Energy Performance Indicators for Air-Conditioned Museums in Tropical Climates
Auteur(s): |
Elena Lucchi
Médium: | article de revue |
Langue(s): | anglais |
Publié dans: | Buildings, 23 juillet 2024, n. 8, v. 14 |
Page(s): | 2301 |
DOI: | 10.3390/buildings14082301 |
Abstrait: |
The energy design of museums in developing countries is a subject that has been poorly studied, despite its significant implications for heritage preservation, human comfort, energy efficiency, and environmental sustainability. This study introduces a comprehensive framework of Energy Performance Indicators tailored to air-conditioned museums in tropical regions, which represent the most prevalent museum type. These indicators are particularly important as international standards may not be applicable in these contexts. A comprehensive review of the factors and their design implications is provided at the building, system, and component levels. Efficient integration of lighting and air conditioning systems can optimize energy use while maintaining appropriate conditions for both artefact preservation and visitor comfort. Parameters such as average illuminance, uniformity of lighting, lighting power density and lighting energy use intensity are critical in balancing visual quality and energy efficiency. Recommended values and strategies, such as the use of LED lighting and daylight harvesting, help to minimize energy consumption. In addition, parameters such as power density and energy use intensity of air conditioning systems are essential for assessing their efficiency. Techniques such as the integration of solar-assisted, optimized performance indices can effectively reduce energy consumption. Synthetic indicators for assessing lighting quality and overall energy performance are (i) Average Illuminance Ratio, which assesses the adequacy of lighting in a space by comparing the average measured illuminance with the recommended illuminance levels for that space, and (ii) Energy Use Intensity, which represents the total annual energy consumption per unit area of conditioned space. By adopting these indicators, tropical museums can advance energy efficiency and broader sustainability objectives, taking a significant step towards a more energy-conscious and sustainable future. |
Copyright: | © 2024 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. |
License: | Cette oeuvre a été publiée sous la license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY 4.0). Il est autorisé de partager et adapter l'oeuvre tant que l'auteur est crédité et la license est indiquée (avec le lien ci-dessus). Vous devez aussi indiquer si des changements on été fait vis-à-vis de l'original. |
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