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Seismic Performance of a Full-Scale Moment-Frame Housing System Constructed with Recycled Tetra Pak (Thermo-Stiffened Polymeric Aluminum Composite)

Auteur(s): ORCID

Médium: article de revue
Langue(s): anglais
Publié dans: Buildings, , n. 5, v. 15
Page(s): 813
DOI: 10.3390/buildings15050813

To address the growing need for sustainable and resilient building materials, the seismic performance of a full-scale moment-frame housing system constructed entirely from recycled Tetra Pak panels (thermo-stiffened polymeric aluminum or TSPA) was evaluated. The study presents an innovative approach to utilizing waste materials for structural applications, emphasizing the lightweight and modular nature of the system. The methodology included material characterization, finite element modeling (FEM), gravitational loading tests, and biaxial shake table tests. Seismic tests applied ground motions corresponding to 31-, 225-, 475-, and 2500-year return periods. Drift profiles and acceleration responses confirmed the elastic behavior of the system, with no residual deformation or structural damage observed, even under simultaneous peak ground accelerations of 0.37 g (x-direction) and 0.52 g (y-direction). Notably, the structure accelerations were amplified to 1.10 g in the y-direction (at the top of the structure), exceeding the design spectrum acceleration of 0.7 g without compromising stiffness or resistance. These results underscore the robust seismic performance of the system. The finite element model of the housing module was validated with the experimental results which predicted the structural response, including natural periods, accelerations, and drift profiles (up to 89% accuracy). The novelty of this research is that it is one of the first to perform shaking table seismic testing on a full-scale housing module made of recycled materials (Tetra Pak), specifically under biaxial motions, providing a unique evaluation of its performance under multidirectional seismic demands. This research also highlights the potential of recycled Tetra Pak materials for sustainable construction, providing an adaptable solution for earthquake-prone regions. The modular design allows for rapid assembly and disassembly, supporting scalability and the circular economy principle.

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