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Comparative Study of ASTM C1202 and IBRACON/NT Build 492 Testing Methods for Assessing Chloride Ion Penetration in Concretes Using Different Types of Cement



Médium: article de revue
Langue(s): anglais
Publié dans: Buildings, , n. 3, v. 15
Page(s): 302
DOI: 10.3390/buildings15030302

Durability is crucial for reinforced concrete, directly influencing the service life of structures. The presence of aggressive agents, especially chloride ions, significantly impacts durability. This study investigates the differences between ASTM C1202 and IBRACON/NT Build 492 standards in concrete containing various types of cement designed for a characteristic compressive strength of 40 MPa. Forty-eight cylindrical samples were prepared using eight types of Portland cement, including those with blast furnace slag, filler, and pozzolanic materials. Chloride migration tests were performed according to the ASTM C1202/2022 and IBRACON/NT Build 492/1999 methodologies. At a 95% confidence level, the results indicated that concrete made with filler-containing cement (PCII F-SR and PC II F) showed the poorest chloride resistance, with charge passing values exceeding 4000 coulombs (ASTM C1202) and diffusion coefficients above 10 × 10−12 m2/s (IBRACON/NT Build 492). In contrast, concrete containing high slag cement (PC III-SR) and pozzolan cement (PC IV) demonstrated superior resistance to chloride penetration, with charge passing values below 1500 coulombs and diffusion coefficients under 5 × 10−12 m2/s. Notably, discrepancies in classification were observed, as PC II Z (fly-ash based) and PC II E-SR (slag-based) received different ratings under the two methods. ASTM C1202 was found to be more stringent than NT Build 492, highlighting significant variations in the classification criteria between these standards. Based on the findings, new interval values are proposed for classifying concrete regarding the risk of chloride ion penetration, particularly for the ASTM C1202 standard, in order to better align with performance-based durability criteria and improve classification accuracy.

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