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Operationalizing Sustainability in Old Community Renewal: A Post-Occupancy Evaluation of Resident Satisfaction in Chengdu, China


Médium: article de revue
Langue(s): anglais
Publié dans: Buildings, , n. 5, v. 15
Page(s): 725
DOI: 10.3390/buildings15050725

The sustainable renewal of old communities is a key approach to improving residents’ quality of life and optimizing urban stock space. However, the research on the effectiveness of renewal initiatives, particularly regarding resident satisfaction, remains insufficient. This study aimed to develop a structured approach by constructing a sustainable development framework with 28 indicators across five aspects—traffic space, leisure space, green space, sense of belonging, and comfort—to evaluate residents’ satisfaction with both physical and spiritual dimensions. Utilizing the IPA–Kano method, a revised IPA quadrant diagram was generated to guide optimization efforts. This study conducted an extensive survey across 16 communities in Chengdu, China, to identify key patterns and challenges. Based on these insights, four representative projects were selected as case studies. The study revealed that the 28 evaluation indicators were categorized into 12 necessary needs and 16 expectation needs. Furthermore, the community renewal projects in Chengdu place a notably greater emphasis on the spiritual dimension. Specifically, satisfaction scores for 14 indicators—11 related to the material dimension and 3 related to the spiritual dimension—were found to be below the average score of 3.28. Targeted renewal strategies are proposed for these indicators. This method offers valuable insights and references for future old community renewal designs and contributes to the sustainable transformation of urban stock spaces in China.

Copyright: © 2025 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

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