariam, Solomon (2019): Multi-dimensional damage measure for seismic reliability analysis. Dans: Structural Safety, v. 78 (mai 2019).
Jalayer, Fatemeh / Carozza, Stefano / De Risi, Raffaele / Manfredi, Gaetano / Mbuya, Elinorata (2016): Performance-based flood safety-checking for non-engineered masonry structures. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 106 (janvier 2016).
Miano, Andrea / Jalayer, Fatemeh / De Risi, Raffaele / Prota, Andrea / Manfredi, Gaetano (2015): Model updating and seismic loss assessment for a portfolio of bridges. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 14, n. 3 (novembre 2015).
Jalayer, Fatemeh / De Risi, Raffaele / Manfredi, Gaetano (2014): Bayesian Cloud Analysis: efficient structural fragility assessment using linear regression. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 13, n. 4 (novembre 2014).
Asprone, Domenico / De Risi, Raffaele / Manfredi, Gaetano (2015): Defining structural robustness under seismic and simultaneous actions: an application to precast RC buildings. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 14, n. 2 (octobre 2015).
Della Corte, Gaetano / De Risi, Raffaele / Di Sarno, Luigi (2013): Approximate Method for Transverse Response Analysis of Partially Isolated Bridges. Dans: Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), v. 18, n. 11 (novembre 2013).