B. K. Bardhan-Roy
- Creative design based on safety and economy. Présenté pendant: Tenth Congress of IABSE = Dixième Congrès de l'AIPC = Zehnter Kongress der IVBH, Tokyo, Japan, 6-11 September 1976. (1976):
- "The Revolution", Blackpool (England). Dans: IABSE Structures, v. 5 ( 1981). (1981):
- German school at Petersham, Surrey (England). Dans: IABSE Structures, v. 5 ( 1981). (1981):
- Designing for frequently occurring loads. Dans: Bâtiment International / Building Research and Practice, v. 6, n. 3 (mai 1978). (1978):
- Prise en compte des charges courantes dans les projets. Dans: Bâtiment International / Building Research and Practice, v. 6, n. 3 (mai 1978). (1978):
- The New South Stand at Upton Park, London. Dans: Structural Engineering International, v. 4, n. 1 (février 1994). (1994):
- Upgrading the South Terrace, Arsenal Football Grounds, London. Dans: Structural Engineering International, v. 4, n. 1 (février 1994). (1994):