Pooya Dastpak
- Probabilistic Analysis of a Nailed Wall: Use of the Random Field Theory and Ordered Weighted Averaging Method. Dans: International Journal of Geomechanics, v. 24, n. 12 (décembre 2024). (2024):
- Behavior of Axially and Eccentrically Loaded Trapezoidal Shell Footings Resting on a Granular Assembly. Dans: International Journal of Geomechanics, v. 22, n. 8 (août 2022). (2022):
- Noncircular Deterministic and Stochastic Slope Stability Analyses and Design of Simple Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Slopes. Dans: International Journal of Geomechanics, v. 21, n. 9 (septembre 2021). (2021):