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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


An Innovative Steel Sleeve Dry Connection SRCC Frame: Seismic Performance Evaluation


Médium: article de revue
Langue(s): anglais
Publié dans: Buildings, , n. 3, v. 15
Page(s): 307
DOI: 10.3390/buildings15030307

Split reinforced concrete column (SRCC), recognized for their exceptional ductility as seismic members, have faced developmental challenges due to the complexities of on-site casting. This study presents an innovative steel sleeve dry connection assembled SRCC, which is highly modular and simplifies construction, aiming to promote the engineering application of this innovative ductile seismic structural system. This study used a validated 3D finite element (FE) method to analyze internal joint forces. Key parameters influencing joint performance, such as the axial compression ratio (u) and cross-sectional equal division ratio (n), were analyzed in detail. Subsequently, a comparative of dynamic analysis of SRCC and normal reinforced concrete column (NRCC) frames was conducted, leading to recommendations for structural strengthening. The analysis revealed that the sleeve can provide effective protection for the core area of the joint. The ductility of SRCC is 2–3 times higher than that of NRCC. A detailed formula for calculating the shear-bearing capacity of SRCC joints was derived, showing strong agreement with numerical simulations. At a high seismic intensity of 9°, the acceleration response of the SRCC frame is significantly reduced compared to the NRCC frame, with the maximum base shear (MBS) decreasing by approximately 4 times, which significantly enhances its seismic performance. However, due to the larger inter-story displacements, it is necessary to incorporate energy-dissipating braces to comply with code requirements. Collectively, these findings underscored that the proposed SRCC system significantly enhances seismic performance by improving ductility and energy dissipation, providing a robust foundation for future studies and practical applications in seismic design.

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