Vargas, Laura / Sandoval, Cristián / Bertolesi, Elisa / Tarque, Nicola (2025): Numerical strategy and openings-focused sensitivity study of the seismic behavior of partially grouted masonry shear walls with openings. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 100 ( 2025).
Al‐Zu'bi, Mohammad / Fan, Mizi / Bertolesi, Elisa / Anguilano, Lorna (2024): A review on retrofitting concrete members with near‐surface mounted‐fiber reinforced polymer composites. Dans: Structural Concrete, v. 25, n. 3 (13 mai 2024).
Bertolesi, Elisa / Milani, Gabriele / Lopane, Fulvio Domenico / Acito, Maurizio: Augustus Bridge in Narni (Italy): Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of the Still Standing Part, Possible Causes of Collapse, and Importance of the Roman Concrete Infill in the Seismic-Resistant Behavior. Dans: International Journal of Architectural Heritage.
Mohamed, Abdulahi / Zhou, Yonghui / Bertolesi, Elisa / Liu, Mengmei / Liao, Feiyu / Fan, Mizi (2023): Factors influencing self-healing mechanisms of cementitious materials: A review. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 393 (août 2023).
Vargas, Laura / Sandoval, Cristián / Bertolesi, Elisa / Calderón, Sebastián (2023): Seismic behavior of partially grouted masonry shear walls containing openings: Experimental testing. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 278 (mars 2023).
Caredda, Giacomo / Porcu, M. Cristina / Buitrago, Manuel / Bertolesi, Elisa / Adam, José M. (2022): Analysing local failure scenarios to assess the robustness of steel truss-type bridges. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 262 (juillet 2022).
Bertolesi, Elisa / Fagone, Mario / Rotunno, Tommaso / Grande, Ernesto / Milani, Gabriele (2022): Experimental characterization of the textile-to-mortar bond through distributed optical sensors. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 326 (avril 2022).
Fagone, Mario / Rotunno, Tommaso / Grande, Ernesto / Bertolesi, Elisa / Milani, Gabriele (2018): The influence of the joint thickness on the adhesion between CFRP reinforcements and masonry arches. Dans: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 11 ( 2018).
Milani, Gabriele / Grande, Ernesto / Bertolesi, Elisa / Rotunno, Tommaso / Fagone, Mario (2021): Debonding mechanism of FRP strengthened flat surfaces: Analytical approach and closed form solution. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 302 (octobre 2021).
Bertolesi, Elisa / Grande, Ernesto / Fagone, Mario / Milani, Gabriele / Rotunno, Tommaso (2021): Mechanical model based on a BVP for FRPs applied on flat and curved masonry pillars with anchor spikes. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 273 (octobre 2021).
Bertolesi, Elisa / Buitrago, Manuel / Adam, José M. / Calderón, Pedro A. (2021): Fatigue assessment of steel riveted railway bridges: Full-scale tests and analytical approach. Dans: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 182 (juillet 2021).
Buitrago, Manuel / Bertolesi, Elisa / Calderón, Pedro A. / Adam, José M. (2021): Robustness of steel truss bridges: Laboratory testing of a full-scale 21-metre bridge span. Dans: Structures, v. 29 (février 2021).
Buitrago, Manuel / Bertolesi, Elisa / Sagaseta, Juan / Calderón, Pedro A. / Adam, José M. (2021): Robustness of RC building structures with infill masonry walls: Tests on a purpose-built structure. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 226 (janvier 2021).
Milani, Gabriele / Fagone, Mario / Rotunno, Tommaso / Grande, Ernesto / Bertolesi, Elisa (2020): Development of an interface numerical model for C-FRPs applied on flat and curved masonry pillars. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 241 (juin 2020).
Bertolesi, Elisa / Milani, Gabriele / Fagone, Mario / Rotunno, Tommaso / Grande, Ernesto (2018): Micro-mechanical FE numerical model for masonry curved pillars reinforced with FRP strips subjected to single lap shear tests. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 201 (octobre 2018).
Grande, Ernesto / Fagone, Mario / Rotunno, Tommaso / Bertolesi, Elisa / Milani, Gabriele (2018): Coupled interface-based modelling approach for the numerical analysis of curved masonry specimens strengthened by CFRP. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 200 (septembre 2018).
Bertolesi, Elisa / Milani, Gabriele / Carozzi, Francesca Giulia / Poggi, Carlo (2018): Ancient masonry arches and vaults strengthened with TRM, SRG and FRP composites: Numerical analyses. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 187 (mars 2018).
Carozzi, Francesca Giulia / Poggi, Carlo / Bertolesi, Elisa / Milani, Gabriele (2018): Ancient masonry arches and vaults strengthened with TRM, SRG and FRP composites: Experimental evaluation. Dans: Composite Structures, v. 187 (mars 2018).
Bertolesi, Elisa / Torres, Benjamín / Adam, José M. / Calderón, Pedro A. / Moragues, Juan J. (2020): Effectiveness of Textile Reinforced Mortar (TRM) materials for the repair of full-scale timbrel masonry cross vaults. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 220 (octobre 2020).
Bertolesi, Elisa / Milani, Gabriele / Fagone, Mario / Rotunno, Tommaso / Grande, Ernesto (2020): Heterogeneous FE model for single lap shear tests on FRP reinforced masonry curved pillars with spike anchors. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 258 (octobre 2020).
Grande, Ernesto / Milani, Gabriele / Bertolesi, Elisa / Fagone, Mario / Rotunno, Tommaso (2020): Modeling of the Tensile Behavior FRCM Systems for Repair and Strengthening Interventions of Masonry Structures. Dans: Frontiers in Built Environment, v. 6 (janvier 2020).
Bertolesi, Elisa / Buitrago, Manuel / Giordano, Ersilia / Calderón, Pedro A. / Moragues, Juan J. / Clementi, Francesco / Adam, José M. (2020): Effectiveness of textile reinforced mortar (TRM) materials in preventing seismic-induced damage in a U-shaped masonry structure submitted to pseudo-dynamic excitations. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 248 (juillet 2020).
Adam, José M. / Buitrago, Manuel / Bertolesi, Elisa / Sagaseta, Juan / Moragues, Juan J. (2020): Dynamic performance of a real-scale reinforced concrete building test under a corner-column failure scenario. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 210 (mai 2020).
Torres, Benjamín / Bertolesi, Elisa / Moragues, Juan J. / Calderón, Pedro A. / Adam, José M. (2019): Experimental investigation of a full-scale timbrel masonry cross vault subjected to vertical settlement. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 221 (octobre 2019).
Torres, Benjamín / Bertolesi, Elisa / Calderón, Pedro A. / Moragues, Juan J. / Adam, José M. (2019): A full-scale timbrel cross vault subjected to vertical cyclical displacements in one of its supports. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 183 (mars 2019).
Bertolesi, Elisa / Milani, Gabriele / Lourenço, Paulo B. (2016): Implementation and validation of a total displacement non-linear homogenization approach for in-plane loaded masonry. Dans: Computers & Structures, v. 176 (novembre 2016).
Bertolesi, Elisa / Carozzi, Francesca Giulia / Milani, Gabriele / Poggi, Carlo (2014): Numerical modeling of Fabric Reinforce Cementitious Matrix composites (FRCM) in tension. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 70 (novembre 2014).
Milani, Gabriele / Bertolesi, Elisa (2017): Quasi-analytical homogenization approach for the non-linear analysis of in-plane loaded masonry panels. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 146 (août 2017).
Minghini, Fabio / Bertolesi, Elisa / Del Grosso, Antonio / Milani, Gabriele / Tralli, Antonio (2016): Modal pushover and response history analyses of a masonry chimney before and after shortening. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 110 (mars 2016).
Bertolesi, Elisa / Adam, José M. / Rinaudo, Paula / Calderón, Pedro A. (2019): Research and practice on masonry cross vaults – A review. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 180 (février 2019).