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Code Requirements for the Seismic Design of Irregular Elevation RC Structures

Auteur(s): ORCID
Médium: article de revue
Langue(s): anglais
Publié dans: Buildings, , n. 5, v. 14
Page(s): 1351
DOI: 10.3390/buildings14051351

The recent seismic activity highlights the crucial need to enhance seismic design and safety assessment methods, particularly for irregular structures, in both new and existing constructions. The present study focuses on structural irregularities in elevation for buildings, as the design of structural systems involves multiple variables that often result in irregularities in many buildings. This work aims to perform a comparative assessment of the criteria adopted for the evaluation of the structural irregularities in elevation present in European and international seismic codes. This paper is structured as follows: Firtsly, it discusses structural irregularities and more specifically the most common types of structural damage due to seismic events. Then, it shows the documented experiences of structural damages in seismic events associated with structural irregularities in China, Italy, Spain, Nepal and Mexico. Additionaly, it discusses the requirements of the standards on irregularities and their limitation in that matter. At the end of this section, the different approaches of each code in irregularities in elevation are compared. All assessed seismic codes addresses the structural irregularity issue, attributing the desired characteristics of a seismic-resistant structure. However, there are considerable development differences between norms, demonstrated on ambiguity of few codes on criteria of vertical irregularies.

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