Silva, Matheus de Souza / Bauer, Elton (2024): Thermographic evaluation of cracks of different formats in rendered facades. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 98 (décembre 2024).
Silva, Maykon Vieira / Bauer, Elton (2024): Degradation variability of facades with ceramic coating on buildings in Brasília, Brazil (Variabilidade da degradação de fachadas com revestimento cerâmico em edifícios de Brasília, Brasil). Dans: Ambiente Construído, v. 24 (décembre 2024).
Lopes, Melissa Lorrane Frazão / Bauer, Elton / Silva, Lenildo Santos da (2024): Criteria for identifying anomalies in mortar coating facades (Critérios para a identificação de anomalias em fachadas com revestimento em argamassa). Dans: Ambiente Construído, v. 24 (décembre 2024).
Silva, Matheus de Souza / Bauer, Elton (2024): Thermographic investigation for characterization of cracks in heating and cooling flux: laboratory studies (Investigação termográfica para caracterização de fissuras em fluxo de aquecimento e resfriamento: estudos de laboratório). Dans: Ambiente Construído, v. 24 (décembre 2024).
Souza, Ana Luiza Rocha de / Romeiro, Thalia R. de Lima Meneses / Bauer, Elton (2023): Influence of the Exposure Degree on the Degradation of Facades of Buildings in Brasília—Brazil. Dans: Buildings, v. 14, n. 1 (31 décembre 2023).
Romeiro, Thália Raelly de L. M. / Souza, Ana Luiza Rocha de / Lopes, Melissa Lorrane Frazão / Silva, Matheus de Souza / Bauer, Elton (2022): Classifying the severity levels of cracking anomaly on façades. Dans: Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation, v. 8, n. 1 (26 octobre 2022).
de Andrade, Daiane Teodoro / Bauer, Elton / Souza, Jéssica (2023): Hygrothermal Simulation Applied to Degradation Modeling of Ceramic Facades. Dans: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE), v. 37, n. 1 (février 2023).
Ramos, Ana Lin / Bauer, Elton (2022): Estudo da ação de agentes de degradação de fachadas associados à temperatura e a chuva dirigida em diferentes zonas bioclimáticas brasileiras. Dans: Revista ALCONPAT, v. 12, n. 2 (1 mai 2022).
Bauer, Elton / Souza, Jéssica Siqueira / Mota, Larissa Mara Gonçalves (2021): Degradação de fachadas revestidas em argamassas nos edifícios de Brasília, Brasil. Dans: Ambiente Construído, v. 21, n. 4 (octobre 2021).
Bauer, Elton / Santos Pereira, Carla Cristina Nascimento / da Silva Rêgo, João Henrique / Pereira, Cláudio Henrique De Almeida Feitosa / Kraus Castro, Eliane (2014): Rheology of Cement Mortars with Crushed Fine Aggregates of Different Lithological Types. Dans: Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, v. 8, n. 9 (septembre 2014).
Souza, Jéssica / Silva, Ana / de Brito, Jorge / Dias, Joaquim L. / Bauer, Elton (2020): Evaluation of the Deterioration of Ceramic Claddings by Application of Artificial Neural Networks. Dans: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE), v. 34, n. 5 (octobre 2020).
Zanoni, Vanda Alice Garcia / Sanchez, José Manoel Morales / Bauer, Elton (2018): Métodos para quantificação de chuva dirigida incidente nas fachadas das edificações. Dans: PARC Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, v. 9, n. 2 (juin 2018).
de Freitas Salomão, Maria Cláudia / Bauer, Elton / de Souza Kazmierczak, Claudio (2018): Drying parameters of rendering mortars. Dans: Ambiente Construído, v. 18, n. 2 (avril 2018).
Bauer, Elton / Piazzarollo, Carla Bozzi / de Souza, Jéssica Siqueira / dos Santos, Danilo Gonçalves (2019): Relative importance of pathologies in the severity of facade degradation. Dans: Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation, v. 5, n. 1 (18 novembre 2019).
Bauer, Elton / Peixoto de Freitas, Vasco / Mustelier, Niubis / Barreira, Eva / de Freitas, Sara Stingl (2015): Infrared thermography – evaluation of the results reproducibility. Dans: Structural Survey, v. 33, n. 1 (novembre 2015).
Bauer, Elton / de Sousa, Jose G. G. / Guimarães, Elvio A. / Silva, Francisco Gabriel S. (2007): Study of the laboratory Vane test on mortars. Dans: Building and Environment, v. 42, n. 1 (janvier 2007).
Bauer, Elton / da Silva, Eugênia Fonseca / Gomes de Sousa, José Getulio / de Freitas Salomão, Maria Cláudia (2015): Friction Influence between Particles in the Behavior of Flow of Lime-Rendering Mortars. Dans: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 27, n. 3 (mars 2015).
de Souza, Jessica S. / Bauer, Elton / Nascimento, Matheus L. M. / Capuzzo, Valdirene M. S. / Zanoni, Vanda A. G. (2016): Study of damage distribution and intensity in regions of the facade. Dans: Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation, v. 1, n. 1 (novembre 2016).
Bauer, Elton / Pavón, Elier / Oliveira, Elias / Pereira, Claudio H. F. (2016): Facades inspection with infrared thermography: cracks evaluation. Dans: Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation, v. 1, n. 1 (novembre 2016).
Bauer, Elton / Pavón, Elier / Barreira, Eva / Kraus de Castro, Eliane (2016): Analysis of building facade defects using infrared thermography: Laboratory studies. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 6 (juin 2016).
Souza, Jéssica / Silva, Ana / de Brito, Jorge / Bauer, Elton (2018): Application of a graphical method to predict the service life of adhesive ceramic external wall claddings in the city of Brasília, Brazil. Dans: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 19 (septembre 2018).
Souza, Jéssica / Silva, Ana / de Brito, Jorge / Bauer, Elton (2018): Service life prediction of ceramic tiling systems in Brasília-Brazil using the factor method. Dans: Construction and Building Materials, v. 192 (décembre 2018).
Bauer, Elton / Milhomem, Patrícia Mota / Gimenez Aidar, Luiz Augusto (2018): Evaluating the damage degree of cracking in facades using infrared thermography. Dans: Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, v. 8, n. 3 (juin 2018).