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Building energy simulations for different building types equipped with a high performance thermochromic smart window


Médium: article de revue
Langue(s): anglais
Publié dans: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, , n. 1, v. 855
Page(s): 012001
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/855/1/012001

With constantly progressing climate change and global warming, we face the challenge to reduce our energy consumption and CO2 emission. To increase the energy-efficiency in buildings, we developed a thermochromic coating for smart windows which is optimized for intermediate climates. Here we present a building energy simulation study for the use of our smart window in the four main residential building types in the Netherlands. In the study we show that for all building types energy savings between 15-30% can be achieved. Hereby the impact of the windows on energy consumption is dependent on the window surface area as well as the total floor space. Furthermore we show that by the use of our new smart window, where the thermochromic coating is combined with a standard low-e coating, annual cost savings for energy between 220-445 € for a single household can be achieved. The thermochromic coating usually accounts for half of these cost savings, that is an addition in cost savings between 6-7.5 €/m² glass. Due to the low material and processing costs for the thermochromic coating, a return on invest within 7 years should be feasible with these annual cost savings.


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