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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. e Silva Machado, Rayner Maurício / Bre, Facundo / Melo, Ana Paula / Lamberts, Roberto (2025): The impact of climate data uncertainty on bioclimatic zoning for building design. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 269 (février 2025).


  2. Loche, Iris / Bre, Facundo / Gimenez, Juan Marcelo / Loonen, Roel / Neves, Leticia Oliveira (2024): Balcony design to improve natural ventilation and energy performance in high-rise mixed-mode office buildings. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 258 (juin 2024).


  3. Andrioli Medinilha-Carvalho, Talita / Silva, Fernando Vitor Marques da / Bre, Facundo / Gimenez, Juan M. / Labaki, Lucila Chebel (2024): Experimental Study of Wind Pressures on Low-Rise H-Shaped Buildings. Dans: Buildings, v. 14, n. 3 (21 février 2024).


  4. e Silva Machado, Rayner Maurício / Bre, Facundo / Mazzaferro, Leonardo / Melo, Ana Paula / Lamberts, Roberto (2024): Bioclimatic zoning for building performance using tailored clustering method and high-resolution climate data. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 311 (mai 2024).


  5. Gimenez, Juan M. / Bre, Facundo (2023): An enhanced k-w SST model to predict airflows around isolated and urban buildings. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 237 (juin 2023).


  6. Flores-Larsen, Silvana / Filippín, Celina / Bre, Facundo (2023): New metrics for thermal resilience of passive buildings during heat events. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 230 (février 2023).


  7. Hongn, Marcos / Bre, Facundo / Valdez, Marcelo / Flores Larsen, Silvana (2022): Two novel resistance-capacitance network models to predict the dynamic thermal behavior of active pipe-embedded structures in buildings. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 47 (avril 2022).


  8. Bre, Facundo / Gimenez, Juan M. (2022): A cloud-based platform to predict wind pressure coefficients on buildings. Dans: Building Simulation, v. 15, n. 8 (25 mars 2022).


  9. Bre, Facundo / e Silva Machado, Rayner Maurício / Lawrie, Linda K. / Crawley, Drury B. / Lamberts, Roberto (2021): Assessment of solar radiation data quality in typical meteorological years and its influence on the building performance simulation. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 250 (novembre 2021).


  10. Gimenez, Juan M. / Bre, Facundo / Nigro, Norberto M. / Fachinotti, Victor (2018): Computational modeling of natural ventilation in low-rise non-rectangular floor-plan buildings. Dans: Building Simulation, v. 11, n. 6 (septembre 2018).


  11. Bre, Facundo / Fachinotti, Víctor D. (2016): Generation of typical meteorological years for the Argentine Littoral Region. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 129 (octobre 2016).


  12. Bre, Facundo / Silva, Arthur Santos / Ghisi, Enedir / Fachinotti, Víctor D. (2016): Residential building design optimisation using sensitivity analysis and genetic algorithm. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 133 (décembre 2016).


  13. Bre, Facundo / Fachinotti, Víctor D. (2017): A computational multi-objective optimization method to improve energy efficiency and thermal comfort in dwellings. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 154 (novembre 2017).


  14. Bre, Facundo / Gimenez, Juan M. / Fachinotti, Víctor D. (2018): Prediction of wind pressure coefficients on building surfaces using artificial neural networks. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 158 (janvier 2018).


  15. Roman, Nadia D. / Bre, Facundo / Fachinotti, Víctor D. / Lamberts, Roberto (2020): Application and characterization of metamodels based on artificial neural networks for building performance simulation: A systematic review. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 217 (juin 2020).


  16. Bre, Facundo / Roman, Nadia / Fachinotti, Víctor D. (2020): An efficient metamodel-based method to carry out multi-objective building performance optimizations. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 206 (janvier 2020).


  17. Albanesi, Alejandro / Roman, Nadia / Bre, Facundo / Fachinotti, Victor (2018): A metamodel-based optimization approach to reduce the weight of composite laminated wind turbine blades. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 194 (juin 2018).


  18. Albanesi, Alejandro / Bre, Facundo / Fachinotti, Victor / Gebhardt, Cristian (2018): Simultaneous ply-order, ply-number and ply-drop optimization of laminate wind turbine blades using the inverse finite element method. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 184 (janvier 2018).


  19. Gimenez, Juan M. / Bre, Facundo (2019): Optimization of RANS turbulence models using genetic algorithms to improve the prediction of wind pressure coefficients on low-rise buildings. Dans: Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, v. 193 (octobre 2019).


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