Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering - v. 109, n. 4 (November 1983)
Erschienen: | November 1983 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Joshi, Prakash B. / Taylor, R. Bruce | Circulation Induced by Tidal Jets | 445-464 |
Chieh, Shih‐Huang / Wake, Akio / Rumer, Ralph R. | Ice Forecasting Model for Lake Erie | 392-415 |
Kobayashi, Nobuhisa / Reece, Allan M. | Irregular Wave Overtopping on Gravel Islands | 429-444 |
Seelig, William N. | Laboratory Study of Reef‐Lagoon System Hydraulics | 380-391 |
Ismail, Nabil M. / Wiegel, Robert L. | Opposing Wave Effect on Momentum Jets Spreading Rate | 465-483 |
van de Kreeke, Jacobus | Residence Time: Application to Small Boat Basins | 416-428 |
Barik, Kapil C. / Paramasivam, Veln | Response Analysis of Offshore Structures | 363-379 |
Kirkgoz, M. Salih | Secondary Pressures of Waves Breaking on Seawall | 487-490 |
Seelig, William N. | Understanding Beach Erosion and Accretion | 490-494 |