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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. Pagani, Anna / Macmillan, Alex / Savini, Federico / Davies, Michael / Zimmermann, Nici (2025): What If There Were a Moratorium on New Housebuilding? An Exploratory Study with London-Based Housing Associations. Dans: Built Environment, v. 51, n. 1 (1 mars 2025).


  2. Wang, Yan / Petrou, Giorgos / Symonds, Phil / Hsu, Shih-Che / Milner, James / Hutchinson, Emma / Davies, Michael / Macintyre, Helen L. (2025): Investigating the impacts of home energy retrofit on the indoor environment through co-simulation: A UK case study. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 100 ( 2025).


  3. Petrou, Giorgos / Mavrogianni, Anna / Symonds, Phil / Chalabi, Zaid / Lomas, Kevin / Mylona, Anastasia / Davies, Michael: Development of a Bayesian calibration framework for archetype-based housing stock models of summer indoor temperature. Dans: Journal of Building Performance Simulation.


  4. Symonds, Phil / Taylor, Jonathon / Chalabi, Zaid / Mavrogianni, Anna / Davies, Michael / Hamilton, Ian / Vardoulakis, Sotiris / Heaviside, Clare / Macintyre, Helen (2016): Development of an England-wide indoor overheating and air pollution model using artificial neural networks. Dans: Journal of Building Performance Simulation, v. 9, n. 6 (septembre 2016).


  5. Hamilton, Ian / Stocker, Jenny / Evans, Stephen / Davies, Michael / Carruthers, David (2013): The impact of the London Olympic Parkland on the urban heat island. Dans: Journal of Building Performance Simulation, v. 7, n. 2 (décembre 2013).


  6. Taylor, Jonathon / Biddulph, Phillip / Davies, Michael / Ridley, Ian / Mavrogianni, Anna / Oikonomou, Eleni / Lai, Ka man (2013): Using building simulation to model the drying of flooded building archetypes. Dans: Journal of Building Performance Simulation, v. 6, n. 2 (mars 2013).


  7. Hamilton, Ian G. / Davies, Michael / Gauthier, Stephanie (2013): London's urban heat island: a multi-scaled assessment framework. Dans: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Urban Design and Planning, v. 166, n. 3 (juin 2013).


  8. Milner, James / Hamilton, Ian / Shrubsole, Clive / Das, Payel / Chalabi, Zaid / Davies, Michael / Wilkinson, Paul (2015): What should the ventilation objectives be for retrofit energy efficiency interventions of dwellings?. Dans: Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, v. 36, n. 2 (février 2015).


  9. Nix, Emily / Das, Payel / Jain, Nishesh / Davies, Michael (2015): Strategies for reducing poor indoor air quality and adverse temperature exposure in Delhi's households: A multi-objective assessment. Dans: Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, v. 36, n. 2 (février 2015).


  10. Virk, Gurdane / Mylona, Anastasia / Mavrogianni, Anna / Davies, Michael (2015): Using the new CIBSE design summer years to assess overheating in London: Effect of the urban heat island on design. Dans: Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, v. 36, n. 2 (février 2015).


  11. Taylor, Jonathon / Shrubsole, Clive / Biddulph, Phillip / Jones, Benjamin / Das, Payel / Davies, Michael (2014): Simulation of pollution transport in buildings: the importance of taking into account dynamic thermal effects. Dans: Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, v. 35, n. 6 (octobre 2014).


  12. Jain, Nishesh / Burman, Esfand / Stamp, Samuel / Mumovic, Dejan / Davies, Michael (2020): Cross-sectoral assessment of the performance gap using calibrated building energy performance simulation. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 224 (octobre 2020).


  13. Virk, Gurdane / Jansz, Antonia / Mavrogianni, Anna / Mylona, Anastasia / Stocker, Jenny / Davies, Michael (2015): Microclimatic effects of green and cool roofs in London and their impacts on energy use for a typical office building. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 88 (février 2015).


  14. Papachristos, George / Jain, Nishesh / Burman, Esfand / Zimmermann, Nici / Mumovic, Dejan / Davies, Michael / Edkins, Andrew (2020): Low carbon building performance in the construction industry: A multi-method approach of project management operations and building energy use applied in a UK public office building. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 206 (janvier 2020).


  15. Jones, Benjamin / Das, Payel / Chalabi, Zaid / Davies, Michael / Hamilton, Ian / Lowe, Robert / Mavrogianni, Anna / Robinson, Darren / Taylor, Jonathon (2015): Assessing uncertainty in housing stock infiltration rates and associated heat loss: English and UK case studies. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 92 (octobre 2015).


  16. Das, Payel / Shrubsole, Clive / Jones, Benjamin / Hamilton, Ian / Chalabi, Zaid / Davies, Michael / Mavrogianni, Anna / Taylor, Jonathon (2014): Using probabilistic sampling-based sensitivity analyses for indoor air quality modelling. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 78 (août 2014).


  17. Das, Payel / Chalabi, Zaid / Jones, Benjamin / Milner, James / Shrubsole, Clive / Davies, Michael / Hamilton, Ian / Ridley, Ian / Wilkinson, Paul (2013): Multi-objective methods for determining optimal ventilation rates in dwellings. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 66 (août 2013).


  18. Oikonomou, Eleni / Davies, Michael / Mavrogianni, Anna / Biddulph, Phillip / Wilkinson, Paul / Kolokotroni, Maria (2012): Modelling the relative importance of the urban heat island and the thermal quality of dwellings for overheating in London. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 57 (novembre 2012).


  19. Mavrogianni, Anna / Wilkinson, Paul / Davies, Michael / Biddulph, Phillip / Oikonomou, Eleni (2012): Building characteristics as determinants of propensity to high indoor summer temperatures in London dwellings. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 55 (septembre 2012).


  20. Hamilton, Ian G. / Davies, Michael / Steadman, Philip / Stone, Andrew / Ridley, Ian / Evans, Stephen (2009): The significance of the anthropogenic heat emissions of London's buildings: A comparison against captured shortwave solar radiation. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 44, n. 4 (avril 2009).


  21. Raslan, Rokia / Davies, Michael (2012): Legislating building energy performance: putting EU policy into practice. Dans: Building Research & Information, v. 40, n. 3 ( 2012).


  22. Hamilton, Ian G. / Summerfield, Alex J. / Steadman, J. Philip / Stone, Andy / Davies, Michael (2010): Exploring energy integration between new and existing developments. Dans: Building Research & Information, v. 38, n. 6 ( 2010).


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