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Finite Element Method Analysis of Seismic Response of Confined Masonry Walls with Openings Built Using Polyurethane Glue

Auteur(s): ORCID
Médium: article de revue
Langue(s): anglais
Publié dans: Buildings, , n. 3, v. 15
Page(s): 424
DOI: 10.3390/buildings15030424

The seismic response of confined masonry (CM) walls, built from innovative hollow clay blocks featuring large thermal insulation cavities and bonded with polyurethane glue instead of thin-layer mortar, was investigated. A 3D micro-model was subsequently developed in Abaqus and validated against results from cyclic shear tests on full-scale CM wall specimens. Once validated, the model was utilized in an extensive parametric study to investigate the effects of openings on the walls. This parametric study considered the size of the opening, its position, the aspect ratio of the walls, and different sizes of tie-columns. The results showed that the size and placement of openings substantially and negatively affected seismic response, and that the detrimental effects can be alleviated by placing strong tie-columns next to the openings.

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