H. J. Liu
- Wind load analysis for rooftop solar photovoltaic panels in the presence of building interference: A wind tunnel study. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 100 ( 2025). (2025):
- Wind loads on rooftop solar photovoltaic panels oriented with varying azimuth angles: A comprehensive wind tunnel analysis. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 92 (September 2024). (2024):
- Aerodynamic analysis of vertical axis wind turbines at various turbulent levels: Insights from 3D LES simulations. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 94 (October 2024). (2024):
- Investigation into the effect of rounded building corner on wind loads of flat-roof-mounted solar arrays. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 87 (June 2024). (2024):
- Wind loading characteristics and roof zoning of solar arrays mounted on flat-roofed tall buildings. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 66 (May 2023). (2023):
- Structural damage detection of controlled building structures using frequency response functions. In: Journal of Sound and Vibration, v. 331, n. 15 (July 2012). (2012):
- Integration of health monitoring and vibration control for smart building structures with time-varying structural parameters and unknown excitations. In: Smart Structures and Systems, v. 15, n. 3 (March 2015). (2015):
- Experimental investigation of wind characteristics and wind energy potential over rooftops: Effects of building parameters. In: Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, v. 205 (October 2020). (2020):
- Global seismic performance of a new precast CFST column to RC beam braced frame: Shake table test and numerical study. In: Steel and Composite Structures, v. 21, n. 4 ( 2016). (2016):
- Hybrid platform for vibration control of high-tech equipment in buildings subject to ground motion. Part 1: experiment. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 32, n. 8 (10 July 2003). (2003):
- Hybrid platform for vibration control of high-tech equipment in buildings subject to ground motion. Part 2: analysis. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 32, n. 8 (10 July 2003). (2003):
- Microvibration control platform for high technology facilities subject to traffic-induced ground motion. In: Engineering Structures, v. 25, n. 8 (July 2003). (2003):
- An efficient algorithm for simultaneous identification of time-varying structural parameters and unknown excitations of a building structure. In: Engineering Structures, v. 98 (September 2015). (2015):
- Control–structure interaction for micro-vibration structural control. In: Smart Materials and Structures, v. 21, n. 10 (October 2012). (2012):