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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


Raffaele De Risi ORCID

La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. Gonzalez-Fernandez, Daniel / Rezgui, Djamel / De Risi, Raffaele / Macdonald, John H. G. / Matsumiya, Hisato / Titurus, Branislav (2025): Identification and analysis of experiment-driven model for galloping in multi-conductor transmission lines. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 326 (mars 2025).


  2. Blasone, Valentina / Huseynli, Shahin / De Luca, Flavia / Karamitros, Dimitris / De Risi, Raffaele / Spacone, Enrico (2024): Incorporating soil‐structure interaction into simplified numerical models for fragility analysis of RC structures. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 54, n. 2 (novembre 2024).


  3. Grossi, Eleonora / Zerbin, Matteo / Aprile, Alessandra / De Risi, Raffaele / De Luca, Flavia (2024): Conceptual study of an innovative friction damper for the seismic retrofit of precast RC structures with poor connections. Dans: Structures, v. 67 (septembre 2024).


  4. Zhang, Yichen / De Risi, Raffaele / Alexander, Nicholas A. (2024): A new post-tensioned precast warehouse structure with the SKID device: A structural design case study. Dans: Structures, v. 61 (mars 2024).


  5. Zhang, Yichen / De Risi, Raffaele / Alexander, Nicholas A. (2024): Direct Displacement-Based Design (DDBD) of PT-SKID Frames: The Linear Equivalent Model. Dans: Journal of Earthquake Engineering, v. 28, n. 9 (février 2024).


  6. Gonzalez-Fernandez, Daniel / De Risi, Raffaele / Rezgui, Djamel / Macdonald, John H. G. / Margnelli, Alessandro / Titurus, Branislav (2023): Identification of varying modal parameters of a tall building from the full-scale wind-induced responses. Dans: Structures, v. 56 (octobre 2023).


  7. Zhang, Ziliang / De Risi, Raffaele / Sextos, Anastasios (2023): Multi‐hazard fragility assessment of monopile offshore wind turbines under earthquake, wind and wave loads. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 52, n. 9 (9 juin 2023).


  8. Goda, Katsuichiro / De Risi, Raffaele (2022): Future perspectives of earthquake-tsunami catastrophe modelling: From single-hazards to cascading and compounding multi-hazards. Dans: Frontiers in Built Environment, v. 8 (février 2022).


  9. Zhang, Yichen / De Risi, Raffaele / Alexander, Nicholas A. (2022): A novel seismic energy dissipating device, Sliding Keys on Inclined Deflecting-cantilevers (SKID): Theoretical and experimental evidence. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 273 (décembre 2022).


  10. Cross, Theodore / De Luca, Flavia / De Risi, Raffaele / Camata, Guido / Petracca, Massimo (2023): Micro-modelling of stone masonry template buildings as a strategy for seismic risk assessment in developing countries. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 274 (janvier 2023).


  11. Ahmadi, Ehsan / Salami, Mohammad R. / De Risi, Raffaele / Kashani, Mohammad M. / Alexander, Nicholas A. (2022): Multi-pulse decomposition for nonlinear seismic analysis of structural systems. Dans: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 163 (décembre 2022).


  12. Monteiro, Ricardo / De Luca, Flavia / Galasso, Carmine / De Risi, Raffaele (2022): Natural-hazard risk assessment in developing countries. Dans: Frontiers in Built Environment, v. 8 (février 2022).


  13. Luo, Sha / De Luca, Flavia / De Risi, Raffaele / Le Pen, Louis / Watson, Geoff / Milne, David / Chapman, David / Sextos, Anastasios / Cassidy, Nigel / Jefferson, Ian / Metje, Nicole / Smethurst, Joel / Richards, David / Mylonakis, George / Taylor, Colin / Powrie, William / Rogers, Christopher D. F. (2022): Challenges and perspectives for integral bridges in the UK: from design practice to fieldwork through small-scale laboratory experiments. Dans: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Smart Infrastructure and Construction, v. 175, n. 1 (mars 2022).


  14. Cross, Theodore / De Luca, Flavia / Woods, Gregory E. D. / Giordano, Nicola / Pokhrel, Rama Mohan / De Risi, Raffaele (2021): FAST-NEPAL: Regionally Calibrated Spectral Method for Reinforced Concrete With Masonry Infills. Dans: Frontiers in Built Environment, v. 7 (janvier 2021).


  15. Pokhrel, Rama M. / Gilder, Charlotte E. L. / Vardanega, Paul J. / De Luca, Flavia / De Risi, Raffaele / Werner, Maximilian J. / Sextos, Anastasios (2021): Liquefaction potential for the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal: a sensitivity study. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 20, n. 1 (novembre 2021).


  16. De Risi, Raffaele (2022): A computational framework for finite element modeling of traveling loads on bridges in dynamic regime. Dans: Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 37, n. 4 (mars 2022).


  17. Zhang, Yichen / De Risi, Raffaele / Alexander, Nicholas Andrew (2021): A frictional sliding on a sprung slope (FSSS) device that axiomatically confers energy dissipation with re-centring to post-tensioned (PT) frames: A conceptual study. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 244 (octobre 2021).


  18. Di Sarno, Luigi / Pugliese, Francesco / De Risi, Raffaele (2021): Non-linear finite element optimization for inelastic buckling modelling of smooth rebars. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 240 (août 2021).


  19. Wang, Shaoqing / Yu, Ruifang / De Risi, Raffaele / Li, Xiaojun (2021): A new energy‐compatible nonstationary stochastic ground‐motion simulation method. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 50, n. 7 (juin 2021).


  20. Ali, Ahmer / De Risi, Raffaele / Sextos, Anastasios (2020): Finite element modeling optimization of wind turbine blades from an earthquake engineering perspective. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 222 (novembre 2020).


  21. Zhang, Lizhong / Goda, Katsuichiro / De Luca, Flavia / De Risi, Raffaele (2020): Mainshock‐aftershock state‐dependent fragility curves: A case of wood‐frame houses in British Columbia, Canada. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 49, n. 9 (25 juillet 2020).


  22. De Risi, Raffaele / Goda, Katsuichiro (2017): Probabilistic Earthquake–Tsunami Multi-Hazard Analysis: Application to the Tohoku Region, Japan. Dans: Frontiers in Built Environment, v. 2 (janvier 2017).


  23. Goda, Katsuichiro / Wenzel, Friedemann / De Risi, Raffaele (2016): Empirical assessment of non-linear seismic demand of mainshock–aftershock ground-motion sequences for Japanese earthquakes. Dans: Frontiers in Built Environment, v. 1 (janvier 2016).


  24. De Risi, Raffaele / Goda, Katsuichiro / Tesfamariam, Solomon (2019): Multi-dimensional damage measure for seismic reliability analysis. Dans: Structural Safety, v. 78 (mai 2019).


  25. Jalayer, Fatemeh / Carozza, Stefano / De Risi, Raffaele / Manfredi, Gaetano / Mbuya, Elinorata (2016): Performance-based flood safety-checking for non-engineered masonry structures. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 106 (janvier 2016).


  26. Miano, Andrea / Jalayer, Fatemeh / De Risi, Raffaele / Prota, Andrea / Manfredi, Gaetano (2015): Model updating and seismic loss assessment for a portfolio of bridges. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 14, n. 3 (novembre 2015).


  27. Jalayer, Fatemeh / De Risi, Raffaele / Manfredi, Gaetano (2014): Bayesian Cloud Analysis: efficient structural fragility assessment using linear regression. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 13, n. 4 (novembre 2014).


  28. Asprone, Domenico / De Risi, Raffaele / Manfredi, Gaetano (2015): Defining structural robustness under seismic and simultaneous actions: an application to precast RC buildings. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 14, n. 2 (octobre 2015).


  29. Della Corte, Gaetano / De Risi, Raffaele / Di Sarno, Luigi (2013): Approximate Method for Transverse Response Analysis of Partially Isolated Bridges. Dans: Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), v. 18, n. 11 (novembre 2013).


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