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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


Albert de la Fuente ORCID

La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. Liu, Guanzhi / Claramunt, Josep / Hunger, Martin / Tošić, Nikola / de la Fuente, Albert (2024): Effect of coarse recycled aggregate with embedded fibres on the mechanical properties and microstructure of polypropylene fibre-reinforced concrete. Dans: Materials and Structures, v. 57, n. 10 (7 novembre 2024).


  2. Hafez, Hisham / Malchiodi, Beatrice / Tošić, Nikola / Drewniok, Michal / Purnell, Phil / de la Fuente, Albert (2024): Decarbonization potential of steel fibre-reinforced limestone calcined clay cement concrete one-way slabs. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 435 (juillet 2024).


  3. Liu, Guanzhi / Hunger, Martin / Tošić, Nikola / de la Fuente, Albert (2023): Effect of free and embedded polypropylene fibres recovered from concrete recycling on the properties of new concrete. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 409 (décembre 2023).


  4. Asensio, Javier / Josa, Irene / Monserrat, Andrea / de la Fuente, Albert (2023): 3D‐printed concrete footbridges: An approach to assess the sustainability performance. Dans: Structural Concrete, v. 24, n. 6 (2 novembre 2023).


  5. de la Fuente, Albert / Monserrat-López, Andrea / Tošić, Nikola / Serna, Pedro: Design of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Structures According to the Annex L of the Eurocode-2 2023. Dans: Hormigón y acero.


  6. Hafez, Hisham / Teirelbar, Ahmed / Tošić, Nikola / Ikumi, Tai / de la Fuente, Albert (2023): Data-driven optimization tool for the functional, economic, and environmental properties of blended cement concrete using supplementary cementitious materials. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 67 (mai 2023).


  7. Radović, Andrija / Hafez, Hisham / Tošić, Nikola / Marinković, Snežana / de la Fuente, Albert (2022): ECO2 framework assessment of limestone powder concrete slabs and columns. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 57 (octobre 2022).


  8. Arinez, Freddy / Chen, Baochun / de Chefdebien, André / Fernández-Ordóñez, David / de la Fuente, Albert / Figueiredo, Helder / García, Mario / Garg, Pankaj / Han, Man Yop / Kalný, Milan / Kata, Kenichi / Kim, Byung Suk / Matute, Luis / Nickas, William / Lundorf Nielsen, Lars / Palermo, Alessandro / Park, Sung Yong / Petrangeli, Mario / Sim, Jongsung / Stucchi, Fernando / Tadros, Maher / van der Zee, Pieter / Voo, Yen Lei / Waimberg, Marcelo / Wheatley, Robert / Corres Peiretti, Hugo (2021): Conceptual Design of Precast Concrete Bridge Superstructures. fédération internationale du béton (fib), Lausanne (Suisse), ISBN 978-2-88394-149-6.


  9. Aidarov, Stanislav / Nadaždi, Ana / Pugach, Evgeniy / Tošić, Nikola / de la Fuente, Albert (2022): Cost-oriented analysis of fibre reinforced concrete column-supported flat slabs construction. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 51 (juillet 2022).


  10. Gilani, Golshid / Hosseini, S. M. Amin / Pons-Valladares, Oriol / de la Fuente, Albert (2022): An enhanced multi-criteria decision-making approach oriented to sustainability analysis of building facades: A case study of Barcelona. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 54 (août 2022).


  11. Sadrolodabaee, Payam / Claramunt, Josep / Ardanuy, Mònica / de la Fuente, Albert (2021): Characterization of a textile waste nonwoven fabric reinforced cement composite for non-structural building components. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 276 (mars 2021).


  12. Serafini, Ramoel / de la Fuente, Albert / de Figueiredo, Antonio D. (2021): Assessment of the post-fire residual bearing capacity of FRC and hybrid RC-FRC tunnel sections considering thermal spalling. Dans: Materials and Structures, v. 54, n. 6 (20 novembre 2021).


  13. Deng, Zhiyun / Liang, Ninghui / Liu, Xinrong / de la Fuente, Albert / Lin, Peng / Peng, Haoyang (2021): Analysis and application of friction calculation model for long-distance rock pipe jacking engineering. Dans: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 115 (septembre 2021).


  14. Serafini, Ramoel / Agra, Ronney R. / Salvador, Renan P. / de la Fuente, Albert / de Figueiredo, Antonio D. (2021): Double Edge Wedge Splitting Test to Characterize the Design Postcracking Parameters of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Subjected to High Temperatures. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 33, n. 5 (mai 2021).


  15. Martinelli, Paolo / Colombo, Matteo / Pujadas, Pablo / de la Fuente, Albert / Cavalaro, Sergio / di Prisco, Marco (2020): Characterization tests for predicting the mechanical performance of SFRC floors: identification of fibre distribution and orientation effects. Dans: Materials and Structures, v. 54, n. 1 (16 décembre 2020).


  16. Martinelli, Paolo / Colombo, Matteo / de la Fuente, Albert / Cavalaro, Sergio / Pujadas, Pablo / di Prisco, Marco (2020): Characterization tests for predicting the mechanical performance of SFRC floors: design considerations. Dans: Materials and Structures, v. 54, n. 1 (16 décembre 2020).


  17. Serafini, Ramoel / Agra, Ronney Rodrigues / Bitencourt, Luís A. G. / de la Fuente, Albert / de Figueiredo, Antonio D. (2021): Bond-slip response of steel fibers after exposure to elevated temperatures: Experimental program and design-oriented constitutive equation. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 255 (janvier 2021).


  18. Galeote, Eduardo / Blanco, Ana / de la Fuente, Albert (2020): Design-oriented approach to determine FRC constitutive law parameters considering the size effect. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 239 (mai 2020).


  19. Nogales, Alejandro / de la Fuente, Albert (2020): Crack width design approach for fibre reinforced concrete tunnel segments for TBM thrust loads. Dans: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 98 (avril 2020).


  20. Monte, Renata / de la Fuente, Albert / de Figueiredo, Antonio D. / Aguado, Antonio (2016): Barcelona Test as an Alternative Method to Control and Design Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Pipes. Dans: ACI Structural Journal, v. 113, n. 6 (novembre 2016).


  21. Blanco, Ana / Pujadas, Pablo / de la Fuente, Albert / Cavalaro, Sergio / Aguado, Antonio (2013): Application of constitutive models in European codes to RC–FRC. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 40 (mars 2013).


  22. de la Fuente, Albert / Escariz, Renata C. / de Figueiredo, Antonio D. / Aguado, Antonio (2013): Design of macro-synthetic fibre reinforced concrete pipes. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 43 (juin 2013).


  23. Galeote, Eduardo / Blanco, Ana / Cavalaro, Sergio H. P. / de la Fuente, Albert (2017): Correlation between the Barcelona test and the bending test in fibre reinforced concrete. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 152 (octobre 2017).


  24. Tošić, Nikola / de la Fuente, Albert / Marinković, Snežana (2019): Creep of recycled aggregate concrete: Experimental database and creep prediction model according to the fib Model Code 2010. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 195 (janvier 2019).


  25. Pujadas, Pablo / Blanco, Ana / de la Fuente, Albert / Aguado, Antonio (2012): Cracking behavior of FRC slabs with traditional reinforcement. Dans: Materials and Structures, v. 45, n. 5 (mai 2012).


  26. Liao, Lin / de la Fuente, Albert / Cavalaro, Sergio / Aguado, Antonio / Carbonari, Gilberto (2015): Experimental and analytical study of concrete blocks subjected to concentrated loads with an application to TBM-constructed tunnels. Dans: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 49 (juin 2015).


  27. de la Fuente, Albert / Pujadas, Pablo / Blanco, Ana / Aguado, Antonio (2012): Experiences in Barcelona with the use of fibres in segmental linings. Dans: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 27, n. 1 (janvier 2012).


  28. Liao, Lin / de la Fuente, Albert / Cavalaro, Sergio / Aguado, Antonio (2015): Design of FRC tunnel segments considering the ductility requirements of the Model Code 2010. Dans: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 47 (mars 2015).


  29. de la Fuente, Albert / Aguado, Antonio / Molins, Climent (2011): Diseño óptimo integral de tubos de hormigón. Dans: Hormigón y acero, v. 62, n. 260 (2e trimestre 2011).
  30. de la Fuente, Albert / Blanco, Ana / Pujadas, Pablo / Aguado, Antonio (2014): Diseño óptimo de dovelas de hormigón reforzado con fibras para el revestimiento de túneles. Dans: Hormigón y acero, v. 65, n. 274 (4e trimestre 2014).


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