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  • Base de données et galerie internationale d'ouvrages d'art et du génie civil


Images of Architectural Landmarks Integrated into Spatial Vision Based on Urban Image Theory: A Case Study on the Wuhan Design Biennale Exhibition Space



Médium: article de revue
Langue(s): anglais
Publié dans: Buildings, , n. 4, v. 15
Page(s): 530
DOI: 10.3390/buildings15040530

An exhibition is a complex organic system. The spatial design of an exhibition aims to visualize the ideology of this complex system in space, a process known as visual spatialization. How to integrate landmark buildings in a city into the visual design of large exhibition spaces is an academic and practical issue worth exploring. This study examined the exhibition space design of the Wuhan Design Biennale as a typical case. We conducted a limited survey on Wuhan’s image using the theory of urban image cognition, employing methods such as drawing cognitive maps, interviews, and network search image analysis to extract elements that could represent the image of Wuhan city and reflect Wuhan design in the minds of the public. The study found that: (1) whether it is an image map or a questionnaire, the mention rate of many bridges in Wuhan was very high, becoming an important element of the image of the river city today; (2) in the survey on internet images, the key elements of the “river city image” were more prominent; and (3) the urban image survey helped designers understand the characteristics of the public’s cognition of urban space more comprehensively and meticulously, thereby providing a focus for creative design. This innovative design method has been applied to the exhibition space design of the Wuhan Design Biennale, garnering significant praise for its implementation. This study summarizes the mechanism of integrating landmark buildings in cities into the visual design of large exhibition spaces, hoping to provide a reference for the design of future large exhibition spaces.

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