D’Arenzo, Giuseppe / Rigo, Pietro / Nicolussi, Valentino / Pozza, Luca / Casagrande, Daniele: Characterisation of the rigid diaphragm conditions for cross laminated timber floors. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering.
Masroor, Mohammad / Doudak, Ghasan / Casagrande, Daniele (2024): Experimental investigation of dissipative connections in cross-laminated timber shearwalls. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 413 (janvier 2024).
Sciomenta, Martina / Fanti, Riccardo / Doudak, Ghasan / Polastri, Andrea / Casagrande, Daniele (2024): Predicting the non-linear behaviour of cross laminated timber shearwalls with cut-out openings. Dans: Structures, v. 68 (octobre 2024).
Casagrande, Daniele / D’Arenzo, Giuseppe / Masroor, Mohammad / Gavric, Igor / Doudak, Ghasan (2024): An analytical matrix approach for the prediction of the elastic lateral displacements of CLT platform-type lateral load resisting systems. Dans: Structures, v. 64 (juin 2024).
Xing, Dalu / Casagrande, Daniele / Doudak, Ghasan (2024): Investigating the Deformation Characteristics of Balloon-Type CLT Shearwall. Dans: Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering / Revue canadienne de génie civil, v. 51, n. 7 (juillet 2024).
Abdalla, Hassan Mohamed Abdelalim / Boussaa, Djaffar / Sburlati, Roberta / Casagrande, Daniele (2023): On the best volume fraction distributions for functionally graded cylinders, spheres and disks – A pseudospectral approach. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 311 (mai 2023).
Polastri, Andrea / Casagrande, Daniele (2022): Mechanical behaviour of multi-panel cross laminated timber shear-walls with stiff connectors. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 332 (mai 2022).
Masroor, Mohammad / Doudak, Ghasan / Casagrande, Daniele (2022): Design of Multipanel CLT Shear Walls with Bidirectional Mechanical Anchors Following Capacity-Based Design Principle. Dans: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE), v. 36, n. 1 (février 2022).
Casagrande, Daniele / Fanti, Riccardo / Doudak, Ghasan / Polastri, Andrea (2021): Experimental and numerical study on the mechanical behaviour of CLT shearwalls with openings. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 298 (septembre 2021).
Casagrande, Daniele / Fanti, Riccardo / Greco, Marco / Gavric, Igor / Polastri, Andrea (2021): On the distribution of internal forces in single-storey CLT symmetric shear-walls with openings. Dans: Structures, v. 33 (octobre 2021).
Marcu, Geanina Gabriela / Abdalla, Hassan Mohamed Abdelalim / Casagrande, Daniele (2021): Less is better: Coated spherical vessels over-perform their entirely graded counterparts. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 276 (novembre 2021).
Casagrande, Daniele / Doudak, Ghasan / Vettori, Matteo / Fanti, Riccardo (2021): Proposal for an equivalent frame model for the analysis of multi-storey monolithic CLT shearwalls. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 245 (octobre 2021).
D'Arenzo, Giuseppe / Casagrande, Daniele / Polastri, Andrea / Fossetti, Marinella / Fragiacomo, Massimo / Seim, Werner (2021): CLT Shear Walls Anchored with Shear-Tension Angle Brackets: Experimental Tests and Finite-Element Modeling. Dans: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 147, n. 7 (juillet 2021).
Casagrande, Daniele / Pacchioli, Stefano / Polastri, Andrea / Pozza, Luca (2021): Influence of the rocking behavior of shearwalls on the fundamental period of CLT structures. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 50, n. 6 (mai 2021).
Mestar, Mohammed / Doudak, Ghasan / Polastri, Andrea / Casagrande, Daniele (2021): Investigating the kinematic modes of CLT shear-walls with openings. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 228 (février 2021).
Masroor, Mohammad / Doudak, Ghasan / Casagrande, Daniele (2020): The effect of bi-axial behaviour of mechanical anchors on the lateral response of multi-panel CLT shearwalls. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 224 (décembre 2020).
Mestar, Mohammed / Doudak, Ghasan / Caola, Maurizio / Casagrande, Daniele (2020): Equivalent-frame model for elastic behaviour of cross-laminated timber walls with openings. Dans: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings, v. 173, n. 5 (mai 2020).
Casagrande, Daniele / Bezzi, Stefano / D'Arenzo, Giuseppe / Schwendner, Sascha / Polastri, Andrea / Seim, Werner / Piazza, Maurizio (2020): A methodology to determine the seismic low-cycle fatigue strength of timber connections. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 231 (janvier 2020).
Loss, Cristiano / Pacchioli, Stefano / Polastri, Andrea / Casagrande, Daniele / Pozza, Luca / Smith, Ian (2018): Numerical Study of Alternative Seismic-Resisting Systems for CLT Buildings. Dans: Buildings, v. 8, n. 11 (novembre 2018).
Casagrande, Daniele / Doudak, Ghasan / Polastri, Andrea (2019): A proposal for the capacity-design at wall- and building-level in light-frame and cross-laminated timber buildings. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 17, n. 6 (avril 2019).
Riccadonna, Daniele / Giongo, Ivan / Casagrande, Daniele / Piazza, Maurizio (2019): Acoustic Testing for the Preliminary Assessment of Timber Beams — A Pilot Study. Dans: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 13, n. 7 ( 2019).
Rossi, Simone / Giongo, Ivan / Casagrande, Daniele / Tomasi, Roberto / Piazza, Maurizio (2019): Evaluation of the displacement ductility for the seismic design of light-frame wood buildings. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 17, n. 9 (juillet 2019).
D'Arenzo, Giuseppe / Casagrande, Daniele / Reynolds, Thomas / Fossetti, Marinella (2019): In-plane elastic flexibility of cross laminated timber floor diaphragms. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 209 (juin 2019).
Reynolds, Thomas / Casagrande, Daniele / Tomasi, Roberto (2016): Comparison of multi-storey cross-laminated timber and timber frame buildings by in situ modal analysis. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 102 (janvier 2016).
Casagrande, Daniele / Rossi, Simone / Sartori, Tiziano / Tomasi, Roberto (2016): Proposal of an analytical procedure and a simplified numerical model for elastic response of single-storey timber shear-walls. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 102 (janvier 2016).
Casagrande, Daniele / Rossi, Simone / Tomasi, Roberto / Mischi, Gianluca (2016): A predictive analytical model for the elasto-plastic behaviour of a light timber-frame shear-wall. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 102 (janvier 2016).
Casagrande, Daniele / Doudak, Ghasan / Mauro, Luigi / Polastri, Andrea (2018): Analytical Approach to Establishing the Elastic Behavior of Multipanel CLT Shear Walls Subjected to Lateral Loads. Dans: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 144, n. 2 (février 2018).
Casagrande, Daniele / Giongo, Ivan / Pederzolli, Federico / Franciosi, Alessandro / Piazza, Maurizio (2018): Analytical, numerical and experimental assessment of vibration performance in timber floors. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 168 (août 2018).
Nolet, Vincent / Casagrande, Daniele / Doudak, Ghasan (2019): Multipanel CLT shearwalls: an analytical methodology to predict the elastic-plastic behaviour. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 179 (janvier 2019).