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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


Roberto Baraschino ORCID

La bibliographie suivante contient toutes les publications répertoriées dans la base de données qui sont reliées à ce nom en tant qu'auteur, éditeur ou collaborateur.

  1. Cito, Pasquale / Baraschino, Roberto / Iervolino, Iunio: Ground Motion, Estimated Shaking, and Structural Response at Campi Flegrei During Bradyseism. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics.


  2. Baltzopoulos, Georgios / Baraschino, Roberto / Chioccarelli, Eugenio / Cito, Pasquale / Vitale, Antonio / Iervolino, Iunio (2023): Near‐source ground motion in the M7.8 Gaziantep (Turkey) earthquake. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 52, n. 12 (juin 2023).


  3. Iervolino, Iunio / Baraschino, Roberto / Belleri, Andrea / Cardone, Donatello / Della Corte, Gaetano / Franchin, Paolo / Lagomarsino, Sergio / Magliulo, Gennaro / Marchi, Andrea / Penna, Andrea / Viggiani, Luciano R. S. / Zona, Alessandro (2023): Seismic Fragility of Italian Code-Conforming Buildings by Multi-Stripe Dynamic Analysis of Three-Dimensional Structural Models. Dans: Journal of Earthquake Engineering, v. 27, n. 15 (janvier 2023).


  4. Baraschino, Roberto / Baltzopoulos, Georgios / Iervolino, Iunio (2023): A note on peak inelastic displacement as a proxy for structural damage in seismic sequences. Dans: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 44 ( 2023).


  5. Iervolino, Iunio / Baraschino, Roberto / Spillatura, Andrea (2022): Evolution of Seismic Reliability of Code-Conforming Italian Buildings. Dans: Journal of Earthquake Engineering, v. 27, n. 7 (juin 2022).


  6. Baraschino, Roberto / Baltzopoulos, Georgios / Iervolino, Iunio (2021): Reconciling Eurocode 8 Part 1 and Part 2 Two-component Record Selection. Dans: Journal of Earthquake Engineering, v. 26, n. 13 (octobre 2021).


  7. Baraschino, Roberto / Baltzopoulos, Georgios / Iervolino, Iunio (2020): R2R-EU: Software for fragility fitting and evaluation of estimation uncertainty in seismic risk analysis. Dans: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 132 (mai 2020).


  8. Baltzopoulos, Georgios / Baraschino, Roberto / Iervolino, Iunio (2018): On the number of records for structural risk estimation in PBEE. Dans: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 48, n. 5 (25 avril 2018).


  9. Baltzopoulos, Georgios / Baraschino, Roberto / Iervolino, Iunio / Vamvatsikos, Dimitrios (2017): SPO2FRAG: software for seismic fragility assessment based on static pushover. Dans: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 15, n. 10 (mars 2017).


  10. Baltzopoulos, Georgios / Baraschino, Roberto / Iervolino, Iunio / Vamvatsikos, Dimitrios (2018): Dynamic analysis of single-degree-of-freedom systems (DYANAS): A graphical user interface for OpenSees. Dans: Engineering Structures, v. 177 (décembre 2018).


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