Hurtado-Alonso, Nerea / Manso-Morato, Javier / Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Skaf, Marta (2025): Strength-based RSM optimization of concrete containing coarse recycled concrete aggregate and raw-crushed wind-turbine blade. In: Composite Structures, v. 356 (February 2025).
Manso-Morato, Javier / Hurtado-Alonso, Nerea / Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Skaf, Marta / Ortega-López, Vanesa (2024): Fiber-Reinforced concrete and its life cycle assessment: A systematic review. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 94 (October 2024).
Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Manso-Morato, Javier / Hurtado-Alonso, Nerea / Santamaria, Amaia / San-José, José T. (2024): Degradation under cyclic wet-dry aging of full-scale high-workability concrete maximizing sustainable raw materials. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 20 (July 2024).
Ortega-López, Vanesa / Faleschini, Flora / Hurtado-Alonso, Nerea / Manso-Morato, Javier / Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor (2024): Analysis of raw-crushed wind-turbine blade as an overall concrete addition: Stress–strain and deflection performance effects. In: Composite Structures, v. 340 (July 2024).
Trento, Daniel / Faleschini, Flora / Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Ortega-López, Vanesa (2024): Improving the early-age behavior of concrete containing coarse recycled aggregate with raw-crushed wind-turbine blade. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 92 (September 2024).
Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Faleschini, Flora / Pellegrino, Carlo / Skaf, Marta / Ortega-López, Vanesa (2024): Water transport and porosity trends of concrete containing integral additions of raw-crushed wind-turbine blade. In: Developments in the Built Environment, v. 17 (March 2024).
Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Manso-Morato, Javier / Hurtado-Alonso, Nerea / Skaf, Marta / Ortega-López, Vanesa (2024): Mechanical and environmental advantages of the revaluation of raw-crushed wind-turbine blades as a concrete component. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 82 (April 2024).
Santamaria, Amaia / Ortega-López, Vanesa / Skaf, Marta / Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Manso, J. M. (2024): Electric arc furnace slag in substitution of quartz for surface treatment of concrete paving slabs. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 82 (April 2024).
Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Serrano-López, Roberto / Espinosa, Ana B. / Ortega-López, Vanesa / Skaf, Marta (2023): Analyzing the Relationship between Compressive Strength and Modulus of Elasticity in Concrete with Ladle Furnace Slag. In: Buildings, v. 13, n. 12 (22 November 2023).
Santamaria, Amaia / Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Skaf, Marta / Romera, Jesús M. (2023): Full-scale sustainable structural concrete containing high proportions of by-products and waste. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 18 (July 2023).
Fiol, Francisco / Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Thomas, Carlos / Manso, Juan M. (2023): Self-compacting concrete containing coarse recycled precast-concrete aggregate and its durability in marine-environment-related tests. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 377 (May 2023).
Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Ortega-López, Vanesa / Skaf, Marta / Pasquini, Emiliano / Pasetto, Marco (2021): Preliminary Validation of Steel Slag-Aggregate Concrete for Rigid Pavements: A Full-Scale Study. In: Infrastructures, v. 6, n. 5 (May 2021).
Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Shi, Jin-yan / Skaf, Marta / Ortega-López, Vanesa / Manso, Juan M. (2022): Non-destructive density-corrected estimation of the elastic modulus of slag-cement self-compacting concrete containing recycled aggregate. In: Developments in the Built Environment, v. 12 (December 2022).
Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Skaf, Marta / Ortega-López, Vanesa / Manso, Juan M. (2023): Multi-parametric flowability classification of self-compacting concrete containing sustainable raw materials: An approach to real applications. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 63 (January 2023).
Ortega-López, Vanesa / Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Santamaria, Amaia / Orbe, Aimar / Skaf, Marta (2022): Microstructure and Dimensional Stability of Slag-Based High-Workability Concrete with Steelmaking Slag Aggregate and Fibers. In: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 34, n. 9 (September 2022).
Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Ortega-López, Vanesa / Faleschini, Flora / Espinosa, Ana B. / Serrano-López, Roberto (2022): Hammer rebound index as an overall-mechanical-quality indicator of self-compacting concrete containing recycled concrete aggregate. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 347 (September 2022).
Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Chica Páez, José Antonio / De la Fuente Alonso, José Antonio / Briz Blanco, Estibaliz / Hernández Bagages, Jorge / Ortega-López, Vanesa: Evaluación del comportamiento de un hormigón autocompactante con árido reciclado grueso y fino. In: Hormigón y acero.
Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Skaf, Marta / Santamaria, Amaia / Espinosa, Ana B. / Ortega-López, Vanesa (2022): Self-compacting concrete with recycled concrete aggregate subjected to alternating-sign temperature variations: Thermal strain and damage. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 17 (December 2022).
Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Ortega-López, Vanesa / Skaf, Marta / Khan, Asad-ur-Rehman / Manso, Juan M. (2022): Deformational behavior of self-compacting concrete containing recycled aggregate, slag cement and green powders under compression and bending: Description and prediction adjustment. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 54 (August 2022).
Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Evangelista, Luís / de Brito, Jorge / Skaf, Marta / Ortega-López, Vanesa (2022): Mechanical performance and autogenous and drying shrinkage of MgO-based recycled aggregate high-performance concrete. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 314 (January 2022).
Ortega-López, Vanesa / Faleschini, Flora / Pellegrino, Carlo / Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Manso, Juan M. (2022): Validation of slag-binder fiber-reinforced self-compacting concrete with slag aggregate under field conditions: Durability and real strength development. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 320 (February 2022).
Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Skaf, Marta / Santamaria, Amaia / Ortega-López, Vanesa / Manso, Juan Manuel (2021): Assessment of longitudinal and transversal plastic behavior of recycled aggregate self-compacting concrete: A two-way study. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 292 (July 2021).
Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Skaf, Marta / Serrano-López, Roberto / Ortega-López, Vanesa (2021): Models for compressive strength estimation through non-destructive testing of highly self-compacting concrete containing recycled concrete aggregate and slag-based binder. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 280 (April 2021).
Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Ortega-López, Vanesa / Skaf, Marta / Fiol, Francisco / Manso, Juan Manuel (2022): ¿Por qué el efecto del árido de hormigón reciclado en la resistencia a compresión del hormigón autocompactante no es homogéneo? Una revisión bibliográfica. In: Informes de la Construcción, v. 74, n. 565 (9 March 2022).
Santamaria, Amaia / Romera, Jesús María / Marcos, Ignacio / Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Ortega-López, Vanesa (2022): Shear strength assessment of reinforced concrete components containing EAF steel slag aggregates. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 46 (April 2022).
Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Faleschini, Flora / Zanini, Mariano A. / Skaf, Marta / Ortega-López, Vanesa (2021): Porosity-based models for estimating the mechanical properties of self-compacting concrete with coarse and fine recycled concrete aggregate. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 44 (December 2021).
Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Evangelista, Luís / de Brito, Jorge / Ortega-López, Vanesa / Manso, Juan M. (2021): Effect of the maturity of recycled aggregates on the mechanical properties and autogenous and drying shrinkage of high-performance concrete. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 299 (September 2021).
Ortega-López, Vanesa / García-Llona, Aratz / Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Santamaria, Amaia / San-José, José T. (2021): Fiber-reinforcement and its effects on the mechanical properties of high-workability concretes manufactured with slag as aggregate and binder. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 43 (November 2021).
Santamaria, Amaia / García-Llona, Aratz / Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Piñero, Ignacio / Ortega-López, Vanesa (2021): Bending tests on building beams containing electric arc furnace slag and alternative binders and manufactured with energy-saving placement techniques. In: Structures, v. 32 (August 2021).
Revilla-Cuesta, Víctor / Ortega-López, Vanesa / Skaf, Marta / Manso, Juan Manuel (2020): Effect of fine recycled concrete aggregate on the mechanical behavior of self-compacting concrete. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 263 (December 2020).