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Seismic Vibration Control and Multi-Objective Optimization of Transmission Tower with Tuned Mass Damper Under Near-Fault Pulse-like Ground Motions

Médium: article de revue
Langue(s): anglais
Publié dans: Buildings, , n. 11, v. 14
Page(s): 3572
DOI: 10.3390/buildings14113572

Although the wind load is usually adopted as the governing lateral load in the design of transmission towers, many tall transmission towers may be damaged or even collapse in high seismic intensity areas, especially under near-fault pulse-like ground motions. To study the seismic vibration control effect of a tuned mass damper (TMD) attached to transmission tower, parametric analyses are conducted in SAP2000 through CSI OAPI programming, including TMD parameters such as the mass ratio μ from 0.5% to 10%, the frequency ratio f from 0.7 to 1.2, and the damping ratio ξ from 0.01 to 0.2. Based on the obtained analysis results, artificial neural network (ANN) is trained to predict the vibration reduction ratios of peak responses and the corresponding vibration reduction cost. Finally, the NSGA-III algorithm is adopted to perform the multi-objective optimization of a transmission tower equipped with TMD. Results show that the vibration reduction ratios first increase and then decrease with the increase of frequency ratio, but first increase and then remain stable with the increase of mass ratio and damping ratio. In addition, ANN fitting can accurately predict the nonlinear relationship between TMD parameters and objective functions. Through multi-objective optimization with the NSGA-III algorithm, TMD can simultaneously and significantly reduce different peak responses of transmission towers under near-fault pulse-like ground motions in a cost-effective manner.

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