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Seismic Behavior of Concrete Beam-Column Joints Reinforced with Steel-Jacketed Grouting


Médium: article de revue
Langue(s): anglais
Publié dans: Buildings, , n. 10, v. 14
Page(s): 3239
DOI: 10.3390/buildings14103239

Joints in frame structures often fail before beams and columns in an earthquake and are a key part of reinforcement. In this study, to enhance the seismic performance of concrete frame structures, a steel-jacketed grouting composite reinforcement method is proposed by combining reinforcement technology, steel cladding technology, and eco-efficient materials from grouting technology. This method effectively utilizes the advantages of various materials, avoids major demolition and construction, and reduces waste and resource consumption. In order to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the reinforcement method, one of the original joint specimens with a scale of 1:3 and one of the reinforced joint specimens were designed and tested. The experiments involved reversed cyclic testing of beam–column to measure its seismic behavior. The seismic performance indexes such as failure characteristics, hysteretic properties, and the energy dissipation capacity of the specimens were analyzed, and the corresponding finite element model was established. The influence of key parameters such as reinforcement range, steel plate thickness, and grout strength on its seismic performance was explored. The research shows that the method can effectively improve the seismic performance of the joints, and seismic performance indexes such as bearing capacity, ductility, and energy consumption of the specimens are significantly improved. The test results of the established finite element model are in good agreement. The variable parameter analysis of the finite element shows that the thickness of the steel plate has little influence on its bearing capacity. With the increase in the reinforcement range of the clad steel and the strength of the grouting material, the bearing capacity of the specimen increases. The research results can provide a reference for the reinforcement of frame structure joints.

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