Sousa, Inês / Peres, Rita / Couto, Rita / Bento, Rita / Castro, José Miguel (2025): Numerical Modelling and Damage Assessment Criteria for FRP-Retrofitted RC Columns. Dans: Buildings, v. 15, n. 2 (15 janvier 2025).
Machete, Rita / Neves, Mariana / Ponte, Madalena / Falcão, Ana Paula / Bento, Rita (2023): A BIM-Based Model for Structural Health Monitoring of the Central Body of the Monserrate Palace: A First Approach. Dans: Buildings, v. 13, n. 6 (23 mai 2023).
Romero-Sánchez, Emilio / Morales-Esteban, Antonio / Bento, Rita / Navarro-Casas, Jaime (2023): Numerical modelling for the seismic assessment of complex masonry heritage buildings: the case study of the Giralda tower. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 21, n. 9 (juin 2023).
Sharma, Satyadhrik / Marasca, Alessandro / Ponte, Madalena / Bento, Rita (2022): Modelling the in-plane cyclic behaviour of typical Portuguese rubble stone masonry using the applied element method. Dans: Structures, v. 46 (décembre 2022).
Rahmani, Abdallah Yacine / Badaoui, Mohamed / Bourahla, Nouredine / Bento, Rita (2022): Extension of the improved upper-bound pushover analysis for seismic assessment of steel moment resisting frames with setbacks. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 20, n. 13 (août 2022).
Moreno, Jonatan Villavicencio / Machete, Rita / Falcão, Ana Paula / Gonçalves, Alexandre B. / Bento, Rita (2022): Dynamic Data Feeding into BIM for Facility Management: A Prototype Application to a University Building. Dans: Buildings, v. 12, n. 5 (24 avril 2022).
Xavier, Válter / Couto, Rita / Monteiro, Ricardo / Castro, José Miguel / Bento, Rita (2022): Detailed Structural Characterization of Existing RC Buildings for Seismic Exposure Modelling of the Lisbon Area. Dans: Buildings, v. 12, n. 5 (24 avril 2022).
Malcata, Madalena / Ponte, Madalena / Tiberti, Simone / Bento, Rita / Milani, Gabriele (2020): Failure analysis of a Portuguese cultural heritage masterpiece: Bonet building in Sintra. Dans: Engineering Failure Analysis, v. 115 (septembre 2020).
Ilic, Jelena Milosevic / Bento, Rita / Cattari, Serena (2020): 3DGIS representation for supporting seismic mitigation policies at urban scale: The case study of Lisbon. Dans: Journal of Cultural Heritage, v. 45 (septembre 2020).
Machete, Rita / Falcão, Ana Paula / Gonçalves, Alexandre B. / Godinho, Márcia / Bento, Rita (2021): Development of a Manueline Style Object Library for Heritage BIM. Dans: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 15, n. 12 (avril 2021).
Simões, Ana G. / Bento, Rita / Lagomarsino, Sergio / Cattari, Serena / Lourenço, Paulo B. (2021): Fragility Functions for Tall URM Buildings around Early 20th Century in Lisbon, Part 2: Application to Different Classes of Buildings. Dans: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 15, n. 3 ( 2021).
Milosevic, Jelena / Cattari, Serena / Bento, Rita (2019): Definition of fragility curves through nonlinear static analyses: procedure and application to a mixed masonry-RC building stock. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 18, n. 2 (mai 2019).
Ponte, Madalena / Bento, Rita / Vaz, Silva Daniel (2021): A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to the Seismic Assessment of the National Palace of Sintra. Dans: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 15, n. 5 (septembre 2021).
Nogueiro, Pedro / da Silva, Luís Simões / Bento, Rita / Simões, Rui (2009): Calibration of model parameters for the cyclic response of end-plate beam-to-column steel-concrete composite joints. Dans: Steel and Composite Structures, v. 9, n. 1 (janvier 2009).
Carvalho, Goncalo / Bento, Rita / Bhatt, Carlos (2013): Nonlinear static and dynamic analyses of reinforced concrete buildings - comparison of different modelling approaches. Dans: Earthquakes and Structures, v. 4, n. 5 (mai 2013).
Caruso, Claudia / Bento, Rita / Sousa, Romain / Correia, António A. (2019): Modelling strain penetration effects in RC walls with smooth steel bars. Dans: Magazine of Concrete Research, v. 71, n. 17 (septembre 2019).
Belejo, Andre / Bento, Rita (2016): Improved Modal Pushover Analysis in seismic assessment of asymmetric plan buildings under the influence of one and two horizontal components of ground motions. Dans: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 87 (août 2016).
Caruso, Claudia / Bento, Rita / Castro, José Miguel (2019): A contribution to the seismic performance and loss assessment of old RC wall-frame buildings. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 197 (octobre 2019).
Peres, Rita / Bento, Rita / Castro, José Miguel (2020): Nonlinear Static Seismic Performance Assessment of Plan-Irregular Steel Structures. Dans: Journal of Earthquake Engineering, v. 24, n. 2 ( 2020).
Simões, Ana G. / Bento, Rita / Lagomarsino, Sergio / Cattari, Serena / Lourenço, Paulo B. (2021): Fragility Functions for Tall URM Buildings around Early 20th Century in Lisbon. Part 1: Methodology and Application at Building Level. Dans: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 15, n. 3 ( 2021).
Bhatt, Carlos / Bento, Rita (2011): Comparison of Nonlinear Static Methods for the Seismic Assessment of Plan Irregular Frame Buildings with Non Seismic Details. Dans: Journal of Earthquake Engineering, v. 16, n. 1 ( 2011).
Milosevic, Jelena / Gago, António Sousa / Lopes, Mário / Bento, Rita (2013): Experimental assessment of shear strength parameters on rubble stone masonry specimens. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 47 (octobre 2013).
Milosevic, Jelena / Lopes, Mário / Gago, António Sousa / Bento, Rita (2015): In-plane seismic response of rubble stone masonry specimens by means of static cyclic tests. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 82 (mai 2015).
Miranda, Lisandra / Milosevic, Jelena / Bento, Rita (2017): Cyclic behaviour of stone masonry walls strengthened by grout injection. Dans: Materials and Structures, v. 50, n. 1 (février 2017).
Belejo, Andre / Barbosa, Andre R. / Bento, Rita (2017): Influence of ground motion duration on damage index-based fragility assessment of a plan-asymmetric non-ductile reinforced concrete building. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 151 (novembre 2017).
Rahmani, Abdallah Yacine / Bourahla, Nouredine / Bento, Rita / Badaoui, Mohamed (2017): An improved upper-bound pushover procedure for seismic assessment of high-rise moment resisting steel frames. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 16, n. 1 (juillet 2017).
Meireles, Helena / Bento, Rita / Cattari, Serena / Lagomarsino, Sergio (2012): A hysteretic model for "frontal" walls in Pombalino buildings. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 10, n. 5 (mai 2012).
Simões, Ana / Milosevic, Jelena / Meireles, Helena / Bento, Rita / Cattari, Serena / Lagomarsino, Sergio (2015): Fragility curves for old masonry building types in Lisbon. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 13, n. 10 (avril 2015).
Simões, Ana G. / Appleton, João G. / Bento, Rita / Caldas, João V. / Lourenço, Paulo B. / Lagomarsino, Sergio (2017): Architectural and Structural Characteristics of Masonry Buildings between the 19th and 20th Centuries in Lisbon, Portugal. Dans: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 11, n. 4 ( 2017).
Fagundes, Camila / Bento, Rita / Cattari, Serena (2017): On the seismic response of buildings in aggregate: Analysis of a typical masonry building from Azores. Dans: Structures, v. 10 (mai 2017).