Behavioral Correlation-Based Residential Space Modularization Using Design Structure Matrix and Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm
Auteur(s): |
Fanbo Zeng
Xiaojun Rao Jianhua Lei Xujie Huo Yuan Shi Deng Ai |
Médium: | article de revue |
Langue(s): | anglais |
Publié dans: | Buildings, 18 février 2025, n. 4, v. 15 |
Page(s): | 647 |
DOI: | 10.3390/buildings15040647 |
Abstrait: |
This study introduces an automated method for constructing residential functional modules from the perspective of user behavior. By integrating the design structure matrix (DSM) and Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm (FCM), this approach systematically explores architectural functional modules. The DSM is employed to statistically analyze the correlations between residential behaviors. These correlations are then processed using FCM to generate various module segmentation schemes. The optimal scheme is selected based on modularity calculations. The results demonstrate improved modularity compared to traditional room-based designs, offering a greater variety of combinations and hierarchical organization. This methodology provides architects with a novel approach to address space integration challenges. |
Copyright: | © 2025 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. |
License: | Cette oeuvre a été publiée sous la license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY 4.0). Il est autorisé de partager et adapter l'oeuvre tant que l'auteur est crédité et la license est indiquée (avec le lien ci-dessus). Vous devez aussi indiquer si des changements on été fait vis-à-vis de l'original. |
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