Hemmati, Negin / Mirzaei, Ramazan / Soltani, Parham / Berardi, Umberto / SheikhMozafari, Mohammad Javad / Edalat, Hamidreza / Rezaieyan, Ehsan / Taban, Ebrahim (2024): Acoustic and thermal performance of wood strands-rock wool-cement composite boards as eco-friendly construction materials. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 445 (septembre 2024).
Rezaieyan, Ehsan / Taban, Ebrahim / Berardi, Umberto / Mortazavi, Seyyed Bagher / Faridan, Mohammad / Mahmoudi, Elham (2024): Acoustic properties of natural fiber reinforced composite micro-perforated panel (NFRC-MPP) made from cork fiber and polylactic acid (PLA) using 3D printing. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 84 (mai 2024).
Khaled, Khaled / Berardi, Umberto (2023): A cross-climate assessment of the visual and energy performance of flexible photochromic films for in-situ window retrofits. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 300 (décembre 2023).
Berardi, Umberto (2015): Building Energy Consumption in US, EU, and BRIC Countries. Dans: Procedia Engineering, v. 118 ( 2015).
Chen, Yibo / Yang, Jianzhong / Berardi, Umberto / Cui, Guoyou / Li, Ruixin / Li, Nan (2022): Assessments of multiple operation strategies in a passive office Building in Cold Region of China. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 254 (janvier 2022).
Dardir, Mohamed / Berardi, Umberto (2021): Development of microclimate modeling for enhancing neighborhood thermal performance through urban greenery cover. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 252 (décembre 2021).
Khaled, Khaled / Berardi, Umberto (2021): Current and future coating technologies for architectural glazing applications. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 244 (août 2021).
Jandaghian, Zahra / Berardi, Umberto (2020): Comparing urban canopy models for microclimate simulations in Weather Research and Forecasting Models. Dans: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 55 (avril 2020).
Berardi, Umberto (2013): Clarifying the new interpretations of the concept of sustainable building. Dans: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 8 (octobre 2013).
Berardi, Umberto / Soudian, Shahrzad (2018): Benefits of latent thermal energy storage in the retrofit of Canadian high-rise residential buildings. Dans: Building Simulation, v. 11, n. 4 (avril 2018).
Soudian, Shahrzad / Berardi, Umberto (2019): Assessing the effect of night ventilation on PCM performance in high-rise residential buildings. Dans: Journal of Building Physics, v. 43, n. 3 (septembre 2019).
Gradeci, Klodian / Berardi, Umberto (2019): Application of probabilistic approaches to the performance evaluation of building envelopes to withstand mould growth. Dans: Journal of Building Physics, v. 43, n. 3 (septembre 2019).
Berardi, Umberto (2012): A Comparison of Measurement Standard Methods for the Sound Insulation of Building Façades. Dans: Building Acoustics, v. 19, n. 4 (décembre 2012).
Ciaburro, Giuseppe / Berardi, Umberto / Iannace, Gino / Trematerra, Amelia / Puyana-Romero, Virginia (2021): The acoustics of ancient catacombs in Southern Italy. Dans: Building Acoustics, v. 28, n. 4 (mars 2021).
Soudian, Shahrzad / Berardi, Umberto (2021): Development of a performance-based design framework for multi-functional climate-responsive façades. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 231 (janvier 2021).
La Roche, Pablo / Berardi, Umberto (2014): Comfort and energy savings with active green roofs. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 82 (octobre 2014).
Wang, Yupeng / Berardi, Umberto / Akbari, Hashem (2016): Comparing the effects of urban heat island mitigation strategies for Toronto, Canada. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 114 (février 2016).
Chen, Yibo / Tan, Hongwei / Berardi, Umberto (2017): Day-ahead prediction of hourly electric demand in non-stationary operated commercial buildings: A clustering-based hybrid approach. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 148 (août 2017).
Berardi, Umberto (2018): Aerogel-enhanced systems for building energy retrofits: Insights from a case study. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 159 (janvier 2018).
Chen, Yibo / Tan, Hongwei / Berardi, Umberto (2018): A data-driven approach for building energy benchmarking using the Lorenz curve. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 169 (juin 2018).
Jandaghian, Zahra / Berardi, Umberto (2020): Analysis of the cooling effects of higher albedo surfaces during heat waves coupling the Weather Research and Forecasting model with building energy models. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 207 (janvier 2020).
Berardi, Umberto / Zaidi, Syed (Mark) (2019): Characterization of commercial aerogel-enhanced blankets obtained with supercritical drying and of a new ambient pressure drying blanket. Dans: Energy and Buildings, v. 198 (septembre 2019).
Berardi, Umberto / Iannace, Gino (2015): Acoustic characterization of natural fibers for sound absorption applications. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 94 (décembre 2015).
Berardi, Umberto / Wang, Taoning (2014): Daylighting in an atrium-type high performance house. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 76 (juin 2014).
Berardi, Umberto / Iannace, Gino / Ianniello, Carmine (2015): Acoustic Intervention in a Cultural Heritage: The Chapel of the Royal Palace in Caserta, Italy. Dans: Buildings, v. 6, n. 1 (décembre 2015).
Iannace, Gino / Berardi, Umberto / De Rossi, Filippo / Mazza, Salvatore / Trematerra, Amelia / Ciaburro, Giuseppe (2019): Acoustic Enhancement of a Modern Church. Dans: Buildings, v. 9, n. 4 (avril 2019).
Berardi, Umberto / Iannace, Gino / Trematerra, Amelia (2017): The Acoustics of the Double Elliptical Vault of the Royal Palace of Caserta (Italy). Dans: Buildings, v. 7, n. 4 (janvier 2017).
Berardi, Umberto / Pietroforte, Roberto / El-Korchi, Tahar (2014): Acoustics and Lighting Education in Architectural Engineering: Experience of WPI. Dans: Journal of Architectural Engineering (ASCE), v. 20, n. 2 (juin 2014).
Narain, Javed / Jin, Weihua / Ghandehari, Masoud / Wilke, Evan / Shukla, Nitin / Berardi, Umberto / El-Korchi, Tahar / Van Dessel, Steven (2016): Design and Application of Concrete Tiles Enhanced with Microencapsulated Phase-Change Material. Dans: Journal of Architectural Engineering (ASCE), v. 22, n. 1 (mars 2016).