New Insights into Traditional Construction Behind Sibe Dwellings with Swastika Kang for Space Heating in North China
Auteur(s): |
Menglong Zhang
Zhiyuan Shang Keqian Luo Kai Xie |
Médium: | article de revue |
Langue(s): | anglais |
Publié dans: | Buildings, 20 février 2025, n. 5, v. 15 |
Page(s): | 795 |
DOI: | 10.3390/buildings15050795 |
Abstrait: |
Due to massive urbanization and industrialization, modern constructions tend to be designed as technique-dependent, at the cost of high consumption and emissions for indoor environment control such as heating ventilation and air conditioning. Space heating accounts for about 40% of total building energy usage in northern China in winter. This calls for self-reflection and tracing of local traditional architectural wisdom. In this paper, Sibe Traditional Houses were chosen as a typical illustrative example to reveal the building mechanisms behind such local-adaptive traditional constructions. Based on the field investigation in Shifosi Village, a traditional Sibe settlement in Shenyang City, northern China, thermal modeling and indoor heating effects are studied in Sibe Traditional Houses with unique building spatial patterns. The indoor thermal environment is comparatively analyzed for both passive envelope insulation and active heating considerations. Preliminary results indicate that enhancing roof thermal insulation enhancement is the key passive strategy for improving indoor thermal comfort in winter. It also suggests that a space-heating configuration that combines the traditional “kang” with the architectural layout has a more significant effect on the enhancement of indoor thermal comfort in Sibe dwellings. This paper can provide methodological support and an application reference for the improvement of indoor thermal environment of traditional village dwellings. |
Copyright: | © 2025 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. |
License: | Cette oeuvre a été publiée sous la license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY 4.0). Il est autorisé de partager et adapter l'oeuvre tant que l'auteur est crédité et la license est indiquée (avec le lien ci-dessus). Vous devez aussi indiquer si des changements on été fait vis-à-vis de l'original. |
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