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  • International Database and Gallery of Structures


Waldo Bustamante ORCID

The following bibliography contains all publications indexed in this database that are linked with this name as either author, editor or any other kind of contributor.

  1. Flamant, Gilles / Bustamante, Waldo / Janssens, Arnold / Laverge, Jelle / Jorquera, Héctor (2025): Evaluation of environmental and indoor air quality in new and renovated social housing units in Chile. In: Building and Environment, v. 274 (April 2025).


  2. Flamant, Gilles / Bustamante, Waldo / Schmitt, Cristian / Bunster, Victor / Osorio, César (2022): Thermal and environmental evaluation of mid-rise social housing retrofit under different climate conditions. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 46 (April 2022).


  3. García, Mauricio / Vera, Sergio / Rouault, Fabien / Gironás, Jorge / Bustamante, Waldo (2022): Cooling potential of greenery systems for a stand-alone retail building under semiarid and humid subtropical climates. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 259 (March 2022).


  4. Flamant, Gilles / Bustamante, Waldo / Tzempelikos, Athanasios / Vera, Sergio (2022): Evaluation of view clarity through solar shading fabrics. In: Building and Environment, v. 212 (March 2022).


  5. Viecco, Margareth / Jorquera, Héctor / Sharma, Ashish / Bustamante, Waldo / Fernando, Harindra J. S. / Vera, Sergio (2021): Green roofs and green walls layouts for improved urban air quality by mitigating particulate matter. In: Building and Environment, v. 204 (October 2021).


  6. Uribe, Daniel / Bustamante, Waldo / Vera, Sergio (2018): Potential of perforated exterior louvers to improve the comfort and energy performance of an office space in different climates. In: Building Simulation, v. 11, n. 4 (April 2018).


  7. Vera, Sergio / Bustamante, Waldo / Molina, Germán / Uribe, Daniel (2015): A flexible and time-efficient schedule-based communication tool for integrated lighting and thermal simulations of spaces with controlled artificial lighting and complex fenestration systems. In: Journal of Building Performance Simulation, v. 9, n. 4 (September 2015).


  8. Molina, Germán / Bustamante, Waldo / Rao, Jiwu / Fazio, Paul / Vera, Sergio (2014): Evaluation of radiance's genBSDF capability to assess solar bidirectional properties of complex fenestration systems. In: Journal of Building Performance Simulation, v. 8, n. 4 (September 2014).


  9. Pino, Alan / Bustamante, Waldo / Escobar, Rodrigo / Encinas Pino, Felipe (2012): Thermal and lighting behavior of office buildings in Santiago of Chile. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 47 (April 2012).


  10. Vera, Sergio / Pinto, Camilo / Tabares-Velasco, Paulo Cesar / Bustamante, Waldo / Victorero, Felipe / Gironás, Jorge / Bonilla, Carlos A. (2017): Influence of vegetation, substrate, and thermal insulation of an extensive vegetated roof on the thermal performance of retail stores in semiarid and marine climates. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 146 (July 2017).


  11. Vera, Sergio / Pinto, Camilo / Tabares-Velasco, Paulo Cesar / Molina, Germán / Flamant, Gilles / Bustamante, Waldo / Pianella, Andrea / Kincaid, Nicholas (2019): Analysis and comparison of two vegetative roof heat and mass transfer models in three different climates. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 202 (November 2019).


  12. Vera, Sergio / Uribe, Daniel / Bustamante, Waldo / Molina, Germán (2017): Optimization of a fixed exterior complex fenestration system considering visual comfort and energy performance criteria. In: Building and Environment, v. 113 (February 2017).


  13. Vera, Sergio / Cortés, Magdalena / Rao, Jiwu / Fazio, Paul / Bustamante, Waldo (2015): Evaluación de modelos de turbulencia para predecir los flujos de masa de aire interzonas a través de una abertura de escalera para la convección natural y mixta en los edificios. In: Revista Ingeniería de Construcción, v. 30, n. 2 (August 2015).


  14. Cortés, Magdalena / Fazio, Paul / Rao, Jiwu / Bustamante, Waldo / Vera, Sergio (2014): Modelación CFD de casos básicos de convección en ambientes cerrados: Necesidades de principiantes en CFD para adquirir habilidades y confianza en la modelación CFD. In: Revista Ingeniería de Construcción, v. 29, n. 1 ( 2014).


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